Add CryptfsScryptHidlizationEquivalenceTest

Disk encryption keys are derived using scrypt. If available, this is
done by means of keymaster. An RSA key is generated and password is
signed by that key. The signature is used as the key.

With the hidlization of the keymaster HAL, this code had to be ported.
This test checks the equivalence of the legacy implementation with
the new hildized one.

Test: run /data/nativetest/vold_cryptfs_scrypt_hidlization_equivalence_test/vold_cryptfs_scrypt_hidlization_equivalence_test

Bug: 35028230
Bug: 32020919
Change-Id: Iabf4686dbff5341791ba3a98d7c95c5058c234f9
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 416e621..4b6573e 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -8,8 +8,32 @@
 LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES := libselinux libvold liblog libcrypto
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := VolumeManager_test.cpp
 LOCAL_MODULE := vold_tests
 LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := eng tests
+include $(CLEAR_VARS)
+    system/core/fs_mgr/include
+LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES := libselinux libvold liblog libcrypto
+    libutils \
+    libbase \
+    libhardware \
+    libhardware_legacy \
+    libhwbinder \
+    libhidlbase \
+    libkeystore_binder \
+    android.hardware.keymaster@3.0
+LOCAL_SRC_FILES := CryptfsScryptHidlizationEquivalence_test.cpp
+LOCAL_MODULE := vold_cryptfs_scrypt_hidlization_equivalence_test
+LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := eng tests
diff --git a/tests/CryptfsScryptHidlizationEquivalence_test.cpp b/tests/CryptfsScryptHidlizationEquivalence_test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91ddb2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/CryptfsScryptHidlizationEquivalence_test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,475 @@
+** Copyright 2017, The Android Open Source Project
+** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+** You may obtain a copy of the License at
+** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+** limitations under the License.
+#define LOG_TAG "scrypt_test"
+#include <log/log.h>
+#include <hardware/keymaster0.h>
+#include <hardware/keymaster1.h>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <gtest/gtest.h>
+#include "../cryptfs.h"
+#include "../Keymaster.h"
+#include "cryptfs_hw.h"
+#define min(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
+/* Maximum allowed keymaster blob size. */
+/* Key Derivation Function algorithms */
+#define KDF_PBKDF2 1
+#define KDF_SCRYPT 2
+/* Algorithms 3 & 4 deprecated before shipping outside of google, so removed */
+#define KEY_LEN_BYTES 16
+#define DEFAULT_PASSWORD "default_password"
+#define RSA_KEY_SIZE 2048
+#define RSA_EXPONENT 0x10001
+#define KEYMASTER_CRYPTFS_RATE_LIMIT 1  // Maximum one try per second
+static int keymaster_init(keymaster0_device_t **keymaster0_dev,
+                          keymaster1_device_t **keymaster1_dev)
+    int rc;
+    const hw_module_t* mod;
+    rc = hw_get_module_by_class(KEYSTORE_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID, NULL, &mod);
+    if (rc) {
+        ALOGE("could not find any keystore module");
+        goto err;
+    }
+    SLOGI("keymaster module name is %s", mod->name);
+    SLOGI("keymaster version is %d", mod->module_api_version);
+    *keymaster0_dev = NULL;
+    *keymaster1_dev = NULL;
+    if (mod->module_api_version == KEYMASTER_MODULE_API_VERSION_1_0) {
+        SLOGI("Found keymaster1 module, using keymaster1 API.");
+        rc = keymaster1_open(mod, keymaster1_dev);
+    } else {
+        SLOGI("Found keymaster0 module, using keymaster0 API.");
+        rc = keymaster0_open(mod, keymaster0_dev);
+    }
+    if (rc) {
+        ALOGE("could not open keymaster device in %s (%s)",
+              KEYSTORE_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID, strerror(-rc));
+        goto err;
+    }
+    return 0;
+    *keymaster0_dev = NULL;
+    *keymaster1_dev = NULL;
+    return rc;
+/* Should we use keymaster? */
+static int keymaster_check_compatibility_old()
+    keymaster0_device_t *keymaster0_dev = 0;
+    keymaster1_device_t *keymaster1_dev = 0;
+    int rc = 0;
+    if (keymaster_init(&keymaster0_dev, &keymaster1_dev)) {
+        SLOGE("Failed to init keymaster");
+        rc = -1;
+        goto out;
+    }
+    if (keymaster1_dev) {
+        rc = 1;
+        goto out;
+    }
+    if (!keymaster0_dev || !keymaster0_dev->common.module) {
+        rc = -1;
+        goto out;
+    }
+    // TODO(swillden): Check to see if there's any reason to require v0.3.  I think v0.1 and v0.2
+    // should work.
+    if (keymaster0_dev->common.module->module_api_version
+            < KEYMASTER_MODULE_API_VERSION_0_3) {
+        rc = 0;
+        goto out;
+    }
+    if (!(keymaster0_dev->flags & KEYMASTER_SOFTWARE_ONLY) &&
+        (keymaster0_dev->flags & KEYMASTER_BLOBS_ARE_STANDALONE)) {
+        rc = 1;
+    }
+    if (keymaster1_dev) {
+        keymaster1_close(keymaster1_dev);
+    }
+    if (keymaster0_dev) {
+        keymaster0_close(keymaster0_dev);
+    }
+    return rc;
+/* Create a new keymaster key and store it in this footer */
+static int keymaster_create_key_old(struct crypt_mnt_ftr *ftr)
+    uint8_t* key = 0;
+    keymaster0_device_t *keymaster0_dev = 0;
+    keymaster1_device_t *keymaster1_dev = 0;
+    if (ftr->keymaster_blob_size) {
+        SLOGI("Already have key");
+        return 0;
+    }
+    if (keymaster_init(&keymaster0_dev, &keymaster1_dev)) {
+        SLOGE("Failed to init keymaster");
+        return -1;
+    }
+    int rc = 0;
+    size_t key_size = 0;
+    if (keymaster1_dev) {
+        keymaster_key_param_t params[] = {
+            /* Algorithm & size specifications.  Stick with RSA for now.  Switch to AES later. */
+            keymaster_param_enum(KM_TAG_ALGORITHM, KM_ALGORITHM_RSA),
+            keymaster_param_int(KM_TAG_KEY_SIZE, RSA_KEY_SIZE),
+            keymaster_param_long(KM_TAG_RSA_PUBLIC_EXPONENT, RSA_EXPONENT),
+            /* The only allowed purpose for this key is signing. */
+            keymaster_param_enum(KM_TAG_PURPOSE, KM_PURPOSE_SIGN),
+            /* Padding & digest specifications. */
+            keymaster_param_enum(KM_TAG_PADDING, KM_PAD_NONE),
+            keymaster_param_enum(KM_TAG_DIGEST, KM_DIGEST_NONE),
+            /* Require that the key be usable in standalone mode.  File system isn't available. */
+            keymaster_param_enum(KM_TAG_BLOB_USAGE_REQUIREMENTS, KM_BLOB_STANDALONE),
+            /* No auth requirements, because cryptfs is not yet integrated with gatekeeper. */
+            keymaster_param_bool(KM_TAG_NO_AUTH_REQUIRED),
+            /* Rate-limit key usage attempts, to rate-limit brute force */
+        };
+        keymaster_key_param_set_t param_set = { params, sizeof(params)/sizeof(*params) };
+        keymaster_key_blob_t key_blob;
+        keymaster_error_t error = keymaster1_dev->generate_key(keymaster1_dev, &param_set,
+                                                               &key_blob,
+                                                               NULL /* characteristics */);
+        if (error != KM_ERROR_OK) {
+            SLOGE("Failed to generate keymaster1 key, error %d", error);
+            rc = -1;
+            goto out;
+        }
+        key = (uint8_t*)key_blob.key_material;
+        key_size = key_blob.key_material_size;
+    }
+    else if (keymaster0_dev) {
+        keymaster_rsa_keygen_params_t params;
+        memset(&params, '\0', sizeof(params));
+        params.public_exponent = RSA_EXPONENT;
+        params.modulus_size = RSA_KEY_SIZE;
+        if (keymaster0_dev->generate_keypair(keymaster0_dev, TYPE_RSA, &params,
+                                             &key, &key_size)) {
+            SLOGE("Failed to generate keypair");
+            rc = -1;
+            goto out;
+        }
+    } else {
+        SLOGE("Cryptfs bug: keymaster_init succeeded but didn't initialize a device");
+        rc = -1;
+        goto out;
+    }
+    if (key_size > KEYMASTER_BLOB_SIZE) {
+        SLOGE("Keymaster key too large for crypto footer");
+        rc = -1;
+        goto out;
+    }
+    memcpy(ftr->keymaster_blob, key, key_size);
+    ftr->keymaster_blob_size = key_size;
+    if (keymaster0_dev)
+        keymaster0_close(keymaster0_dev);
+    if (keymaster1_dev)
+        keymaster1_close(keymaster1_dev);
+    free(key);
+    return rc;
+/* This signs the given object using the keymaster key. */
+static int keymaster_sign_object_old(struct crypt_mnt_ftr *ftr,
+                                 const unsigned char *object,
+                                 const size_t object_size,
+                                 unsigned char **signature,
+                                 size_t *signature_size)
+    int rc = 0;
+    keymaster0_device_t *keymaster0_dev = 0;
+    keymaster1_device_t *keymaster1_dev = 0;
+    unsigned char to_sign[RSA_KEY_SIZE_BYTES];
+    size_t to_sign_size = sizeof(to_sign);
+    memset(to_sign, 0, RSA_KEY_SIZE_BYTES);
+    if (keymaster_init(&keymaster0_dev, &keymaster1_dev)) {
+        SLOGE("Failed to init keymaster");
+        rc = -1;
+        goto out;
+    }
+    // To sign a message with RSA, the message must satisfy two
+    // constraints:
+    //
+    // 1. The message, when interpreted as a big-endian numeric value, must
+    //    be strictly less than the public modulus of the RSA key.  Note
+    //    that because the most significant bit of the public modulus is
+    //    guaranteed to be 1 (else it's an (n-1)-bit key, not an n-bit
+    //    key), an n-bit message with most significant bit 0 always
+    //    satisfies this requirement.
+    //
+    // 2. The message must have the same length in bits as the public
+    //    modulus of the RSA key.  This requirement isn't mathematically
+    //    necessary, but is necessary to ensure consistency in
+    //    implementations.
+    switch (ftr->kdf_type) {
+            // This ensures the most significant byte of the signed message
+            // is zero.  We could have zero-padded to the left instead, but
+            // this approach is slightly more robust against changes in
+            // object size.  However, it's still broken (but not unusably
+            // so) because we really should be using a proper deterministic
+            // RSA padding function, such as PKCS1.
+            memcpy(to_sign + 1, object, min(RSA_KEY_SIZE_BYTES - 1, object_size));
+            SLOGI("Signing safely-padded object");
+            break;
+        default:
+            SLOGE("Unknown KDF type %d", ftr->kdf_type);
+            rc = -1;
+            goto out;
+    }
+    if (keymaster0_dev) {
+        keymaster_rsa_sign_params_t params;
+        params.digest_type = DIGEST_NONE;
+        params.padding_type = PADDING_NONE;
+        rc = keymaster0_dev->sign_data(keymaster0_dev,
+                                      &params,
+                                      ftr->keymaster_blob,
+                                      ftr->keymaster_blob_size,
+                                      to_sign,
+                                      to_sign_size,
+                                      signature,
+                                      signature_size);
+        goto out;
+    } else if (keymaster1_dev) {
+        keymaster_key_blob_t key = { ftr->keymaster_blob, ftr->keymaster_blob_size };
+        keymaster_key_param_t params[] = {
+            keymaster_param_enum(KM_TAG_PADDING, KM_PAD_NONE),
+            keymaster_param_enum(KM_TAG_DIGEST, KM_DIGEST_NONE),
+        };
+        keymaster_key_param_set_t param_set = { params, sizeof(params)/sizeof(*params) };
+        keymaster_operation_handle_t op_handle;
+        keymaster_error_t error = keymaster1_dev->begin(keymaster1_dev, KM_PURPOSE_SIGN, &key,
+                                                        &param_set, NULL /* out_params */,
+                                                        &op_handle);
+        if (error == KM_ERROR_KEY_RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED) {
+            // Key usage has been rate-limited.  Wait a bit and try again.
+            error = keymaster1_dev->begin(keymaster1_dev, KM_PURPOSE_SIGN, &key,
+                                          &param_set, NULL /* out_params */,
+                                          &op_handle);
+        }
+        if (error != KM_ERROR_OK) {
+            SLOGE("Error starting keymaster signature transaction: %d", error);
+            rc = -1;
+            goto out;
+        }
+        keymaster_blob_t input = { to_sign, to_sign_size };
+        size_t input_consumed;
+        error = keymaster1_dev->update(keymaster1_dev, op_handle, NULL /* in_params */,
+                                       &input, &input_consumed, NULL /* out_params */,
+                                       NULL /* output */);
+        if (error != KM_ERROR_OK) {
+            SLOGE("Error sending data to keymaster signature transaction: %d", error);
+            rc = -1;
+            goto out;
+        }
+        if (input_consumed != to_sign_size) {
+            // This should never happen.  If it does, it's a bug in the keymaster implementation.
+            SLOGE("Keymaster update() did not consume all data.");
+            keymaster1_dev->abort(keymaster1_dev, op_handle);
+            rc = -1;
+            goto out;
+        }
+        keymaster_blob_t tmp_sig;
+        error = keymaster1_dev->finish(keymaster1_dev, op_handle, NULL /* in_params */,
+                                       NULL /* verify signature */, NULL /* out_params */,
+                                       &tmp_sig);
+        if (error != KM_ERROR_OK) {
+            SLOGE("Error finishing keymaster signature transaction: %d", error);
+            rc = -1;
+            goto out;
+        }
+        *signature = (uint8_t*);
+        *signature_size = tmp_sig.data_length;
+    } else {
+        SLOGE("Cryptfs bug: keymaster_init succeded but didn't initialize a device.");
+        rc = -1;
+        goto out;
+    }
+    out:
+        if (keymaster1_dev)
+            keymaster1_close(keymaster1_dev);
+        if (keymaster0_dev)
+            keymaster0_close(keymaster0_dev);
+        return rc;
+/* Should we use keymaster? */
+static int keymaster_check_compatibility_new()
+    return keymaster_compatibility_cryptfs_scrypt();
+/* Create a new keymaster key and store it in this footer */
+static int keymaster_create_key_new(struct crypt_mnt_ftr *ftr)
+    if (ftr->keymaster_blob_size) {
+        SLOGI("Already have key");
+        return 0;
+    }
+    int rc = keymaster_create_key_for_cryptfs_scrypt(RSA_KEY_SIZE, RSA_EXPONENT,
+            KEYMASTER_CRYPTFS_RATE_LIMIT, ftr->keymaster_blob, KEYMASTER_BLOB_SIZE,
+            &ftr->keymaster_blob_size);
+    if (rc) {
+        if (ftr->keymaster_blob_size > KEYMASTER_BLOB_SIZE) {
+            SLOGE("Keymaster key blob to large)");
+            ftr->keymaster_blob_size = 0;
+        }
+        SLOGE("Failed to generate keypair");
+        return -1;
+    }
+    return 0;
+/* This signs the given object using the keymaster key. */
+static int keymaster_sign_object_new(struct crypt_mnt_ftr *ftr,
+                                 const unsigned char *object,
+                                 const size_t object_size,
+                                 unsigned char **signature,
+                                 size_t *signature_size)
+    unsigned char to_sign[RSA_KEY_SIZE_BYTES];
+    size_t to_sign_size = sizeof(to_sign);
+    memset(to_sign, 0, RSA_KEY_SIZE_BYTES);
+    // To sign a message with RSA, the message must satisfy two
+    // constraints:
+    //
+    // 1. The message, when interpreted as a big-endian numeric value, must
+    //    be strictly less than the public modulus of the RSA key.  Note
+    //    that because the most significant bit of the public modulus is
+    //    guaranteed to be 1 (else it's an (n-1)-bit key, not an n-bit
+    //    key), an n-bit message with most significant bit 0 always
+    //    satisfies this requirement.
+    //
+    // 2. The message must have the same length in bits as the public
+    //    modulus of the RSA key.  This requirement isn't mathematically
+    //    necessary, but is necessary to ensure consistency in
+    //    implementations.
+    switch (ftr->kdf_type) {
+            // This ensures the most significant byte of the signed message
+            // is zero.  We could have zero-padded to the left instead, but
+            // this approach is slightly more robust against changes in
+            // object size.  However, it's still broken (but not unusably
+            // so) because we really should be using a proper deterministic
+            // RSA padding function, such as PKCS1.
+            memcpy(to_sign + 1, object, min(RSA_KEY_SIZE_BYTES - 1, object_size));
+            SLOGI("Signing safely-padded object");
+            break;
+        default:
+            SLOGE("Unknown KDF type %d", ftr->kdf_type);
+            return -1;
+    }
+    return keymaster_sign_object_for_cryptfs_scrypt(ftr->keymaster_blob, ftr->keymaster_blob_size,
+            KEYMASTER_CRYPTFS_RATE_LIMIT, to_sign, to_sign_size, signature, signature_size);
+namespace android {
+class CryptFsTest : public testing::Test {
+    virtual void SetUp() {
+    }
+    virtual void TearDown() {
+    }
+TEST_F(CryptFsTest, ScryptHidlizationEquivalenceTest) {
+    crypt_mnt_ftr ftr;
+    ftr.kdf_type = KDF_SCRYPT_KEYMASTER;
+    ftr.keymaster_blob_size = 0;
+    ASSERT_EQ(0, keymaster_create_key_old(&ftr));
+    uint8_t *sig1 = nullptr;
+    uint8_t *sig2 = nullptr;
+    size_t sig_size1 = 123456789;
+    size_t sig_size2 = 123456789;
+    uint8_t object[] = "the object";
+    ASSERT_EQ(1, keymaster_check_compatibility_old());
+    ASSERT_EQ(1, keymaster_check_compatibility_new());
+    ASSERT_EQ(0, keymaster_sign_object_old(&ftr, object, 10, &sig1, &sig_size1));
+    ASSERT_EQ(0, keymaster_sign_object_new(&ftr, object, 10, &sig2, &sig_size2));
+    ASSERT_EQ(sig_size1, sig_size2);
+    ASSERT_NE(nullptr, sig1);
+    ASSERT_NE(nullptr, sig2);
+    EXPECT_EQ(0, memcmp(sig1, sig2, sig_size1));
+    free(sig1);
+    free(sig2);