can: flexcan: add correctable errors correction when HW supports ECC
commit cdce844865be ("can: flexcan: add vf610 support for FlexCAN")
From above commit by Stefan Agner, the patch just disables
non-correctable errors interrupt and freeze mode. It still can correct
the correctable errors since ECC enabled by default after reset (MECR[ECCDIS]=0,
enable memory error correct) if HW supports ECC.
commit 5e269324db5a ("can: flexcan: disable completely the ECC mechanism")
From above commit by Joakim Zhang, the patch disables ECC completely (assert
MECR[ECCDIS]) according to the explanation of FLEXCAN_QUIRK_DISABLE_MECR that
disable memory error detection. This cause correctable errors cannot be
corrected even HW supports ECC.
The error correction mechanism ensures that in this 13-bit word, errors
in one bit can be corrected (correctable errors) and errors in two bits can
be detected but not corrected (non-correctable errors). Errors in more than
two bits may not be detected.
If HW supports ECC, we can use this to correct the correctable errors detected
from FlexCAN memory. Then disable non-correctable errors interrupt and freeze
mode to avoid that put FlexCAN in freeze mode.
This patch adds correctable errors correction when HW supports ECC, and
modify explanation for FLEXCAN_QUIRK_DISABLE_MECR.
Signed-off-by: Joakim Zhang <>
Signed-off-by: Marc Kleine-Budde <>
1 file changed