staging: lustre: prevent assert on LNet module unload

There is a use case where lnet can be unloaded while there are
no NIs configured.  Removing lnet in this case will cause
LNetFini() to be called without a prior call to LNetNIFini().
This will cause the LASSERT(the_lnet.ln_refcount == 0) to be

To deal with this use case when LNet is configured a reference
count on the module is taken using try_module_get().  This way
LNet must be unconfigured before it could be removed; therefore
avoiding the above case.  When LNet is unconfigured module_put()
is called to return the reference count.

Signed-off-by: Amir Shehata <>
Reviewed-by: James Simmons <>
Reviewed-by: Doug Oucharek <>
Reviewed-by: Oleg Drokin <>
Signed-off-by: Greg Kroah-Hartman <>
1 file changed