arm64: dts: juno: Fix UART frequency

Older versions of the Juno *SoC* TRM [1] recommended that the UART clock
source should be 7.2738 MHz, whereas the *system* TRM [2] stated a more
correct value of 7.3728 MHz. Somehow the wrong value managed to end up in
our DT.

Doing a prime factorisation, a modulo divide by 115200 and trying
to buy a 7.2738 MHz crystal at your favourite electronics dealer suggest
that the old value was actually a typo. The actual UART clock is driven
by a PLL, configured via a parameter in some board.txt file in the
firmware, which reads 7.37 MHz (sic!).

Fix this to correct the baud rate divisor calculation on the Juno board.


Fixes: 71f867ec130e ("arm64: Add Juno board device tree.")
Signed-off-by: Andre Przywara <>
Acked-by: Liviu Dudau <>
Signed-off-by: Sudeep Holla <>
1 file changed