Resync a load of tests with upstream, make our build faster.

I started off with a mission to remove uses of dalvik.annotation.* (stuff
like @TestTargetNew and other useless junk that just makes it harder to
stay in sync with upstream). I wrote a script to go through tests showing
me the diff between what we have and what upstream has, thinking that in
cases where upstream has also added tests, I may as well pull them in at
the same time...

...but I didn't realize how close we were to having dx fill its 1.5GiB heap.

After trying various alternatives, I decided to bite the bullet and break
core-tests up into one .jar per module. This adds parallelism back into this,
the slowest part of our build. (I can do even better, but I'll do that in a
separate patch, preferably after we've merged recent changes from master.)

Only a couple of dependencies were problematic: the worthless TestSuiteFactory
which already contained a comment suggesting we get rid of it, and the fact
that some tests -- most notably the concurrent ones -- also contained main
methods that started the JUnit tty-based TestRunner.

(In the long run, we want to be running the harmony tests directly from a
pristine "svn co" of upstream, using DalvikRunner. But this will be a big
help in the meantime, and starts the work of getting our current copy of
the tests into a state where we can start to extract any meaningful
changes/additions we've made.)
diff --git a/run-core-tests b/run-core-tests
index 3359dde..ba858f2 100755
--- a/run-core-tests
+++ b/run-core-tests
@@ -25,12 +25,20 @@
 mkdir $tmp
 chmod 777 $tmp
+modules="annotation archive concurrent crypto dom icu logging luni-kernel \
+        luni math nio nio_char prefs regex security sql suncompat support \
+        text x-net xml"
+for module in $modules; do
+  classpath="$classpath:/system/framework/core-tests-$module.jar"
 exec dalvikvm \ \
      -Duser.language=en \
      -Duser.region=US \$tmp \ \
-     -classpath /system/framework/core-tests.jar \
+     -classpath $classpath \
      -Xcheck:jni \
      -Xmx64M "$@"