drm/i915/gvt: Separate cmd scan from request allocation

Currently i915 request structure and shadow ring buffer are allocated
before command scan, so it will have to restore to previous states once
any error happens afterwards in the long dispatch_workload path.

This patch is to introduce a reserved ring buffer created at the beginning
of vGPU initialization. Workload will be coped to this reserved buffer and
be scanned first, the i915 request and shadow ring buffer are only
allocated after the result of scan is successful.

To balance the memory usage and buffer alloc time, the coming bigger ring
buffer will be reallocated and kept until more bigger buffer is coming.

- use kmalloc for the smaller ring buffer, realloc if required. (Zhenyu)

- remove the dynamically allocated ring buffer. (Zhenyu)

- code style polish.
- kfree previous allocated buffer once kmalloc failed. (Zhenyu)

Signed-off-by: fred gao <fred.gao@intel.com>
Signed-off-by: Zhenyu Wang <zhenyuw@linux.intel.com>
4 files changed