Metrics: Log A2DP playback related atoms to StatsLog
* BluetoothA2dpAudioOverrunReported
- Logs when A2DP failed send encoded data to the remote device fast
enough such that the transmit buffer queue is full and we have to
drop data
* BluetoothA2dpAudioUnderrunReported
- Logs when A2DP failed to read from PCM source
* BluetoothDeviceRssiReported
- Logged when remote device's RSSI level is reported by the controller
* BluetoothDeviceFailedContactCounterReported
- Logged when ACL transmit queue was flushed by the controller
- This is normally disabled unless we set automatic flush timeout was
set to a non-zero value
- However, when this event is reported, the connection quality must
be very bad
* BluetoothDeviceTxPowerLevelReported
- Logged when transmit power level is reported for a particular
Note on num_dropped_nanoseconds entry:
- This is the duration of audio dropped and is calculated by
multiplying the number of encoding actions with length of encoding
Bug: 112969790
Test: make, testdrive with statsd
Change-Id: Ie6aa5ee71dea213e452497dd181fee91eea8f7b4
diff --git a/system/common/ b/system/common/
index 8461626..9cbef5e 100644
--- a/system/common/
+++ b/system/common/
@@ -619,6 +619,122 @@
<< ", subversion " << loghex(subversion) << ", error " << ret;
+void LogA2dpAudioUnderrunEvent(const RawAddress& address,
+ uint64_t encoding_interval_millis,
+ int num_missing_pcm_bytes) {
+ std::string obfuscated_id;
+ if (!address.IsEmpty()) {
+ obfuscated_id = AddressObfuscator::GetInstance()->Obfuscate(address);
+ }
+ // nullptr and size 0 represent missing value for obfuscated_id
+ android::util::BytesField bytes_field(
+ address.IsEmpty() ? nullptr : obfuscated_id.c_str(),
+ address.IsEmpty() ? 0 : obfuscated_id.size());
+ int64_t encoding_interval_nanos = encoding_interval_millis * 1000000;
+ int ret = android::util::stats_write(
+ android::util::BLUETOOTH_A2DP_AUDIO_UNDERRUN_REPORTED, bytes_field,
+ encoding_interval_nanos, num_missing_pcm_bytes);
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ LOG(WARNING) << __func__ << ": failed for " << address
+ << ", encoding_interval_nanos " << encoding_interval_nanos
+ << ", num_missing_pcm_bytes " << num_missing_pcm_bytes
+ << ", error " << ret;
+ }
+void LogA2dpAudioOverrunEvent(const RawAddress& address,
+ uint64_t encoding_interval_millis,
+ int num_dropped_buffers,
+ int num_dropped_encoded_frames,
+ int num_dropped_encoded_bytes) {
+ std::string obfuscated_id;
+ if (!address.IsEmpty()) {
+ obfuscated_id = AddressObfuscator::GetInstance()->Obfuscate(address);
+ }
+ // nullptr and size 0 represent missing value for obfuscated_id
+ android::util::BytesField bytes_field(
+ address.IsEmpty() ? nullptr : obfuscated_id.c_str(),
+ address.IsEmpty() ? 0 : obfuscated_id.size());
+ int64_t encoding_interval_nanos = encoding_interval_millis * 1000000;
+ int ret = android::util::stats_write(
+ android::util::BLUETOOTH_A2DP_AUDIO_OVERRUN_REPORTED, bytes_field,
+ encoding_interval_nanos, num_dropped_buffers, num_dropped_encoded_frames,
+ num_dropped_encoded_bytes);
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ LOG(WARNING) << __func__ << ": failed to log for " << address
+ << ", encoding_interval_nanos " << encoding_interval_nanos
+ << ", num_dropped_buffers " << num_dropped_buffers
+ << ", num_dropped_encoded_frames "
+ << num_dropped_encoded_frames << ", num_dropped_encoded_bytes "
+ << num_dropped_encoded_bytes << ", error " << ret;
+ }
+void LogReadRssiResult(const RawAddress& address, uint16_t handle,
+ uint32_t cmd_status, int8_t rssi) {
+ std::string obfuscated_id;
+ if (!address.IsEmpty()) {
+ obfuscated_id = AddressObfuscator::GetInstance()->Obfuscate(address);
+ }
+ // nullptr and size 0 represent missing value for obfuscated_id
+ android::util::BytesField bytes_field(
+ address.IsEmpty() ? nullptr : obfuscated_id.c_str(),
+ address.IsEmpty() ? 0 : obfuscated_id.size());
+ int ret =
+ android::util::stats_write(android::util::BLUETOOTH_DEVICE_RSSI_REPORTED,
+ bytes_field, handle, cmd_status, rssi);
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ LOG(WARNING) << __func__ << ": failed for " << address << ", handle "
+ << handle << ", status " << loghex(cmd_status) << ", rssi "
+ << rssi << " dBm, error " << ret;
+ }
+void LogReadFailedContactCounterResult(const RawAddress& address,
+ uint16_t handle, uint32_t cmd_status,
+ int32_t failed_contact_counter) {
+ std::string obfuscated_id;
+ if (!address.IsEmpty()) {
+ obfuscated_id = AddressObfuscator::GetInstance()->Obfuscate(address);
+ }
+ // nullptr and size 0 represent missing value for obfuscated_id
+ android::util::BytesField bytes_field(
+ address.IsEmpty() ? nullptr : obfuscated_id.c_str(),
+ address.IsEmpty() ? 0 : obfuscated_id.size());
+ int ret = android::util::stats_write(
+ bytes_field, handle, cmd_status, failed_contact_counter);
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ LOG(WARNING) << __func__ << ": failed for " << address << ", handle "
+ << handle << ", status " << loghex(cmd_status)
+ << ", failed_contact_counter " << failed_contact_counter
+ << " packets, error " << ret;
+ }
+void LogReadTxPowerLevelResult(const RawAddress& address, uint16_t handle,
+ uint32_t cmd_status,
+ int32_t transmit_power_level) {
+ std::string obfuscated_id;
+ if (!address.IsEmpty()) {
+ obfuscated_id = AddressObfuscator::GetInstance()->Obfuscate(address);
+ }
+ // nullptr and size 0 represent missing value for obfuscated_id
+ android::util::BytesField bytes_field(
+ address.IsEmpty() ? nullptr : obfuscated_id.c_str(),
+ address.IsEmpty() ? 0 : obfuscated_id.size());
+ int ret = android::util::stats_write(
+ android::util::BLUETOOTH_DEVICE_TX_POWER_LEVEL_REPORTED, bytes_field,
+ handle, cmd_status, transmit_power_level);
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ LOG(WARNING) << __func__ << ": failed for " << address << ", handle "
+ << handle << ", status " << loghex(cmd_status)
+ << ", transmit_power_level " << transmit_power_level
+ << " packets, error " << ret;
+ }
} // namespace common
} // namespace bluetooth