Add mount callback
Mounting a FUSE path needs two steps:
1. Mounting the filesystem
2. Starting the FUSE session in the FUSE daemon
The second part requires retriving an fd from (1) and the mount paths
and passing it to the FUSE daemon.
Previously, we'd return from the Vold mount call and mark the volume
as mounted while we scramble to do (2). This means there's a time
period where the Volume is marked as MOUNTED but not actually ready
and any IO access on the paths will hang forever. This could also be
misleading when interpreting bug reports.
Now, we block the Vold mount call until the FUSE session is started
Test: atest AdoptableHostTest
Bug: 144275217
Change-Id: I45238a31df71286f67ef1c65c711d0085d72e97f
diff --git a/VoldNativeService.cpp b/VoldNativeService.cpp
index e20d68e..1f7638f 100644
--- a/VoldNativeService.cpp
+++ b/VoldNativeService.cpp
@@ -325,9 +325,9 @@
return translate(VolumeManager::Instance()->forgetPartition(partGuid, fsUuid));
-binder::Status VoldNativeService::mount(const std::string& volId, int32_t mountFlags,
- int32_t mountUserId,
- android::base::unique_fd* _aidl_return) {
+binder::Status VoldNativeService::mount(
+ const std::string& volId, int32_t mountFlags, int32_t mountUserId,
+ const android::sp<android::os::IVoldMountCallback>& callback) {
@@ -340,18 +340,14 @@
+ vol->setMountCallback(callback);
int res = vol->mount();
+ vol->setMountCallback(nullptr);
if (res != OK) {
return translate(res);
- _aidl_return->reset(dup(vol->getFuseFd().get()));
- if (_aidl_return->get() == -1) {
- // Let's not return invalid fd since binder will not allow null fds. Instead give it a
- // default value.
- _aidl_return->reset(open("/dev/null", O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC));
- }
if ((mountFlags & MOUNT_FLAG_PRIMARY) != 0) {
res = VolumeManager::Instance()->setPrimary(vol);
if (res != OK) {