staging: wilc1000: match argument name of wilc_add_rx_gtk declaration
Some argument name of wilc_add_rx_gtk declaration is different to those
of this function definition. It is changed as same name of this function
declaration and definition.
Signed-off-by: Chaehyun Lim <>
Signed-off-by: Greg Kroah-Hartman <>
diff --git a/drivers/staging/wilc1000/host_interface.h b/drivers/staging/wilc1000/host_interface.h
index 02c10171..6a5f3bd 100644
--- a/drivers/staging/wilc1000/host_interface.h
+++ b/drivers/staging/wilc1000/host_interface.h
@@ -317,10 +317,10 @@
u8 mode, u8 cipher_mode, u8 index);
s32 wilc_get_inactive_time(struct wilc_vif *vif, const u8 *mac,
u32 *pu32InactiveTime);
-int wilc_add_rx_gtk(struct wilc_vif *vif, const u8 *pu8RxGtk, u8 u8GtkKeylen,
- u8 u8KeyIdx, u32 u32KeyRSClen, const u8 *KeyRSC,
- const u8 *pu8RxMic, const u8 *pu8TxMic, u8 mode,
- u8 u8Ciphermode);
+int wilc_add_rx_gtk(struct wilc_vif *vif, const u8 *rx_gtk, u8 gtk_key_len,
+ u8 index, u32 key_rsc_len, const u8 *key_rsc,
+ const u8 *rx_mic, const u8 *tx_mic, u8 mode,
+ u8 cipher_mode);
s32 wilc_add_tx_gtk(struct host_if_drv *hWFIDrv, u8 u8KeyLen,
u8 *pu8TxGtk, u8 u8KeyIdx);
s32 wilc_set_pmkid_info(struct wilc_vif *vif,