Add lint baseline to address NewApi errors

We are enabling a new lint check where the min sdk != compile sdk.
It has produced a lot of errors and adding the baseline file(s)
allows us to continue work without introducing more problems.

Bug: 150847901

Test: m lint-check
Change-Id: I827a5b21dd52448d4f68da6743a1a1632d99573d
diff --git a/lint-baseline-launcher3.xml b/lint-baseline-launcher3.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..469ad94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lint-baseline-launcher3.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,576 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<issues format="5" by="lint 4.1.0" client="cli" variant="all" version="4.1.0">
+    <issue
+        id="NewApi"
+        message="Call requires API level R (current min is 26): `android.view.View#getWindowInsetsController`"
+        errorLine1="        getWindowInsetsController().hide(WindowInsets.Type.ime());"
+        errorLine2="        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+        <location
+            file="packages/apps/Launcher3/src/com/android/launcher3/allapps/"
+            line="203"
+            column="9"/>
+    </issue>
+    <issue
+        id="NewApi"
+        message="Call requires API level R (current min is 26): `android.view.WindowInsets.Type#ime`"
+        errorLine1="        getWindowInsetsController().hide(WindowInsets.Type.ime());"
+        errorLine2="                                                           ~~~">
+        <location
+            file="packages/apps/Launcher3/src/com/android/launcher3/allapps/"
+            line="203"
+            column="60"/>
+    </issue>
+    <issue
+        id="NewApi"
+        message="Call requires API level R (current min is 26): `android.view.WindowInsetsController#hide`"
+        errorLine1="        getWindowInsetsController().hide(WindowInsets.Type.ime());"
+        errorLine2="                                    ~~~~">
+        <location
+            file="packages/apps/Launcher3/src/com/android/launcher3/allapps/"
+            line="203"
+            column="37"/>
+    </issue>
+    <issue
+        id="NewApi"
+        message="Call requires API level R (current min is 26): `android.view.View#getWindowInsetsController`"
+        errorLine1="                getWindowInsetsController().hide(WindowInsets.Type.ime());"
+        errorLine2="                ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+        <location
+            file="packages/apps/Launcher3/src/com/android/launcher3/allapps/"
+            line="193"
+            column="17"/>
+    </issue>
+    <issue
+        id="NewApi"
+        message="Call requires API level R (current min is 26): `android.view.WindowInsets.Type#ime`"
+        errorLine1="                getWindowInsetsController().hide(WindowInsets.Type.ime());"
+        errorLine2="                                                                   ~~~">
+        <location
+            file="packages/apps/Launcher3/src/com/android/launcher3/allapps/"
+            line="193"
+            column="68"/>
+    </issue>
+    <issue
+        id="NewApi"
+        message="Call requires API level R (current min is 26): `android.view.WindowInsetsController#hide`"
+        errorLine1="                getWindowInsetsController().hide(WindowInsets.Type.ime());"
+        errorLine2="                                            ~~~~">
+        <location
+            file="packages/apps/Launcher3/src/com/android/launcher3/allapps/"
+            line="193"
+            column="45"/>
+    </issue>
+    <issue
+        id="NewApi"
+        message="Call requires API level 31 (current min is 26): `android.appwidget.AppWidgetHostView#updateAppWidgetSize`"
+        errorLine1="            widgetView.updateAppWidgetSize(new Bundle(), sizes);"
+        errorLine2="                       ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+        <location
+            file="packages/apps/Launcher3/src/com/android/launcher3/"
+            line="399"
+            column="24"/>
+    </issue>
+    <issue
+        id="NewApi"
+        message="Call requires API level R (current min is 26): `android.view.WindowManager#getCurrentWindowMetrics`"
+        errorLine1="                    .getCurrentWindowMetrics().getWindowInsets();"
+        errorLine2="                     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+        <location
+            file="packages/apps/Launcher3/src/com/android/launcher3/"
+            line="236"
+            column="22"/>
+    </issue>
+    <issue
+        id="NewApi"
+        message="Call requires API level R (current min is 26): `android.view.WindowMetrics#getWindowInsets`"
+        errorLine1="                    .getCurrentWindowMetrics().getWindowInsets();"
+        errorLine2="                                               ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+        <location
+            file="packages/apps/Launcher3/src/com/android/launcher3/"
+            line="236"
+            column="48"/>
+    </issue>
+    <issue
+        id="NewApi"
+        message="Call requires API level 29 (current min is 26): `android.content.res.Resources#getFloat`"
+        errorLine1="        folderLabelTextScale = res.getFloat(R.dimen.folder_label_text_scale);"
+        errorLine2="                                   ~~~~~~~~">
+        <location
+            file="packages/apps/Launcher3/src/com/android/launcher3/"
+            line="256"
+            column="36"/>
+    </issue>
+    <issue
+        id="NewApi"
+        message="Call requires API level 29 (current min is 26): `android.content.res.Resources#getFloat`"
+        errorLine1="        return mContext.getResources().getFloat(resId);"
+        errorLine2="                                       ~~~~~~~~">
+        <location
+            file="packages/apps/Launcher3/src/com/android/launcher3/util/"
+            line="73"
+            column="40"/>
+    </issue>
+    <issue
+        id="NewApi"
+        message="Call requires API level 31 (current min is 26): `android.appwidget.AppWidgetHostView#resetColorResources`"
+        errorLine1="            resetColorResources();"
+        errorLine2="            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+        <location
+            file="packages/apps/Launcher3/src/com/android/launcher3/widget/"
+            line="137"
+            column="13"/>
+    </issue>
+    <issue
+        id="NewApi"
+        message="Call requires API level R (current min is 26): `java.util.List#of`"
+        errorLine1="            mColorExtractor.addLocation(List.of(mLastLocationRegistered));"
+        errorLine2="                                             ~~">
+        <location
+            file="packages/apps/Launcher3/src/com/android/launcher3/widget/"
+            line="367"
+            column="46"/>
+    </issue>
+    <issue
+        id="NewApi"
+        message="Call requires API level R (current min is 26): `java.util.List#of`"
+        errorLine1="                mColorExtractor.addLocation(List.of(mLastLocationRegistered));"
+        errorLine2="                                                 ~~">
+        <location
+            file="packages/apps/Launcher3/src/com/android/launcher3/widget/"
+            line="390"
+            column="50"/>
+    </issue>
+    <issue
+        id="NewApi"
+        message="Field requires API level 31 (current min is 26): `android.appwidget.AppWidgetProviderInfo#maxResizeWidth`"
+        errorLine1="                (ATLEAST_S &amp;&amp; maxResizeWidth > 0)"
+        errorLine2="                              ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+        <location
+            file="packages/apps/Launcher3/src/com/android/launcher3/widget/"
+            line="91"
+            column="31"/>
+    </issue>
+    <issue
+        id="NewApi"
+        message="Field requires API level 31 (current min is 26): `android.appwidget.AppWidgetProviderInfo#maxResizeWidth`"
+        errorLine1="                        ? getSpanX(widgetPadding, maxResizeWidth, smallestCellWidth)"
+        errorLine2="                                                  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+        <location
+            file="packages/apps/Launcher3/src/com/android/launcher3/widget/"
+            line="92"
+            column="51"/>
+    </issue>
+    <issue
+        id="NewApi"
+        message="Field requires API level 31 (current min is 26): `android.appwidget.AppWidgetProviderInfo#maxResizeHeight`"
+        errorLine1="                (ATLEAST_S &amp;&amp; maxResizeHeight > 0)"
+        errorLine2="                              ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+        <location
+            file="packages/apps/Launcher3/src/com/android/launcher3/widget/"
+            line="95"
+            column="31"/>
+    </issue>
+    <issue
+        id="NewApi"
+        message="Field requires API level 31 (current min is 26): `android.appwidget.AppWidgetProviderInfo#maxResizeHeight`"
+        errorLine1="                        ? getSpanY(widgetPadding, maxResizeHeight, smallestCellHeight)"
+        errorLine2="                                                  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+        <location
+            file="packages/apps/Launcher3/src/com/android/launcher3/widget/"
+            line="96"
+            column="51"/>
+    </issue>
+    <issue
+        id="NewApi"
+        message="Field requires API level 31 (current min is 26): `android.appwidget.AppWidgetProviderInfo#targetCellWidth`"
+        errorLine1="        if (ATLEAST_S &amp;&amp; targetCellWidth >= minSpanX &amp;&amp; targetCellWidth &lt;= maxSpanX"
+        errorLine2="                         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+        <location
+            file="packages/apps/Launcher3/src/com/android/launcher3/widget/"
+            line="101"
+            column="26"/>
+    </issue>
+    <issue
+        id="NewApi"
+        message="Field requires API level 31 (current min is 26): `android.appwidget.AppWidgetProviderInfo#targetCellWidth`"
+        errorLine1="        if (ATLEAST_S &amp;&amp; targetCellWidth >= minSpanX &amp;&amp; targetCellWidth &lt;= maxSpanX"
+        errorLine2="                                                        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+        <location
+            file="packages/apps/Launcher3/src/com/android/launcher3/widget/"
+            line="101"
+            column="57"/>
+    </issue>
+    <issue
+        id="NewApi"
+        message="Field requires API level 31 (current min is 26): `android.appwidget.AppWidgetProviderInfo#targetCellHeight`"
+        errorLine1="                &amp;&amp; targetCellHeight >= minSpanY &amp;&amp; targetCellHeight &lt;= maxSpanY) {"
+        errorLine2="                   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+        <location
+            file="packages/apps/Launcher3/src/com/android/launcher3/widget/"
+            line="102"
+            column="20"/>
+    </issue>
+    <issue
+        id="NewApi"
+        message="Field requires API level 31 (current min is 26): `android.appwidget.AppWidgetProviderInfo#targetCellHeight`"
+        errorLine1="                &amp;&amp; targetCellHeight >= minSpanY &amp;&amp; targetCellHeight &lt;= maxSpanY) {"
+        errorLine2="                                                   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+        <location
+            file="packages/apps/Launcher3/src/com/android/launcher3/widget/"
+            line="102"
+            column="52"/>
+    </issue>
+    <issue
+        id="NewApi"
+        message="Field requires API level 31 (current min is 26): `android.appwidget.AppWidgetProviderInfo#targetCellWidth`"
+        errorLine1="            spanX = targetCellWidth;"
+        errorLine2="                    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+        <location
+            file="packages/apps/Launcher3/src/com/android/launcher3/widget/"
+            line="103"
+            column="21"/>
+    </issue>
+    <issue
+        id="NewApi"
+        message="Field requires API level 31 (current min is 26): `android.appwidget.AppWidgetProviderInfo#targetCellHeight`"
+        errorLine1="            spanY = targetCellHeight;"
+        errorLine2="                    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+        <location
+            file="packages/apps/Launcher3/src/com/android/launcher3/widget/"
+            line="104"
+            column="21"/>
+    </issue>
+    <issue
+        id="NewApi"
+        message="Call requires API level 28 (current min is 26): ``"
+        errorLine1="        return -> person.getKey() != null)"
+        errorLine2="                                                       ~~~~~~">
+        <location
+            file="packages/apps/Launcher3/src/com/android/launcher3/notification/"
+            line="72"
+            column="56"/>
+    </issue>
+    <issue
+        id="NewApi"
+        message="Method reference requires API level 28 (current min is 26): `Person::getKey`"
+        errorLine1="                .map(Person::getKey).sorted().toArray(String[]::new);"
+        errorLine2="                     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+        <location
+            file="packages/apps/Launcher3/src/com/android/launcher3/notification/"
+            line="73"
+            column="22"/>
+    </issue>
+    <issue
+        id="NewApi"
+        message="Call requires API level 31 (current min is 26): ``"
+        errorLine1="            return (int) (100 * info.getLoadingProgress());"
+        errorLine2="                                     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+        <location
+            file="packages/apps/Launcher3/src/com/android/launcher3/util/"
+            line="338"
+            column="38"/>
+    </issue>
+    <issue
+        id="NewApi"
+        message="Field requires API level 29 (current min is 26): `android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo.AccessibilityAction#ACTION_PAGE_LEFT`"
+        errorLine1="                AccessibilityNodeInfo.AccessibilityAction.ACTION_PAGE_LEFT"
+        errorLine2="                ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+        <location
+            file="packages/apps/Launcher3/src/com/android/launcher3/"
+            line="1752"
+            column="17"/>
+    </issue>
+    <issue
+        id="NewApi"
+        message="Field requires API level 29 (current min is 26): `android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo.AccessibilityAction#ACTION_PAGE_RIGHT`"
+        errorLine1="                : AccessibilityNodeInfo.AccessibilityAction.ACTION_PAGE_RIGHT);"
+        errorLine2="                  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+        <location
+            file="packages/apps/Launcher3/src/com/android/launcher3/"
+            line="1753"
+            column="19"/>
+    </issue>
+    <issue
+        id="NewApi"
+        message="Field requires API level 29 (current min is 26): `android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo.AccessibilityAction#ACTION_PAGE_RIGHT`"
+        errorLine1="                AccessibilityNodeInfo.AccessibilityAction.ACTION_PAGE_RIGHT"
+        errorLine2="                ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+        <location
+            file="packages/apps/Launcher3/src/com/android/launcher3/"
+            line="1760"
+            column="17"/>
+    </issue>
+    <issue
+        id="NewApi"
+        message="Field requires API level 29 (current min is 26): `android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo.AccessibilityAction#ACTION_PAGE_LEFT`"
+        errorLine1="                : AccessibilityNodeInfo.AccessibilityAction.ACTION_PAGE_LEFT);"
+        errorLine2="                  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+        <location
+            file="packages/apps/Launcher3/src/com/android/launcher3/"
+            line="1761"
+            column="19"/>
+    </issue>
+    <issue
+        id="NewApi"
+        message="Call requires API level R (current min is 26): `java.util.List#of`"
+        errorLine1="    private List&lt;WidgetsListBaseEntry> mAllWidgets = List.of();"
+        errorLine2="                                                          ~~">
+        <location
+            file="packages/apps/Launcher3/src/com/android/launcher3/popup/"
+            line="64"
+            column="59"/>
+    </issue>
+    <issue
+        id="NewApi"
+        message="Call requires API level R (current min is 26): `java.util.List#of`"
+        errorLine1="    private List&lt;ItemInfo> mRecommendedWidgets = List.of();"
+        errorLine2="                                                      ~~">
+        <location
+            file="packages/apps/Launcher3/src/com/android/launcher3/popup/"
+            line="66"
+            column="55"/>
+    </issue>
+    <issue
+        id="NewApi"
+        message="Call requires API level R (current min is 26): `new android.view.SurfaceControlViewHost`"
+        errorLine1="                    .submit(() -> new SurfaceControlViewHost(mContext, mDisplay, mHostToken))"
+        errorLine2="                                  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+        <location
+            file="packages/apps/Launcher3/src/com/android/launcher3/graphics/"
+            line="91"
+            column="35"/>
+    </issue>
+    <issue
+        id="NewApi"
+        message="Call requires API level R (current min is 26): `android.view.SurfaceControlViewHost#getSurfacePackage`"
+        errorLine1="            surfacePackage = mSurfaceControlViewHost.getSurfacePackage();"
+        errorLine2="                                                     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+        <location
+            file="packages/apps/Launcher3/src/com/android/launcher3/graphics/"
+            line="93"
+            column="54"/>
+    </issue>
+    <issue
+        id="NewApi"
+        message="Call requires API level R (current min is 26): `android.view.SurfaceControlViewHost#setView`"
+        errorLine1="                host.setView(view, view.getMeasuredWidth(), view.getMeasuredHeight());"
+        errorLine2="                     ~~~~~~~">
+        <location
+            file="packages/apps/Launcher3/src/com/android/launcher3/graphics/"
+            line="127"
+            column="22"/>
+    </issue>
+    <issue
+        id="NewApi"
+        message="Cast from `SurfacePackage` to `Parcelable` requires API level 30 (current min is 26)"
+        errorLine1="        result.putParcelable(KEY_SURFACE_PACKAGE, surfacePackage);"
+        errorLine2="                                                  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+        <location
+            file="packages/apps/Launcher3/src/com/android/launcher3/graphics/"
+            line="132"
+            column="51"/>
+    </issue>
+    <issue
+        id="NewApi"
+        message="Call requires API level R (current min is 26): `android.view.SurfaceControlViewHost#release`"
+        errorLine1="                mSurfaceControlViewHost.release();"
+        errorLine2="                                        ~~~~~~~">
+        <location
+            file="packages/apps/Launcher3/src/com/android/launcher3/graphics/"
+            line="149"
+            column="41"/>
+    </issue>
+    <issue
+        id="NewApi"
+        message="Call requires API level R (current min is 26): ``"
+        errorLine1="        outline.setPath(mPath);"
+        errorLine2="                ~~~~~~~">
+        <location
+            file="packages/apps/Launcher3/src/com/android/launcher3/popup/"
+            line="88"
+            column="17"/>
+    </issue>
+    <issue
+        id="NewApi"
+        message="Call requires API level 31 (current min is 26): `new android.widget.EdgeEffect`"
+        errorLine1="                ? new EdgeEffect(context, attrs) : new EdgeEffect(context);"
+        errorLine2="                  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+        <location
+            file="packages/apps/Launcher3/src/com/android/launcher3/views/"
+            line="49"
+            column="19"/>
+    </issue>
+    <issue
+        id="NewApi"
+        message="Call requires API level 31 (current min is 26): `new android.widget.EdgeEffect`"
+        errorLine1="                ? new EdgeEffect(context, attrs) : new EdgeEffect(context);"
+        errorLine2="                  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+        <location
+            file="packages/apps/Launcher3/src/com/android/launcher3/views/"
+            line="51"
+            column="19"/>
+    </issue>
+    <issue
+        id="NewApi"
+        message="Call requires API level 29 (current min is 26): `android.view.WindowInsets#getTappableElementInsets`"
+        errorLine1="            return windowInsets.getTappableElementInsets().bottom > 0;"
+        errorLine2="                                ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+        <location
+            file="packages/apps/Launcher3/src/com/android/launcher3/graphics/"
+            line="190"
+            column="33"/>
+    </issue>
+    <issue
+        id="NewApi"
+        message="Field requires API level 29 (current min is 26): ``"
+        errorLine1="            return windowInsets.getTappableElementInsets().bottom > 0;"
+        errorLine2="                   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+        <location
+            file="packages/apps/Launcher3/src/com/android/launcher3/graphics/"
+            line="190"
+            column="20"/>
+    </issue>
+    <issue
+        id="NewApi"
+        message="Field requires API level 28 (current min is 26): `android.appwidget.AppWidgetProviderInfo#widgetFeatures`"
+        errorLine1="        int featureFlags = mProviderInfo.widgetFeatures;"
+        errorLine2="                           ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+        <location
+            file="packages/apps/Launcher3/src/com/android/launcher3/widget/"
+            line="93"
+            column="28"/>
+    </issue>
+    <issue
+        id="NewApi"
+        message="Call requires API level 31 (current min is 26): `android.appwidget.AppWidgetProviderInfo#loadDescription`"
+        errorLine1="            CharSequence description = mItem.widgetInfo.loadDescription(getContext());"
+        errorLine2="                                                        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+        <location
+            file="packages/apps/Launcher3/src/com/android/launcher3/widget/"
+            line="193"
+            column="57"/>
+    </issue>
+    <issue
+        id="NewApi"
+        message="Field requires API level 31 (current min is 26): `android.appwidget.AppWidgetProviderInfo#previewLayout`"
+        errorLine1="                &amp;&amp; item.widgetInfo.previewLayout != Resources.ID_NULL) {"
+        errorLine2="                   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+        <location
+            file="packages/apps/Launcher3/src/com/android/launcher3/widget/"
+            line="214"
+            column="20"/>
+    </issue>
+    <issue
+        id="NewApi"
+        message="Field requires API level 31 (current min is 26): `android.appwidget.AppWidgetProviderInfo#previewLayout`"
+        errorLine1="            launcherAppWidgetProviderInfo.initialLayout = item.widgetInfo.previewLayout;"
+        errorLine2="                                                          ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+        <location
+            file="packages/apps/Launcher3/src/com/android/launcher3/widget/"
+            line="222"
+            column="59"/>
+    </issue>
+    <issue
+        id="NewApi"
+        message="Call requires API level R (current min is 26): `android.view.View#getWindowInsetsController`"
+        errorLine1="        getWindowInsetsController().hide(WindowInsets.Type.ime());"
+        errorLine2="        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+        <location
+            file="packages/apps/Launcher3/src/com/android/launcher3/widget/picker/"
+            line="558"
+            column="9"/>
+    </issue>
+    <issue
+        id="NewApi"
+        message="Call requires API level R (current min is 26): `android.view.WindowInsets.Type#ime`"
+        errorLine1="        getWindowInsetsController().hide(WindowInsets.Type.ime());"
+        errorLine2="                                                           ~~~">
+        <location
+            file="packages/apps/Launcher3/src/com/android/launcher3/widget/picker/"
+            line="558"
+            column="60"/>
+    </issue>
+    <issue
+        id="NewApi"
+        message="Call requires API level R (current min is 26): `android.view.WindowInsetsController#hide`"
+        errorLine1="        getWindowInsetsController().hide(WindowInsets.Type.ime());"
+        errorLine2="                                    ~~~~">
+        <location
+            file="packages/apps/Launcher3/src/com/android/launcher3/widget/picker/"
+            line="558"
+            column="37"/>
+    </issue>
+    <issue
+        id="NewApi"
+        message="Call requires API level R (current min is 26): `java.util.List#of`"
+        errorLine1="            return new RecommendationTableData(List.of(), previewScale);"
+        errorLine2="                                                    ~~">
+        <location
+            file="packages/apps/Launcher3/src/com/android/launcher3/widget/picker/"
+            line="139"
+            column="53"/>
+    </issue>
+    <issue
+        id="NewApi"
+        message="Method reference requires API level 28 (current min is 26): `Person::getKey`"
+        errorLine1="            :[]::new);"
+        errorLine2="                                         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+        <location
+            file="packages/apps/Launcher3/src/com/android/launcher3/model/data/"
+            line="178"
+            column="42"/>
+    </issue>