Make server port option work on windows

The server port command line option do not work
on windows, need pass -P option to child process.

Change-Id: Ibb3f0a926fae8e17c75fccbd4bb3a33318fffe9e
diff --git a/adb.c b/adb.c
index ec74b49..b7359d4 100644
--- a/adb.c
+++ b/adb.c
@@ -1077,10 +1077,11 @@
     /* get path of current program */
     GetModuleFileName( NULL, program_path, sizeof(program_path) );
+    char args[64];
+    snprintf(args, sizeof(args), "adb -P %d fork-server server",  server_port);
     ret = CreateProcess(
             program_path,                              /* program path  */
-            "adb fork-server server",
+            args,
                                     /* the fork-server argument will set the
                                        debug = 2 in the child           */
             NULL,                   /* process handle is not inheritable */