nds32: Avoid IEX status being incorrectly modified
In order for kernel to capture each denormalized output, the UDF
trapping enable bit is always raised in $fpcsr. Because underflow case will
issue not an underflow exception but also an inexact exception, it causes
that the IEX, IEX cumulative exception, flag in $fpcsr to be raised in each
denormalized output handling. To make the emulation transparent to the
user, the emulator needs to clear the IEX flag in $fpcsr if the result is a
denormalized number. However, if the IEX flag has been raised before this
floating point emulation, this cleanup may be incorrect. To avoid the IEX
flags in $fpcsr be raised in each denormalized output handling, the IEX
trap shall be always enabled.
Signed-off-by: Vincent Chen <vincentc@andestech.com>
Acked-by: Greentime Hu <greentime@andestech.com>
Signed-off-by: Greentime Hu <greentime@andestech.com>
9 files changed