add script to set a consistent wifi mac address

This sets the MAC address on boot using the device serial number or
falling back to a random value. The MAC is saved to userdata so if it is
generated randomly it will be consistent until factory reset
diff --git a/sepolicy/set_wlan_mac.te b/sepolicy/set_wlan_mac.te
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff34638
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sepolicy/set_wlan_mac.te
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+type set_wlan_mac, domain, coredomain;
+type set_wlan_mac_exec, exec_type, system_file_type, file_type;
+allow set_wlan_mac proc_cmdline:file { open read };
+allow set_wlan_mac rootfs:dir { open read };
+allow set_wlan_mac self:capability net_admin;
+allow set_wlan_mac self:netlink_route_socket { bind create getattr nlmsg_read nlmsg_readpriv nlmsg_write read setopt write };
+allow set_wlan_mac self:udp_socket { create ioctl };
+allow set_wlan_mac shell_exec:file { execute getattr map read };
+allow set_wlan_mac system_file:file execute_no_trans;
+allow set_wlan_mac toolbox_exec:file { execute execute_no_trans getattr map open read };
+allow set_wlan_mac system_data_root_file:file { getattr open read };
+allow set_wlan_mac net_data_file:dir search;
+allow set_wlan_mac self:capability sys_module;
\ No newline at end of file