rmtfs: Update to latest version

Commit b08ef6f ("Use fdatasync instead of O_SYNC on storage")

This version adds support for newer devices that use PAS and not MSA.
6 files changed
tree: d98d7f62d42f1357e3baa71b1b263299a4c1c643
  1. axolotl/
  2. beryllium/
  3. build/
  4. enchilada/
  5. etc/
  6. gralloc/
  7. health/
  8. liblight/
  9. libmemtrack/
  10. overlay/
  11. prebuilt-kernel/
  12. qcom/
  13. seccomp_policy/
  14. sepolicy/
  15. Android.bp
  16. Android.mk
  17. AndroidProducts.mk
  18. axolotl.mk
  19. beryllium.mk
  20. BoardConfigCommon.mk
  21. common.kl
  22. compatibility_matrix.xml
  23. device-common.mk
  24. enchilada.mk
  25. init.common.rc
  26. init.common.usb.rc
  27. manifest.xml
  28. README.md
  29. ueventd.common.rc

device/generic/sdm845 (AOSP device config for SDM845 devices)

This device repo aims to support booting AOSP on SDM845 devices supported by the mainline Linux kernel.

For more information, please check out the wiki.