Adds Assistant Sandbox tutorial.


Fixes: 157824552

Change-Id: Ia0e5f46b39e3f06feed2f7e175ab7861e9d51a96
diff --git a/quickstep/res/values/strings.xml b/quickstep/res/values/strings.xml
index 77345a0..39a2a32 100644
--- a/quickstep/res/values/strings.xml
+++ b/quickstep/res/values/strings.xml
@@ -132,6 +132,17 @@
     <!-- Feedback shown during interactive parts of Overview gesture tutorial when the gesture is horizontal instead of vertical. [CHAR LIMIT=100] -->
     <string name="overview_gesture_feedback_wrong_swipe_direction" translatable="false">Make sure you swipe straight up and pause</string>
+    <!-- Title shown during interactive part of Assistant gesture tutorial. [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
+    <string name="assistant_gesture_tutorial_playground_title" translatable="false">Tutorial: Assistant</string>
+    <!-- Subtitle shown during interactive parts of Assistant gesture tutorial. [CHAR LIMIT=60] -->
+    <string name="assistant_gesture_tutorial_playground_subtitle" translatable="false">Try swiping diagonally from a bottom corner of the screen</string>
+    <!-- Feedback shown during interactive parts of Assistant gesture tutorial when the gesture is started too far from the corner. [CHAR LIMIT=100] -->
+    <string name="assistant_gesture_feedback_swipe_too_far_from_corner" translatable="false">Make sure you swipe from a bottom corner of the screen</string>
+    <!-- Feedback shown during interactive parts of Assistant gesture tutorial when the gesture doesn't go diagonally enough. [CHAR LIMIT=100] -->
+    <string name="assistant_gesture_feedback_swipe_not_diagonal" translatable="false">Make sure you swipe diagonally</string>
+    <!-- Feedback shown during interactive parts of Assistant gesture tutorial when the gesture doesn't go far enough. [CHAR LIMIT=100] -->
+    <string name="assistant_gesture_feedback_swipe_not_long_enough" translatable="false">Try swiping further</string>
     <!-- Title shown on the confirmation screen after successful gesture. [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
     <string name="gesture_tutorial_confirm_title" translatable="false">All set</string>
     <!-- Button text shown on a button on the confirm screen to leave the tutorial. [CHAR LIMIT=14] -->