Add a script to pull launcher.db off the device and pretty print an html file with the contents.

Change-Id: I4640fad71e5f77e0dbcbe4df4204bf36a03d3562
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ebcba6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2.5
+import cgi
+import os
+import shutil
+import sys
+import sqlite3
+ROWS = 4
+CELL_SIZE = 110
+DIR = "db_files"
+AUTO_FILE = DIR + "/launcher.db"
+INDEX_FILE = DIR + "/index.html"
+def usage():
+  print "usage: launcher.db -- prints a launcher.db"
+  print "usage: -- adb pulls a launcher.db from a device"
+  print "       and prints it"
+  print
+  print "The dump will be created in a directory called db_files in cwd."
+  print "This script will delete any db_files directory you have now"
+def make_dir():
+  shutil.rmtree(DIR, True)
+  os.makedirs(DIR)
+def pull_file(fn):
+  print "pull_file: " + fn
+  rv = os.system("adb pull"
+    + " /data/data/"
+    + " " + fn);
+  if rv != 0:
+    print "adb pull failed"
+    sys.exit(1)
+def get_favorites(conn):
+  c = conn.cursor()
+  c.execute("SELECT * FROM favorites")
+  columns = [d[0] for d in c.description]
+  rows = []
+  for row in c:
+    rows.append(row)
+  return columns,rows
+def print_intent(out, id, i, cell):
+  if cell:
+    out.write("""<span class="intent" title="%s">shortcut</span>""" % (
+        cgi.escape(cell, True)
+      ))
+def print_icon(out, id, i, cell):
+  if cell:
+    icon_fn = "icon_%d.png" % id
+    out.write("""<img src="%s">""" % ( icon_fn ))
+    f = file(DIR + "/" + icon_fn, "w")
+    f.write(cell)
+    f.close()
+def print_cell(out, id, i, cell):
+  if not cell is None:
+    out.write(cgi.escape(str(cell)))
+  "intent": print_intent,
+  "icon": print_icon
+def process_file(fn):
+  print "process_file: " + fn
+  conn = sqlite3.connect(fn)
+  columns,rows = get_favorites(conn)
+  data = [dict(zip(columns,row)) for row in rows]
+  out = file(INDEX_FILE, "w")
+  out.write("""<html>
+<style type="text/css">
+.intent {
+  font-style: italic;
+  # Data table
+  out.write("<b>Favorites table</b><br/>\n")
+  out.write("""<html>
+<table border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4>
+  print_functions = []
+  for col in columns:
+    print_functions.append(FUNCTIONS.get(col, print_cell))
+  for i in range(0,len(columns)):
+    col = columns[i]
+    out.write("""  <th>%s</th>
+""" % ( col ))
+  out.write("""
+  for row in rows:
+    out.write("""<tr>
+    for i in range(0,len(row)):
+      cell = row[i]
+      # row[0] is always _id
+      out.write("""  <td>""")
+      print_functions[i](out, row[0], row, cell)
+      out.write("""</td>
+    out.write("""</tr>
+  out.write("""</table>
+  # Pages
+  screens = []
+  for i in range(0,SCREENS):
+    screen = []
+    for j in range(0,ROWS):
+      m = []
+      for k in range(0,COLUMNS):
+        m.append(None)
+      screen.append(m)
+    screens.append(screen)
+  occupied = "occupied"
+  for row in data:
+    screen = screens[row["screen"]]
+    # desktop
+    if row["container"] != -100:
+      continue
+    cellX = row["cellX"]
+    cellY = row["cellY"]
+    spanX = row["spanX"]
+    spanY = row["spanY"]
+    for j in range(cellY, cellY+spanY):
+      for k in range(cellX, cellX+spanX):
+        screen[j][k] = occupied
+    screen[cellY][cellX] = row
+  i=0
+  for screen in screens:
+    out.write("<br/><b>Screen %d</b><br/>\n" % i)
+    out.write("<table class=layout border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4>\n")
+    for m in screen:
+      out.write("  <tr>\n")
+      for cell in m:
+        if cell is None:
+          out.write("    <td width=%d height=%d></td>\n" %
+              (CELL_SIZE, CELL_SIZE))
+        elif cell == occupied:
+          pass
+        else:
+          cellX = cell["cellX"]
+          cellY = cell["cellY"]
+          spanX = cell["spanX"]
+          spanY = cell["spanY"]
+          intent = cell["intent"]
+          if intent:
+            title = "title=\"%s\"" % cgi.escape(cell["intent"], True)
+          else:
+            title = ""
+          out.write(("    <td colspan=%d rowspan=%d width=%d height=%d"
+              + " bgcolor=#dddddd align=center valign=middle %s>") % (
+                spanX, spanY,
+                (CELL_SIZE*spanX), (CELL_SIZE*spanY),
+                title))
+          itemType = cell["itemType"]
+          if itemType == 0:
+            out.write("""<img src="icon_%d.png">\n""" % ( cell["_id"] ))
+            out.write("<br/>\n")
+            out.write(cgi.escape(cell["title"]) + " <br/><i>(app)</i>")
+          elif itemType == 1:
+            out.write("""<img src="icon_%d.png">\n""" % ( cell["_id"] ))
+            out.write("<br/>\n")
+            out.write(cgi.escape(cell["title"]) + " <br/><i>(shortcut)</i>")
+          elif itemType == 2:
+            out.write("""<i>folder</i>""")
+          elif itemType == 3:
+            out.write("""<i>live folder</i>""")
+          elif itemType == 4:
+            out.write("<i>widget %d</i><br/>\n" % cell["appWidgetId"])
+          elif itemType == 1000:
+            out.write("""<i>clock</i>""")
+          elif itemType == 1001:
+            out.write("""<i>search</i>""")
+          elif itemType == 1002:
+            out.write("""<i>photo frame</i>""")
+          else:
+            out.write("<b>unknown type: %d</b>" % itemType)
+          out.write("</td>\n")
+      out.write("</tr>\n")
+    out.write("</table>\n")
+    i=i+1
+  out.write("""
+  out.close()
+def main(argv):
+  if len(argv) == 1:
+    make_dir()
+    pull_file(AUTO_FILE)
+    process_file(AUTO_FILE)
+  elif len(argv) == 2:
+    make_dir()
+    process_file(argv[1])
+  else:
+    usage()
+if __name__=="__main__":
+  main(sys.argv)