selftests: forwarding: Add
1. speeds_arr_get
The function returns an array of speed values from
/usr/include/linux/ethtool.h The array looks as follows:
[10baseT/Half] = 0,
[10baseT/Full] = 1,
2. ethtool_set:
params: cmd
The function runs ethtool by cmd (ethtool -s cmd) and checks if
there was an error in configuration
3. dev_speeds_get:
params: dev, with_mode (0 or 1), adver (0 or 1)
return value: Array of supported/Advertised link modes
with/without mode
* Example 1:
speeds_get swp1 0 0
return: 1000 10000 40000
* Example 2:
speeds_get swp1 1 1
return: 1000baseKX/Full 10000baseKR/Full 40000baseCR4/Full
4. common_speeds_get:
params: dev1, dev2, with_mode (0 or 1), adver (0 or 1)
return value: Array of common speeds of dev1 and dev2
* Example:
common_speeds_get swp1 swp2 0 0
return: 1000 10000
Assuming that swp1 supports 1000 10000 40000 and swp2 supports
1000 10000
Signed-off-by: Amit Cohen <>
Signed-off-by: Ido Schimmel <>
Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
1 file changed