Updates to cryptfs framework.
Update the enable inplace API to allow the UI to show a progress bar.
Add new command changepw (whichis currently not working)
Internal restructuring of code to support these two features.
Some minor cleanup of the code as well.
Change-Id: I11461fc9ce66965bea6cd0b6bb2ff48bcf607b97
diff --git a/cryptfs.h b/cryptfs.h
index 10b3b7d..2e17433 100644
--- a/cryptfs.h
+++ b/cryptfs.h
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
int cryptfs_check_passwd(char *pw);
int cryptfs_restart(void);
int cryptfs_enable(char *flag, char *passwd);
+ int cryptfs_changepw(char *oldpw, char *newpw);
#ifdef __cplusplus