lineage-sdk: Bring back Lineage resources to system

This partially reverts commit 4068ca7095ec7788d0e13464686c10338fbb824c.

Reason for revert:
* Currently Android (PackageManagerService) scans for packages (APKs)
  only in ANDROID_ROOT/framework/ along the standard
  $partition/{app,priv-app} directories.

* By moving to system_ext we accidentally broke the addition of
  AndroidManifest entries to the runtime (resources and assets weren't
  affected as handled manually/differently).
  Note: jars can still be loaded with no issues from this partition.

* Instead of allowing system_ext to provide framework packages and
  pending (future) AOSP discussion to include system_ext to the allowed
  path, simply move back the package.

Change-Id: I352c1518ed43e0631abaebccc1e2093b09d49b6f
1 file changed
tree: db205b5a48f0bbf646663b0bb1e3592f91151446
  1. api/
  2. host/
  3. lib/
  4. lineage/
  5. packages/
  6. samples/
  7. sdk/
  8. tests/
  9. .gitignore
  10. Android.bp

LineageOS Platform SDK

The Platform SDK provides a set of APIs that give you easy access to a variety of different features within LineageOS. The SDK exposes APIs and system level framework access in the Android framework that aren't available in any other distribution.


You can either download from prebuilts hosted on github or pull directly via Gradle.

Building against release artifacts

Our stable releases are mirrored in Maven Central, and you can fetch the current release by setting your build.gradle dependencies to

dependencies {
    compile 'org.lineageos:platform.sdk:5.+'

Building against development snapshots

Within build.gradle make sure your repositories list sonatype OSS repos for snapshots

repositories {
    maven {
        url ""

You can target the future or development branch by setting your dependencies for 6.0-SNAPSHOT

dependencies {
    compile 'org.lineageos:platform.sdk:6.0-SNAPSHOT'


For further inquiries regarding this project, please reference the wiki.