vibrator: don't fail on devices without haptics

Previously on kernels which don't have haptics support the service would
fail and cause Android UI not to start. Stub out support instead so that
Android will still start, just without haptics.
diff --git a/vibrator/Vibrator.h b/vibrator/Vibrator.h
index 8e6140d..c86e99c 100644
--- a/vibrator/Vibrator.h
+++ b/vibrator/Vibrator.h
@@ -90,6 +90,11 @@
 	std::string mInputDevPath;
 	int mfd;
 	int mActiveEffectId;
+	// If the haptics device path is invalid
+	// the just stub all behaviour. Otherwise
+	// the device will fail to boot because the haptics
+	// service keeps crashing.
+	bool mIsStub;
 	// Look up table of effects by type and strength
 	std::map<int, struct ff_effect> mEffects;