Port to binder based keymaster hal
Bug: 32020919
Change-Id: If45ece76fdaf4d2c80eddc537e429633e4d42f9d
diff --git a/Android.mk b/Android.mk
index e5eb89d..5ddeda1 100644
--- a/Android.mk
+++ b/Android.mk
@@ -53,10 +53,11 @@
libselinux \
libutils \
libhardware \
- libsoftkeymaster \
libbase \
- libsoftkeymasterdevice \
- libkeymaster_messages \
+ libhwbinder \
+ libhidlbase \
+ android.hardware.keymaster@3.0 \
+ libkeystore_binder
common_static_libraries := \
libbootloader_message \
diff --git a/KeyStorage.cpp b/KeyStorage.cpp
index e6c91f5..9cb8ca0 100644
--- a/KeyStorage.cpp
+++ b/KeyStorage.cpp
@@ -38,7 +38,8 @@
#include <hardware/hw_auth_token.h>
-#include <keymaster/authorization_set.h>
+#include <keystore/authorization_set.h>
+#include <keystore/keystore_hidl_support.h>
extern "C" {
@@ -47,6 +48,7 @@
namespace android {
namespace vold {
+using namespace keystore;
const KeyAuthentication kEmptyAuthentication{"", ""};
@@ -100,15 +102,15 @@
static bool generateKeymasterKey(Keymaster& keymaster, const KeyAuthentication& auth,
const std::string& appId, std::string* key) {
- auto paramBuilder = keymaster::AuthorizationSetBuilder()
+ auto paramBuilder = AuthorizationSetBuilder()
.AesEncryptionKey(AES_KEY_BYTES * 8)
- .Authorization(keymaster::TAG_BLOCK_MODE, KM_MODE_GCM)
- .Authorization(keymaster::TAG_MIN_MAC_LENGTH, GCM_MAC_BYTES * 8)
- .Authorization(keymaster::TAG_PADDING, KM_PAD_NONE);
- addStringParam(¶mBuilder, keymaster::TAG_APPLICATION_ID, appId);
+ .Authorization(TAG_BLOCK_MODE, BlockMode::GCM)
+ .Authorization(TAG_MIN_MAC_LENGTH, GCM_MAC_BYTES * 8)
+ .Authorization(TAG_PADDING, PaddingMode::NONE)
+ .Authorization(TAG_APPLICATION_ID, blob2hidlVec(appId));
if (auth.token.empty()) {
LOG(DEBUG) << "Creating key that doesn't need auth token";
- paramBuilder.Authorization(keymaster::TAG_NO_AUTH_REQUIRED);
+ paramBuilder.Authorization(TAG_NO_AUTH_REQUIRED);
} else {
LOG(DEBUG) << "Auth token required for key";
if (auth.token.size() != sizeof(hw_auth_token_t)) {
@@ -117,25 +119,25 @@
return false;
const hw_auth_token_t* at = reinterpret_cast<const hw_auth_token_t*>(auth.token.data());
- paramBuilder.Authorization(keymaster::TAG_USER_SECURE_ID, at->user_id);
- paramBuilder.Authorization(keymaster::TAG_USER_AUTH_TYPE, HW_AUTH_PASSWORD);
- paramBuilder.Authorization(keymaster::TAG_AUTH_TIMEOUT, AUTH_TIMEOUT);
+ paramBuilder.Authorization(TAG_USER_SECURE_ID, at->user_id);
+ paramBuilder.Authorization(TAG_USER_AUTH_TYPE, HardwareAuthenticatorType::PASSWORD);
+ paramBuilder.Authorization(TAG_AUTH_TIMEOUT, AUTH_TIMEOUT);
- return keymaster.generateKey(paramBuilder.build(), key);
+ return keymaster.generateKey(paramBuilder, key);
-static keymaster::AuthorizationSet beginParams(const KeyAuthentication& auth,
+static AuthorizationSet beginParams(const KeyAuthentication& auth,
const std::string& appId) {
- auto paramBuilder = keymaster::AuthorizationSetBuilder()
- .Authorization(keymaster::TAG_BLOCK_MODE, KM_MODE_GCM)
- .Authorization(keymaster::TAG_MAC_LENGTH, GCM_MAC_BYTES * 8)
- .Authorization(keymaster::TAG_PADDING, KM_PAD_NONE);
- addStringParam(¶mBuilder, keymaster::TAG_APPLICATION_ID, appId);
+ auto paramBuilder = AuthorizationSetBuilder()
+ .Authorization(TAG_BLOCK_MODE, BlockMode::GCM)
+ .Authorization(TAG_MAC_LENGTH, GCM_MAC_BYTES * 8)
+ .Authorization(TAG_PADDING, PaddingMode::NONE)
+ .Authorization(TAG_APPLICATION_ID, blob2hidlVec(appId));
if (!auth.token.empty()) {
LOG(DEBUG) << "Supplying auth token to Keymaster";
- addStringParam(¶mBuilder, keymaster::TAG_AUTH_TOKEN, auth.token);
+ paramBuilder.Authorization(TAG_AUTH_TOKEN, blob2hidlVec(auth.token));
- return paramBuilder.build();
+ return paramBuilder;
static bool readFileToString(const std::string& filename, std::string* result) {
@@ -155,22 +157,21 @@
static KeymasterOperation begin(Keymaster& keymaster, const std::string& dir,
- keymaster_purpose_t purpose,
- const keymaster::AuthorizationSet &keyParams,
- const keymaster::AuthorizationSet &opParams,
- keymaster::AuthorizationSet* outParams) {
+ KeyPurpose purpose,
+ const AuthorizationSet &keyParams,
+ const AuthorizationSet &opParams,
+ AuthorizationSet* outParams) {
auto kmKeyPath = dir + "/" + kFn_keymaster_key_blob;
std::string kmKey;
if (!readFileToString(kmKeyPath, &kmKey)) return KeymasterOperation();
- keymaster::AuthorizationSet inParams;
- inParams.push_back(keyParams);
- inParams.push_back(opParams);
+ AuthorizationSet inParams(keyParams);
+ inParams.append(opParams.begin(), opParams.end());
for (;;) {
auto opHandle = keymaster.begin(purpose, kmKey, inParams, outParams);
if (opHandle) {
return opHandle;
- if (opHandle.error() != KM_ERROR_KEY_REQUIRES_UPGRADE) return opHandle;
+ if (opHandle.error() != ErrorCode::KEY_REQUIRES_UPGRADE) return opHandle;
LOG(DEBUG) << "Upgrading key: " << dir;
std::string newKey;
if (!keymaster.upgradeKey(kmKey, keyParams, &newKey)) return KeymasterOperation();
@@ -189,19 +190,19 @@
static bool encryptWithKeymasterKey(Keymaster& keymaster, const std::string& dir,
- const keymaster::AuthorizationSet &keyParams,
+ const AuthorizationSet &keyParams,
const std::string& message, std::string* ciphertext) {
- keymaster::AuthorizationSet opParams;
- keymaster::AuthorizationSet outParams;
- auto opHandle = begin(keymaster, dir, KM_PURPOSE_ENCRYPT, keyParams, opParams, &outParams);
+ AuthorizationSet opParams;
+ AuthorizationSet outParams;
+ auto opHandle = begin(keymaster, dir, KeyPurpose::ENCRYPT, keyParams, opParams, &outParams);
if (!opHandle) return false;
- keymaster_blob_t nonceBlob;
- if (!outParams.GetTagValue(keymaster::TAG_NONCE, &nonceBlob)) {
+ auto nonceBlob = outParams.GetTagValue(TAG_NONCE);
+ if (!nonceBlob.isOk()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "GCM encryption but no nonce generated";
return false;
// nonceBlob here is just a pointer into existing data, must not be freed
- std::string nonce(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(nonceBlob.data), nonceBlob.data_length);
+ std::string nonce(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&nonceBlob.value()[0]), nonceBlob.value().size());
if (!checkSize("nonce", nonce.size(), GCM_NONCE_BYTES)) return false;
std::string body;
if (!opHandle.updateCompletely(message, &body)) return false;
@@ -214,13 +215,13 @@
static bool decryptWithKeymasterKey(Keymaster& keymaster, const std::string& dir,
- const keymaster::AuthorizationSet &keyParams,
+ const AuthorizationSet &keyParams,
const std::string& ciphertext, std::string* message) {
auto nonce = ciphertext.substr(0, GCM_NONCE_BYTES);
auto bodyAndMac = ciphertext.substr(GCM_NONCE_BYTES);
- auto opParams = addStringParam(keymaster::AuthorizationSetBuilder(),
- keymaster::TAG_NONCE, nonce).build();
- auto opHandle = begin(keymaster, dir, KM_PURPOSE_DECRYPT, keyParams, opParams, nullptr);
+ auto opParams = AuthorizationSetBuilder()
+ .Authorization(TAG_NONCE, blob2hidlVec(nonce));
+ auto opHandle = begin(keymaster, dir, KeyPurpose::DECRYPT, keyParams, opParams, nullptr);
if (!opHandle) return false;
if (!opHandle.updateCompletely(bodyAndMac, message)) return false;
if (!opHandle.finish(nullptr)) return false;
diff --git a/Keymaster.cpp b/Keymaster.cpp
index 722d9f2..bb99cde 100644
--- a/Keymaster.cpp
+++ b/Keymaster.cpp
@@ -17,135 +17,48 @@
#include "Keymaster.h"
#include <android-base/logging.h>
-#include <hardware/hardware.h>
-#include <hardware/keymaster1.h>
-#include <hardware/keymaster2.h>
-#include <keymaster/keymaster_configuration.h>
+#include <keystore/keymaster_tags.h>
+#include <keystore/authorization_set.h>
+#include <keystore/keystore_hidl_support.h>
+using namespace ::keystore;
namespace android {
namespace vold {
-class IKeymasterDevice {
- public:
- IKeymasterDevice() {}
- virtual ~IKeymasterDevice() {}
- virtual keymaster_error_t generate_key(const keymaster_key_param_set_t* params,
- keymaster_key_blob_t* key_blob) const = 0;
- virtual keymaster_error_t delete_key(const keymaster_key_blob_t* key) const = 0;
- virtual keymaster_error_t upgrade_key(const keymaster_key_blob_t* key_to_upgrade,
- const keymaster_key_param_set_t* upgrade_params,
- keymaster_key_blob_t* upgraded_key) const = 0;
- virtual keymaster_error_t begin(keymaster_purpose_t purpose, const keymaster_key_blob_t* key,
- const keymaster_key_param_set_t* in_params,
- keymaster_key_param_set_t* out_params,
- keymaster_operation_handle_t* operation_handle) const = 0;
- virtual keymaster_error_t update(keymaster_operation_handle_t operation_handle,
- const keymaster_key_param_set_t* in_params,
- const keymaster_blob_t* input, size_t* input_consumed,
- keymaster_key_param_set_t* out_params,
- keymaster_blob_t* output) const = 0;
- virtual keymaster_error_t finish(keymaster_operation_handle_t operation_handle,
- const keymaster_key_param_set_t* in_params,
- const keymaster_blob_t* signature,
- keymaster_key_param_set_t* out_params,
- keymaster_blob_t* output) const = 0;
- virtual keymaster_error_t abort(keymaster_operation_handle_t operation_handle) const = 0;
- protected:
-template <typename T> class KeymasterDevice : public IKeymasterDevice {
- public:
- explicit KeymasterDevice(T* d) : mDevice{d} {}
- keymaster_error_t generate_key(const keymaster_key_param_set_t* params,
- keymaster_key_blob_t* key_blob) const override final {
- return mDevice->generate_key(mDevice, params, key_blob, nullptr);
- }
- keymaster_error_t delete_key(const keymaster_key_blob_t* key) const override final {
- if (mDevice->delete_key == nullptr) return KM_ERROR_OK;
- return mDevice->delete_key(mDevice, key);
- }
- keymaster_error_t begin(keymaster_purpose_t purpose, const keymaster_key_blob_t* key,
- const keymaster_key_param_set_t* in_params,
- keymaster_key_param_set_t* out_params,
- keymaster_operation_handle_t* operation_handle) const override final {
- return mDevice->begin(mDevice, purpose, key, in_params, out_params, operation_handle);
- }
- keymaster_error_t update(keymaster_operation_handle_t operation_handle,
- const keymaster_key_param_set_t* in_params,
- const keymaster_blob_t* input, size_t* input_consumed,
- keymaster_key_param_set_t* out_params,
- keymaster_blob_t* output) const override final {
- return mDevice->update(mDevice, operation_handle, in_params, input, input_consumed,
- out_params, output);
- }
- keymaster_error_t abort(keymaster_operation_handle_t operation_handle) const override final {
- return mDevice->abort(mDevice, operation_handle);
- }
- protected:
- T* const mDevice;
-class Keymaster1Device : public KeymasterDevice<keymaster1_device_t> {
- public:
- explicit Keymaster1Device(keymaster1_device_t* d) : KeymasterDevice<keymaster1_device_t>{d} {}
- ~Keymaster1Device() override final { keymaster1_close(mDevice); }
- keymaster_error_t upgrade_key(const keymaster_key_blob_t* key_to_upgrade,
- const keymaster_key_param_set_t* upgrade_params,
- keymaster_key_blob_t* upgraded_key) const override final {
- }
- keymaster_error_t finish(keymaster_operation_handle_t operation_handle,
- const keymaster_key_param_set_t* in_params,
- const keymaster_blob_t* signature,
- keymaster_key_param_set_t* out_params,
- keymaster_blob_t* output) const override final {
- return mDevice->finish(mDevice, operation_handle, in_params, signature, out_params, output);
- }
-class Keymaster2Device : public KeymasterDevice<keymaster2_device_t> {
- public:
- explicit Keymaster2Device(keymaster2_device_t* d) : KeymasterDevice<keymaster2_device_t>{d} {}
- ~Keymaster2Device() override final { keymaster2_close(mDevice); }
- keymaster_error_t upgrade_key(const keymaster_key_blob_t* key_to_upgrade,
- const keymaster_key_param_set_t* upgrade_params,
- keymaster_key_blob_t* upgraded_key) const override final {
- return mDevice->upgrade_key(mDevice, key_to_upgrade, upgrade_params, upgraded_key);
- }
- keymaster_error_t finish(keymaster_operation_handle_t operation_handle,
- const keymaster_key_param_set_t* in_params,
- const keymaster_blob_t* signature,
- keymaster_key_param_set_t* out_params,
- keymaster_blob_t* output) const override final {
- return mDevice->finish(mDevice, operation_handle, in_params, nullptr, signature, out_params,
- output);
- }
KeymasterOperation::~KeymasterOperation() {
- if (mDevice) mDevice->abort(mOpHandle);
+ if (mDevice.get()) mDevice->abort(mOpHandle);
bool KeymasterOperation::updateCompletely(const std::string& input, std::string* output) {
auto it = input.begin();
+ uint32_t inputConsumed;
+ ErrorCode km_error;
+ auto hidlCB = [&] (ErrorCode ret, uint32_t _inputConsumed,
+ const hidl_vec<KeyParameter>& /*ignored*/, const hidl_vec<uint8_t>& _output) {
+ km_error = ret;
+ if (km_error != ErrorCode::OK) return;
+ inputConsumed = _inputConsumed;
+ if (output)
+ output->append(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&_output[0]), _output.size());
+ };
while (it != input.end()) {
size_t toRead = static_cast<size_t>(input.end() - it);
- keymaster_blob_t inputBlob{reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(&*it), toRead};
- keymaster_blob_t outputBlob;
- size_t inputConsumed;
- auto error =
- mDevice->update(mOpHandle, nullptr, &inputBlob, &inputConsumed, nullptr, &outputBlob);
- if (error != KM_ERROR_OK) {
- LOG(ERROR) << "update failed, code " << error;
+ auto inputBlob = blob2hidlVec(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(&*it), toRead);
+ auto error = mDevice->update(mOpHandle, hidl_vec<KeyParameter>(), inputBlob, hidlCB);
+ if (!error.isOk()) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "update failed: " << error.description();
mDevice = nullptr;
return false;
- output->append(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(outputBlob.data), outputBlob.data_length);
- free(const_cast<uint8_t*>(outputBlob.data));
+ if (km_error != ErrorCode::OK) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "update failed, code " << uint32_t(km_error);
+ mDevice = nullptr;
+ return false;
+ }
if (inputConsumed > toRead) {
LOG(ERROR) << "update reported too much input consumed";
mDevice = nullptr;
@@ -157,74 +70,63 @@
bool KeymasterOperation::finish(std::string* output) {
- keymaster_blob_t outputBlob;
- auto error = mDevice->finish(mOpHandle, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr,
- output ? &outputBlob : nullptr);
+ ErrorCode km_error;
+ auto hidlCb = [&] (ErrorCode ret, const hidl_vec<KeyParameter>& /*ignored*/,
+ const hidl_vec<uint8_t>& _output) {
+ km_error = ret;
+ if (km_error != ErrorCode::OK) return;
+ if (output)
+ output->assign(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&_output[0]), _output.size());
+ };
+ auto error = mDevice->finish(mOpHandle, hidl_vec<KeyParameter>(), hidl_vec<uint8_t>(),
+ hidl_vec<uint8_t>(), hidlCb);
mDevice = nullptr;
- if (error != KM_ERROR_OK) {
- LOG(ERROR) << "finish failed, code " << error;
+ if (!error.isOk()) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "finish failed: " << error.description();
return false;
- if (output) {
- output->assign(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(outputBlob.data), outputBlob.data_length);
- free(const_cast<uint8_t*>(outputBlob.data));
+ if (km_error != ErrorCode::OK) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "finish failed, code " << uint32_t(km_error);
+ return false;
return true;
Keymaster::Keymaster() {
- mDevice = nullptr;
- const hw_module_t* module;
- int ret = hw_get_module_by_class(KEYSTORE_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID, NULL, &module);
- if (ret != 0) {
- LOG(ERROR) << "hw_get_module_by_class returned " << ret;
- return;
- }
- LOG(DEBUG) << "module_api_version is " << module->module_api_version;
- if (module->module_api_version == KEYMASTER_MODULE_API_VERSION_1_0) {
- keymaster1_device_t* device;
- ret = keymaster1_open(module, &device);
- if (ret != 0) {
- LOG(ERROR) << "keymaster1_open returned " << ret;
- return;
- }
- mDevice = std::make_shared<Keymaster1Device>(device);
- } else if (module->module_api_version == KEYMASTER_MODULE_API_VERSION_2_0) {
- keymaster2_device_t* device;
- ret = keymaster2_open(module, &device);
- if (ret != 0) {
- LOG(ERROR) << "keymaster2_open returned " << ret;
- return;
- }
- auto error = ConfigureDevice(device);
- if (error != KM_ERROR_OK) {
- LOG(ERROR) << "ConfigureDevice returned " << error;
- return;
- }
- mDevice = std::make_shared<Keymaster2Device>(device);
- } else {
- LOG(ERROR) << "module_api_version is " << module->module_api_version;
- return;
- }
+ mDevice = ::android::hardware::keymaster::V3_0::IKeymasterDevice::getService("keymaster");
-bool Keymaster::generateKey(const keymaster::AuthorizationSet& inParams, std::string* key) {
- keymaster_key_blob_t keyBlob;
- auto error = mDevice->generate_key(&inParams, &keyBlob);
- if (error != KM_ERROR_OK) {
- LOG(ERROR) << "generate_key failed, code " << error;
+bool Keymaster::generateKey(const AuthorizationSet& inParams, std::string* key) {
+ ErrorCode km_error;
+ auto hidlCb = [&] (ErrorCode ret, const hidl_vec<uint8_t>& keyBlob,
+ const KeyCharacteristics& /*ignored*/) {
+ km_error = ret;
+ if (km_error != ErrorCode::OK) return;
+ if (key)
+ key->assign(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&keyBlob[0]), keyBlob.size());
+ };
+ auto error = mDevice->generateKey(inParams.hidl_data(), hidlCb);
+ if (!error.isOk()) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "generate_key failed: " << error.description();
return false;
- key->assign(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(keyBlob.key_material), keyBlob.key_material_size);
- free(const_cast<uint8_t*>(keyBlob.key_material));
+ if (km_error != ErrorCode::OK) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "generate_key failed, code " << int32_t(km_error);
+ return false;
+ }
return true;
bool Keymaster::deleteKey(const std::string& key) {
- keymaster_key_blob_t keyBlob{reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(key.data()), key.size()};
- auto error = mDevice->delete_key(&keyBlob);
- if (error != KM_ERROR_OK) {
- LOG(ERROR) << "delete_key failed, code " << error;
+ auto keyBlob = blob2hidlVec(key);
+ auto error = mDevice->deleteKey(keyBlob);
+ if (!error.isOk()) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "delete_key failed: " << error.description();
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (ErrorCode(error) != ErrorCode::OK) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "delete_key failed, code " << uint32_t(ErrorCode(error));
return false;
return true;
@@ -232,35 +134,51 @@
bool Keymaster::upgradeKey(const std::string& oldKey, const AuthorizationSet& inParams,
std::string* newKey) {
- keymaster_key_blob_t oldKeyBlob{reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(oldKey.data()), oldKey.size()};
- keymaster_key_blob_t newKeyBlob;
- auto error = mDevice->upgrade_key(&oldKeyBlob, &inParams, &newKeyBlob);
- if (error != KM_ERROR_OK) {
- LOG(ERROR) << "upgrade_key failed, code " << error;
+ auto oldKeyBlob = blob2hidlVec(oldKey);
+ ErrorCode km_error;
+ auto hidlCb = [&] (ErrorCode ret, const hidl_vec<uint8_t>& upgradedKeyBlob) {
+ km_error = ret;
+ if (km_error != ErrorCode::OK) return;
+ if (newKey)
+ newKey->assign(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&upgradedKeyBlob[0]),
+ upgradedKeyBlob.size());
+ };
+ auto error = mDevice->upgradeKey(oldKeyBlob, inParams.hidl_data(), hidlCb);
+ if (!error.isOk()) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "upgrade_key failed: " << error.description();
return false;
- newKey->assign(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(newKeyBlob.key_material),
- newKeyBlob.key_material_size);
- free(const_cast<uint8_t*>(newKeyBlob.key_material));
+ if (km_error != ErrorCode::OK) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "upgrade_key failed, code " << int32_t(km_error);
+ return false;
+ }
return true;
-KeymasterOperation Keymaster::begin(keymaster_purpose_t purpose, const std::string& key,
- const keymaster::AuthorizationSet& inParams,
- keymaster::AuthorizationSet* outParams) {
- keymaster_key_blob_t keyBlob{reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(key.data()), key.size()};
- keymaster_operation_handle_t mOpHandle;
- keymaster_key_param_set_t outParams_set;
- auto error = mDevice->begin(purpose, &keyBlob, &inParams,
- outParams ? &outParams_set : nullptr, &mOpHandle);
- if (error != KM_ERROR_OK) {
- LOG(ERROR) << "begin failed, code " << error;
- return KeymasterOperation(error);
+KeymasterOperation Keymaster::begin(KeyPurpose purpose, const std::string& key,
+ const AuthorizationSet& inParams,
+ AuthorizationSet* outParams) {
+ auto keyBlob = blob2hidlVec(key);
+ uint64_t mOpHandle;
+ ErrorCode km_error;
+ auto hidlCb = [&] (ErrorCode ret, const hidl_vec<KeyParameter>& _outParams,
+ uint64_t operationHandle) {
+ km_error = ret;
+ if (km_error != ErrorCode::OK) return;
+ if (outParams)
+ *outParams = _outParams;
+ mOpHandle = operationHandle;
+ };
+ auto error = mDevice->begin(purpose, keyBlob, inParams.hidl_data(), hidlCb);
+ if (!error.isOk()) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "begin failed: " << error.description();
+ return KeymasterOperation(ErrorCode::UNKNOWN_ERROR);
- if (outParams) {
- outParams->Clear();
- outParams->push_back(outParams_set);
- keymaster_free_param_set(&outParams_set);
+ if (km_error != ErrorCode::OK) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "begin failed, code " << uint32_t(km_error);
+ return KeymasterOperation(km_error);
return KeymasterOperation(mDevice, mOpHandle);
diff --git a/Keymaster.h b/Keymaster.h
index e314ee1..893a6d1 100644
--- a/Keymaster.h
+++ b/Keymaster.h
@@ -21,22 +21,21 @@
#include <string>
#include <utility>
-#include <keymaster/authorization_set.h>
+#include <android/hardware/keymaster/3.0/IKeymasterDevice.h>
+#include <keystore/authorization_set.h>
namespace android {
namespace vold {
+using ::android::hardware::keymaster::V3_0::IKeymasterDevice;
+using ::keystore::ErrorCode;
+using ::keystore::KeyPurpose;
+using ::keystore::AuthorizationSet;
-using namespace keymaster;
-// C++ wrappers to the Keymaster C interface.
+// C++ wrappers to the Keymaster hidl interface.
// This is tailored to the needs of KeyStorage, but could be extended to be
// a more general interface.
-// Class that wraps a keymaster1_device_t or keymaster2_device_t and provides methods
-// they have in common. Also closes the device on destruction.
-class IKeymasterDevice;
-// Wrapper for a keymaster_operation_handle_t representing an
+// Wrapper for a Keymaster operation handle representing an
// ongoing Keymaster operation. Aborts the operation
// in the destructor if it is unfinished. Methods log failures
// to LOG(ERROR).
@@ -45,8 +44,8 @@
// Is this instance valid? This is false if creation fails, and becomes
// false on finish or if an update fails.
- explicit operator bool() { return mError == KM_ERROR_OK; }
- keymaster_error_t error() { return mError; }
+ explicit operator bool() { return mError == ErrorCode::OK; }
+ ErrorCode error() { return mError; }
// Call "update" repeatedly until all of the input is consumed, and
// concatenate the output. Return true on success.
bool updateCompletely(const std::string& input, std::string* output);
@@ -59,17 +58,19 @@
mError = std::move(rhs.mError);
// Construct an object in an error state for error returns
- KeymasterOperation() : KeymasterOperation(KM_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ERROR) {}
+ KeymasterOperation()
+ : mDevice{nullptr}, mOpHandle{static_cast<uint64_t>(0)},
+ mError {ErrorCode::UNKNOWN_ERROR} {}
- KeymasterOperation(std::shared_ptr<IKeymasterDevice> d, keymaster_operation_handle_t h)
- : mDevice{d}, mOpHandle{h}, mError {KM_ERROR_OK} {}
- KeymasterOperation(keymaster_error_t error)
- : mDevice{nullptr}, mOpHandle{static_cast<keymaster_operation_handle_t>(0)},
+ KeymasterOperation(const sp<IKeymasterDevice>& d, uint64_t h)
+ : mDevice{d}, mOpHandle{h}, mError {ErrorCode::OK} {}
+ KeymasterOperation(ErrorCode error)
+ : mDevice{nullptr}, mOpHandle{0},
mError {error} {}
- std::shared_ptr<IKeymasterDevice> mDevice;
- keymaster_operation_handle_t mOpHandle;
- keymaster_error_t mError;
+ sp<IKeymasterDevice> mDevice;
+ uint64_t mOpHandle;
+ ErrorCode mError;
friend class Keymaster;
@@ -80,7 +81,7 @@
// false if we failed to open the keymaster device.
- explicit operator bool() { return mDevice != nullptr; }
+ explicit operator bool() { return mDevice.get() != nullptr; }
// Generate a key in the keymaster from the given params.
bool generateKey(const AuthorizationSet& inParams, std::string* key);
// If the keymaster supports it, permanently delete a key.
@@ -89,27 +90,14 @@
bool upgradeKey(const std::string& oldKey, const AuthorizationSet& inParams,
std::string* newKey);
// Begin a new cryptographic operation, collecting output parameters if pointer is non-null
- KeymasterOperation begin(keymaster_purpose_t purpose, const std::string& key,
+ KeymasterOperation begin(KeyPurpose purpose, const std::string& key,
const AuthorizationSet& inParams, AuthorizationSet* outParams);
- std::shared_ptr<IKeymasterDevice> mDevice;
+ sp<hardware::keymaster::V3_0::IKeymasterDevice> mDevice;
-template <keymaster_tag_t Tag>
-inline AuthorizationSetBuilder& addStringParam(AuthorizationSetBuilder&& params,
- TypedTag<KM_BYTES, Tag> tag,
- const std::string& val) {
- return params.Authorization(tag, val.data(), val.size());
-template <keymaster_tag_t Tag>
-inline void addStringParam(AuthorizationSetBuilder* params, TypedTag<KM_BYTES, Tag> tag,
- const std::string& val) {
- params->Authorization(tag, val.data(), val.size());
} // namespace vold
} // namespace android