Improvements to the key storage module
The key storage module didn't comply with Android coding standards
and had room for improvemnet in a few other ways, so have cleaned up.
Change-Id: I260ccff316423169cf887e538113b5ea400892f2
diff --git a/Keymaster.h b/Keymaster.h
index cc3104d..003baa6 100644
--- a/Keymaster.h
+++ b/Keymaster.h
@@ -40,36 +40,28 @@
// to LOG(ERROR).
class KeymasterOperation {
- ~KeymasterOperation() { if (device) device->abort(device, op_handle); }
+ ~KeymasterOperation() { if (mDevice) mDevice->abort(mDevice, mOpHandle); }
// Is this instance valid? This is false if creation fails, and becomes
// false on finish or if an update fails.
- explicit operator bool() {return device != nullptr;}
- // Call "update" repeatedly until all of the input is consumed, and
+ explicit operator bool() {return mDevice != nullptr;}
+ // Call "update" repeatedly until all of the input is consumed, and
// concatenate the output. Return true on success.
- bool UpdateCompletely(const std::string &input, std::string &output);
- // Finish; pass nullptr for the "output" param.
- bool Finish();
+ bool updateCompletely(const std::string &input, std::string &output);
+ // Finish; pass nullptr for the "output" param.
+ bool finish();
// Finish and write the output to this string.
- bool FinishWithOutput(std::string &output);
+ bool finishWithOutput(std::string &output);
// Move constructor
KeymasterOperation(KeymasterOperation&& rhs) {
- op_handle = rhs.op_handle;
- device = rhs.device;
- rhs.device = nullptr;
+ mOpHandle = rhs.mOpHandle;
+ mDevice = rhs.mDevice;
+ rhs.mDevice = nullptr;
- // Move assignation.
- KeymasterOperation& operator=(KeymasterOperation&& rhs) {
- op_handle = rhs.op_handle;
- device = rhs.device;
- rhs.device = nullptr;
- return *this;
- }
KeymasterOperation(keymaster1_device_t *d, keymaster_operation_handle_t h):
- device {d}, op_handle {h} {}
- keymaster1_device_t *device;
- keymaster_operation_handle_t op_handle;
+ mDevice {d}, mOpHandle {h} {}
+ keymaster1_device_t *mDevice;
+ keymaster_operation_handle_t mOpHandle;
friend class Keymaster;
@@ -79,31 +71,31 @@
class Keymaster {
- ~Keymaster() { if (device) keymaster1_close(device); }
+ ~Keymaster() { if (mDevice) keymaster1_close(mDevice); }
// false if we failed to open the keymaster device.
- explicit operator bool() {return device != nullptr;}
+ explicit operator bool() {return mDevice != nullptr;}
// Generate a key in the keymaster from the given params.
- bool GenerateKey(const AuthorizationSet &in_params, std::string &key);
+ bool generateKey(const AuthorizationSet &inParams, std::string &key);
// If the keymaster supports it, permanently delete a key.
- bool DeleteKey(const std::string &key);
+ bool deleteKey(const std::string &key);
// Begin a new cryptographic operation, collecting output parameters.
- KeymasterOperation Begin(
+ KeymasterOperation begin(
keymaster_purpose_t purpose,
const std::string &key,
- const AuthorizationSet &in_params,
- AuthorizationSet &out_params);
+ const AuthorizationSet &inParams,
+ AuthorizationSet &outParams);
// Begin a new cryptographic operation; don't collect output parameters.
- KeymasterOperation Begin(
+ KeymasterOperation begin(
keymaster_purpose_t purpose,
const std::string &key,
- const AuthorizationSet &in_params);
+ const AuthorizationSet &inParams);
- keymaster1_device_t *device;
+ keymaster1_device_t *mDevice;
template <keymaster_tag_t Tag>
-inline AuthorizationSetBuilder& AddStringParam(AuthorizationSetBuilder ¶ms,
+inline AuthorizationSetBuilder& addStringParam(AuthorizationSetBuilder &¶ms,
TypedTag<KM_BYTES, Tag> tag, const std::string& val) {
return params.Authorization(tag,, val.size());