Migrating data sometimes leaves emulated unmounted

Sometimes migrating data fails to mount the target
volume after operation is finished.

MoveTask is running in its own thread, copying data
between external card and internal memory.

After copying the data the method "bringOnline" is
run. This method destroys and creates the volumes.

When VolumeBase::create() is run it will notify
MountService, who upon receiving this notification
will send a mount command to mount the new primary

This command will sometimes run before
setState(State::kUnmounted); is called on the newly
created volume. This will cause the mount command to

VoldConnector: SND -> {10 volume mount emulated 3 -1}
vold : emulated flags change requires state unmounted or unmountable
vold : emulated user change requires state unmounted or unmountable
vold : emulated mount requires state unmounted or unmountable

Lock bringOnline so no volume commands will be processed
until volumes are (re-)created and have correct state.

Bug: 26322200
Change-Id: I4aba85c226d904c42ae9edcdfec21619218939d6
1 file changed