Try multiple passthrough for instance names.

- Also, dlclose unused dlopened libraries
- Also, cleaned up code/added consts/etc...

Test: internal master marlin w/ toggle on and off
Bug: 35693008
Change-Id: Ifaa22d4da526c77baf450993765e77b505a2c070
diff --git a/transport/ServiceManagement.cpp b/transport/ServiceManagement.cpp
index f3e1818..fec29d1 100644
--- a/transport/ServiceManagement.cpp
+++ b/transport/ServiceManagement.cpp
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@
 struct PassthroughServiceManager : IServiceManager {
     Return<sp<IBase>> get(const hidl_string& fqName,
                      const hidl_string& name) override {
-        FQName iface(fqName);
+        const FQName iface(fqName);
         if (!iface.isValid() ||
             !iface.isFullyQualified() ||
@@ -132,56 +132,56 @@
             return nullptr;
+        const std::string prefix = iface.getPackageAndVersion().string() + "-impl";
+        const std::string sym = "HIDL_FETCH_" +;
         const int dlMode = RTLD_LAZY;
         void *handle = nullptr;
-        std::string library;
         // TODO: lookup in VINTF instead
         // TODO(b/34135607): Remove HAL_LIBRARY_PATH_SYSTEM
         for (const std::string &path : {
         }) {
-            const std::string prefix = iface.getPackageAndVersion().string() + "-impl";
             std::vector<std::string> libs = search(path, prefix, ".so");
-            if (libs.size() > 1) {
-                LOG(WARNING) << "Multiple libraries found: " << StringHelper::JoinStrings(libs, ", ");
-            }
             for (const std::string &lib : libs) {
-                handle = dlopen((path + lib).c_str(), dlMode);
-                if (handle != nullptr) {
-                    library = lib;
-                    goto beginLookup;
+                const std::string fullPath = path + lib;
+                handle = dlopen(fullPath.c_str(), dlMode);
+                if (handle == nullptr) {
+                    const char* error = dlerror();
+                    LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to dlopen " << lib << ": "
+                               << (error == nullptr ? "unknown error" : error);
+                    continue;
+                IBase* (*generator)(const char* name);
+                *(void **)(&generator) = dlsym(handle, sym.c_str());
+                if(!generator) {
+                    const char* error = dlerror();
+                    LOG(ERROR) << "Passthrough lookup opened " << lib
+                               << " but could not find symbol " << sym << ": "
+                               << (error == nullptr ? "unknown error" : error);
+                    dlclose(handle);
+                    continue;
+                }
+                IBase *interface = (*generator)(name);
+                if (interface == nullptr) {
+                    dlclose(handle);
+                    continue; // this module doesn't provide this instance name
+                }
+                registerReference(fqName, name);
+                return interface;
-        if (handle == nullptr) {
-            return nullptr;
-        }
-        const std::string sym = "HIDL_FETCH_" +;
-        IBase* (*generator)(const char* name);
-        *(void **)(&generator) = dlsym(handle, sym.c_str());
-        if(!generator) {
-            LOG(ERROR) << "Passthrough lookup opened " << library
-                       << " but could not find symbol " << sym;
-            return nullptr;
-        }
-        IBase *interface = (*generator)(name);
-        if (interface != nullptr) {
-            registerReference(fqName, name);
-        }
-        return interface;
+        return nullptr;
     Return<bool> add(const hidl_vec<hidl_string>& /* interfaceChain */,