scsi: zfcp: decouple our scsi_eh callbacks from scsi_cmnd

Note: zfcp_scsi_eh_host_reset_handler() will be converted in a later patch.

zfcp_scsi_eh_device_reset_handler() now only depends on scsi_device.
zfcp_scsi_eh_target_reset_handler() now only depends on scsi_target.
All derive other objects from these intended callback arguments.

zfcp_scsi_eh_target_reset_handler() is special: The FCP channel requires a
valid LUN handle so we try to find ourselves a stand-in scsi_device as
suggested by Hannes Reinecke. If it cannot find a stand-in scsi device,
trace a record like the following (formatted with zfcpdbf from s390-tools):

Timestamp      : ...
Area           : SCSI
Subarea        : 00
Level          : 1
Exception      : -
CPU ID         : ..
Caller         : 0x...
Record ID      : 1
Tag            : tr_nosd        target reset, no SCSI device
Request ID     : 0x0000000000000000                     none (invalid)
SCSI ID        : 0x00000000     SCSI ID/target denoting scope
SCSI LUN       : 0xffffffff                             none (invalid)
SCSI LUN high  : 0xffffffff                             none (invalid)
SCSI result    : 0x00002003     field re-used for midlayer value: FAILED
SCSI retries   : 0xff                                   none (invalid)
SCSI allowed   : 0xff                                   none (invalid)
SCSI scribble  : 0xffffffffffffffff                     none (invalid)
SCSI opcode    : ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff    none (invalid)
FCP rsp inf cod: 0xff                                   none (invalid)
FCP rsp IU     : 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000    none (invalid)
                 00000000 00000000

Actually change the signature of zfcp_task_mgmt_function() used by
zfcp_scsi_eh_device_reset_handler() & zfcp_scsi_eh_target_reset_handler().
Since it was prepared in a previous patch, we only need to delete a local
auto variable which is now the intended argument.

Suggested-by: Hannes Reinecke <>
Signed-off-by: Steffen Maier <>
Reviewed-by: Benjamin Block <>
Signed-off-by: Martin K. Petersen <>
1 file changed