drm/i915/hdcp: Mandate (seq_num_V==0) at first RecvId msg
HDCP Repeater initializes seq_num_V to 0 at the beginning of
hdcp Session i.e. after AKE_init received, refer
HDCP 2.2 Spec HDMI PAGE 19, DP PAGE 20.
HDCP 2.2 Comp specs 1B-06 test verifies that whether DUT
considers failure of authentication if the repeater provides a
non-zero value in seq_num_V in the first,
RepeaterAuth_Send_ReceiverID_List message.
Make sure that HDCP repeater initializes seq_num_V to zero at
beginning of session i.e. after AKE_Init, fail the Auth if
there is non zero seq_num_V.
- Used existing hdcp2_encrypted flag instead of
declaring new flag. [Ram]
Cc: Ramalingam C <ramalingam.c@intel.com>
Reviewed-by: Ramalingam C <ramalingam.c@intel.com>
Signed-off-by: Anshuman Gupta <anshuman.gupta@intel.com>
Signed-off-by: Ramalingam C <ramalingam.c@intel.com>
Link: https://patchwork.freedesktop.org/patch/msgid/20200220123217.23635-2-anshuman.gupta@intel.com
1 file changed