am 89a54669: (-s ours) am 89391bd3: DO NOT MERGE Update SDK prebuilt from 1183558

* commit '89a546693f43ab1e93f3b640b94e5f21d05f4058':
  DO NOT MERGE Update SDK prebuilt from 1183558
diff --git a/ b/
index 4b7d5a0..b78e5a8 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -40,4 +40,9 @@
 $(foreach s,$(TARGET_AVAILABLE_SDK_VERSIONS),$(eval $(call _copy_prebuilt_sdk_to_the_right_place,$(s))))
+# Make sure we install the prebuilt current sdk when you do a checkbuild
+# so later users can run tapas and mm/mmm on an with "LOCAL_SDK_VERSION := current".
+# That may not be visible to platform build.
+checkbuild : $(call intermediates-dir-for,JAVA_LIBRARIES,sdk_vcurrent,,COMMON)/classes.jar
 include $(call all-makefiles-under,$(LOCAL_PATH))
diff --git a/api/20.txt b/api/20.txt
index 23682f0..7964357 100644
--- a/api/20.txt
+++ b/api/20.txt
@@ -16301,11 +16301,9 @@
     method public static void glGenTextures(int, java.nio.IntBuffer);
     method public static void glGenerateMipmap(int);
     method public static void glGetActiveAttrib(int, int, int, int[], int, int[], int, int[], int, byte[], int);
-    method public static void glGetActiveAttrib(int, int, int, java.nio.IntBuffer, java.nio.IntBuffer, java.nio.IntBuffer, byte);
     method public static java.lang.String glGetActiveAttrib(int, int, int[], int, int[], int);
     method public static java.lang.String glGetActiveAttrib(int, int, java.nio.IntBuffer, java.nio.IntBuffer);
     method public static void glGetActiveUniform(int, int, int, int[], int, int[], int, int[], int, byte[], int);
-    method public static void glGetActiveUniform(int, int, int, java.nio.IntBuffer, java.nio.IntBuffer, java.nio.IntBuffer, byte);
     method public static java.lang.String glGetActiveUniform(int, int, int[], int, int[], int);
     method public static java.lang.String glGetActiveUniform(int, int, java.nio.IntBuffer, java.nio.IntBuffer);
     method public static void glGetAttachedShaders(int, int, int[], int, int[], int);
@@ -16331,7 +16329,6 @@
     method public static void glGetShaderPrecisionFormat(int, int, int[], int, int[], int);
     method public static void glGetShaderPrecisionFormat(int, int, java.nio.IntBuffer, java.nio.IntBuffer);
     method public static void glGetShaderSource(int, int, int[], int, byte[], int);
-    method public static void glGetShaderSource(int, int, java.nio.IntBuffer, byte);
     method public static java.lang.String glGetShaderSource(int);
     method public static void glGetShaderiv(int, int, int[], int);
     method public static void glGetShaderiv(int, int, java.nio.IntBuffer);
@@ -17964,7 +17961,6 @@
     method public final boolean hasFileDescriptors();
     method public final byte[] marshall();
     method public static android.os.Parcel obtain();
-    method protected static final android.os.Parcel obtain(int);
     method public final java.lang.Object[] readArray(java.lang.ClassLoader);
     method public final java.util.ArrayList readArrayList(java.lang.ClassLoader);
     method public final void readBinderArray(android.os.IBinder[]);
diff --git a/current/android.jar b/current/android.jar
index eb0b3f5..71c289f 100644
--- a/current/android.jar
+++ b/current/android.jar
Binary files differ
diff --git a/current/framework.aidl b/current/framework.aidl
index 9bccbe1..9c2537e 100644
--- a/current/framework.aidl
+++ b/current/framework.aidl
@@ -25,10 +25,23 @@
 parcelable android.os.DropBoxManager.Entry;
 parcelable android.os.ParcelFileDescriptor;
 parcelable android.os.ParcelUuid;
+parcelable android.print.PrinterInfo;
+parcelable android.print.PageRange;
+parcelable android.print.PrintAttributes;
+parcelable android.print.PrinterCapabilitiesInfo;
+parcelable android.print.PrinterId;
+parcelable android.print.PrintJobId;
+parcelable android.print.PrintJobInfo;
+parcelable android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEvent;
+parcelable android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo;
+parcelable android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityRecord;
+parcelable android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityWindowInfo;
 parcelable android.view.KeyEvent;
 parcelable android.view.MotionEvent;
 parcelable android.view.Surface;
 parcelable android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams;
+parcelable android.view.WindowAnimationFrameStats;
+parcelable android.view.WindowContentFrameStats;
 parcelable android.widget.RemoteViews;
diff --git a/current/uiautomator.jar b/current/uiautomator.jar
index c9b0093..798281d 100644
--- a/current/uiautomator.jar
+++ b/current/uiautomator.jar
Binary files differ
diff --git a/renderscript/clang-include/ b/renderscript/clang-include/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f7944d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/renderscript/clang-include/
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+module _Builtin_intrinsics [system] {
+  explicit module altivec {
+    requires altivec
+    header "altivec.h"
+  }
+  explicit module arm {
+    requires arm
+    explicit module neon {
+      requires neon
+      header "arm_neon.h"
+      export *
+    }
+  }
+  explicit module intel {
+    requires x86
+    export *
+    header "immintrin.h"
+    header "x86intrin.h"
+    explicit module mm_malloc {
+      header "mm_malloc.h"
+      export * // note: for <stdlib.h> dependency
+    }
+    explicit module cpuid {
+      requires x86
+      header "cpuid.h"
+    }
+    explicit module mmx {
+      requires mmx
+      header "mmintrin.h"
+    }
+    explicit module f16c {
+      requires f16c
+      header "f16cintrin.h"
+    }
+    explicit module sse {
+      requires sse
+      export mmx
+      export * // note: for hackish <emmintrin.h> dependency
+      header "xmmintrin.h"
+    }
+    explicit module sse2 {
+      requires sse2
+      export sse
+      header "emmintrin.h"
+    }
+    explicit module sse3 {
+      requires sse3
+      export sse2
+      header "pmmintrin.h"
+    }
+    explicit module ssse3 {
+      requires ssse3
+      export sse3
+      header "tmmintrin.h"
+    }
+    explicit module sse4_1 {
+      requires sse41
+      export ssse3
+      header "smmintrin.h"
+    }
+    explicit module sse4_2 {
+      requires sse42
+      export sse4_1
+      header "nmmintrin.h"
+    }
+    explicit module sse4a {
+      requires sse4a
+      export sse3
+      header "ammintrin.h"
+    }
+    explicit module avx {
+      requires avx
+      export sse4_2
+      header "avxintrin.h"
+    }
+    explicit module avx2 {
+      requires avx2
+      export avx
+      header "avx2intrin.h"
+    }
+    explicit module bmi {
+      requires bmi
+      header "bmiintrin.h"
+    }
+    explicit module bmi2 {
+      requires bmi2
+      header "bmi2intrin.h"
+    }
+    explicit module fma {
+      requires fma
+      header "fmaintrin.h"
+    }
+    explicit module fma4 {
+      requires fma4
+      export sse3
+      header "fma4intrin.h"
+    }
+    explicit module lzcnt {
+      requires lzcnt
+      header "lzcntintrin.h"
+    }
+    explicit module popcnt {
+      requires popcnt
+      header "popcntintrin.h"
+    }
+    explicit module mm3dnow {
+      requires mm3dnow
+      header "mm3dnow.h"
+    }
+    explicit module xop {
+      requires xop
+      export fma4
+      header "xopintrin.h"
+    }
+    explicit module aes_pclmul {
+      requires aes, pclmul
+      header "wmmintrin.h"
+    }
+    explicit module aes {
+      requires aes
+      header "__wmmintrin_aes.h"
+    }
+    explicit module pclmul {
+      requires pclmul
+      header "__wmmintrin_pclmul.h"
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
index f7a4d5e..961a432 100644
--- a/tools/
+++ b/tools/
@@ -120,6 +120,55 @@
 	$(hide) chmod 755 $@
+include $(CLEAR_VARS)
+# We have to call copy-file-to-new-target instead of simply including
+# $(BUILD_PREBUILT) here, because we must put dx.jar, shrinkedAndroid.jar and mainDexClasses.rules
+# as dependecy of mainDexClasses.
+LOCAL_MODULE := mainDexClasses
+LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := optional
+include $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/
+$(LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE): $(LOCAL_PATH)/mainDexClasses | $(ACP)
+	@echo "Copy: $(PRIVATE_MODULE) ($@)"
+	$(copy-file-to-new-target)
+	$(hide) chmod 755 $@
+include $(CLEAR_VARS)
+LOCAL_MODULE := mainDexClasses.rules
+LOCAL_SRC_FILES := mainDexClasses.rules
+LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := optional
+LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE_STEM := mainDexClasses.rules
+include $(BUILD_PREBUILT)
+include $(CLEAR_VARS)
+LOCAL_MODULE := shrinkedAndroid
+LOCAL_SRC_FILES := lib/shrinkedAndroid.jar
+LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := optional
+include $(BUILD_PREBUILT)
diff --git a/tools/darwin/aapt b/tools/darwin/aapt
index 6782fd0..29ea5fa 100755
--- a/tools/darwin/aapt
+++ b/tools/darwin/aapt
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tools/lib/dx.jar b/tools/lib/dx.jar
index 746163b..40c0590 100644
--- a/tools/lib/dx.jar
+++ b/tools/lib/dx.jar
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tools/lib/shrinkedAndroid.jar b/tools/lib/shrinkedAndroid.jar
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68b53fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/lib/shrinkedAndroid.jar
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tools/linux/aapt b/tools/linux/aapt
index 19bdd8c..fea9d8f 100755
--- a/tools/linux/aapt
+++ b/tools/linux/aapt
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tools/mainDexClasses b/tools/mainDexClasses
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..034d47e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/mainDexClasses
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+function makeTempJar ()
+  local tempDir=/tmp
+  if [ ! -e "${tempDir}" ]; then
+    tempDir=.
+  fi
+  local tempfile="${tempDir}/mainDexClasses-$$.tmp.jar"
+  if [ -e "${tempfile}" ]; then
+    echo "Failed to create temporary file" >2
+    exit 6
+  fi
+  echo "${tempfile}"
+function cleanTmp ()
+  if [ -e "${tmpOut}" ] ; then
+    rm "${tmpOut}"
+  fi
+# Set up prog to be the path of this script, including following symlinks,
+# and set up progdir to be the fully-qualified pathname of its directory.
+while [ -h "${prog}" ]; do
+    newProg=`/bin/ls -ld "${prog}"`
+    newProg=`expr "${newProg}" : ".* -> \(.*\)$"`
+    if expr "x${newProg}" : 'x/' >/dev/null; then
+        prog="${newProg}"
+    else
+        progdir=`dirname "${prog}"`
+        prog="${progdir}/${newProg}"
+    fi
+progdir=`dirname "${prog}"`
+cd "${progdir}"
+prog="${progdir}"/`basename "${prog}"`
+cd "${oldwd}"
+if [ ! -r ${baserules} ]; then
+    echo `basename "$prog"`": can't find mainDexClasses.rules" 1>&2
+    exit 1
+if [ ! -r "$libdir/$jarfile" ]; then
+    # set dx.jar location for the SDK case
+    libdir="$libdir/lib"
+if [ ! -r "$libdir/$jarfile" ]; then
+    # set dx.jar location for the Android tree case
+    libdir=`dirname "$progdir"`/framework
+if [ ! -r "$libdir/$jarfile" ]; then
+    echo `basename "$prog"`": can't find $jarfile" 1>&2
+    exit 1
+if [ ! -r "${proguard}" ]; then
+  # set proguard location for the SDK case
+  proguardBaseDir=`dirname "$progdir"`
+  # "${progdir}"/../..
+  proguardBaseDir=`dirname "$proguardBaseDir"`
+  proguard="${proguardBaseDir}"/tools/proguard/bin/${proguardExec}
+if [ ! -r "${proguard}" ]; then
+  # set proguard location for the Android tree case
+  proguardBaseDir=`dirname "$proguardBaseDir"`
+  # "${progdir}"/../../../..
+  proguardBaseDir=`dirname "$proguardBaseDir"`
+  proguard="${proguardBaseDir}"/external/proguard/bin/${proguardExec}
+if [ ! -r "${proguard}" ]; then
+    proguard="`which proguard`"
+if [ -z "${proguard}" -o ! -r "${proguard}" ]; then
+    proguard="`which ${proguardExec}`"
+if [ -z "${proguard}" -o ! -r "${proguard}" ]; then
+    echo `basename "$prog"`": can't find ${proguardExec}" 1>&2
+    exit 1
+if [ -z "${shrinkedAndroidJar}" ]; then
+  shrinkedAndroidJar=shrinkedAndroid.jar
+if [ ! -r "${shrinkedAndroidJar}" ]; then
+  shrinkedAndroidJar=${libdir}/${shrinkedAndroidJar}
+if [ ! -r "${shrinkedAndroidJar}" ]; then
+    echo `basename "$prog"`": can't find shrinkedAndroid.jar" 1>&2
+    exit 1
+if [ "$OSTYPE" = "cygwin" ]; then
+    # For Cygwin, convert the jarfile path into native Windows style.
+    jarpath=`cygpath -w "$libdir/$jarfile"`
+  proguard=`cygpath -w "${proguard}"`
+  shrinkedAndroidJar=`cygpath -w "${shrinkedAndroidJar}"`
+    jarpath="$libdir/$jarfile"
+if expr "x$1" : 'x--output' >/dev/null; then
+    exec 1>$2
+    shift 2
+if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
+  echo "Usage : $0 [--output <output file>] <application path>" 1>&2
+  exit 2
+trap cleanTmp 0
+${proguard} -injars ${@} -dontwarn -forceprocessing  -outjars ${tmpOut} \
+  -libraryjars "${shrinkedAndroidJar}" -dontoptimize -dontobfuscate -dontpreverify \
+  -include "${baserules}" 1>/dev/null || exit 10
+java -cp "$jarpath" "${tmpOut}" ${@} ||  exit 11
diff --git a/tools/mainDexClasses.rules b/tools/mainDexClasses.rules
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f57cbdd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/mainDexClasses.rules
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+  -keep public class * extends {

+    <init>();

+  }

+  -keep public class * extends {

+    <init>();

+    void attachBaseContext(android.content.Context);

+  }

+  -keep public class * extends {

+    <init>();

+  }

+  -keep public class * extends {

+    <init>();

+  }

+  -keep public class * extends android.content.ContentProvider {

+   <init>();

+  }

+  -keep public class * extends android.content.BroadcastReceiver {

+   <init>();

+  }

+  -keep public class * extends {

+   <init>();

+  }