WIP: sepolicy: mostly fixup graphics denials

Still not done, need androidboot.selinux=permissive to get to UI.

~#============= platform_app ==============

~#!!!! This avc is a constraint violation.  You would need to modify the attributes of either the source or target types to allow this access.
~#Constraint rule:
~#       mlsconstrain file { write setattr append unlink link rename } ((t2 == app_data_file_type -Fail-)  or (t2 == appdomain_tmpfs -Fail-)  or (l1 eq l2 -Fail-)  or (t1 == mlstrustedsubject -Fail-)  or (t2 == mlstrustedobject -Fail-) ); Constraint DENIED

~#       Possible cause is the source level (s0:c512,c768) and target level (s0) are different.
allow platform_app hal_graphics_allocator_default_tmpfs:file write;
allow platform_app tmpfs:file { read write };
8 files changed
tree: 9e5b700735ca1b7cb2431817598c434fd7530977
  1. axolotl/
  2. beryllium/
  3. build/
  4. enchilada/
  5. etc/
  6. gralloc/
  7. health/
  8. liblight/
  9. libmemtrack/
  10. overlay/
  11. prebuilt-kernel/
  12. qcom/
  13. seccomp_policy/
  14. sepolicy/
  15. Android.bp
  16. Android.mk
  17. AndroidProducts.mk
  18. axolotl.mk
  19. beryllium.mk
  20. BoardConfigCommon.mk
  21. common.kl
  22. compatibility_matrix.xml
  23. device-common.mk
  24. enchilada.mk
  25. init.common.rc
  26. init.common.usb.rc
  27. manifest.xml
  28. README.md
  29. ueventd.common.rc

device/generic/sdm845 (AOSP device config for SDM845 devices)

This device repo aims to support booting AOSP on SDM845 devices supported by the mainline Linux kernel.

For more information, please check out the wiki.