net/mlx5e: Fix 50G per lane indication
Some released FW versions mistakenly don't set the capability that 50G
per lane link-modes are supported for VFs (ptys_extended_ethernet
capability bit). When the capability is unset, read
PTYS.ext_eth_proto_capability (always reliable).
If PTYS.ext_eth_proto_capability is valid (has a non-zero value)
conclude that the HCA supports 50G per lane. Otherwise, conclude that
the HCA doesn't support 50G per lane.
Fixes: a08b4ed1373d ("net/mlx5: Add support to ext_* fields introduced in Port Type and Speed register")
Signed-off-by: Aya Levin <>
Reviewed-by: Eran Ben Elisha <>
Signed-off-by: Saeed Mahameed <>
3 files changed