Add a host simulation of the tzdata module

Sets up additional files so that host environments
can now have a simulation of the time zone data
mainline module in addition to the simulation of the
runtime mainline module they already have.

Bug: 132169989
Test: Treehugger only
Change-Id: I4c434ed0de6513c2925a20dbdf96f69def248bb0
diff --git a/JavaLibrary.bp b/JavaLibrary.bp
index aec6e3d..d19c86a 100644
--- a/JavaLibrary.bp
+++ b/JavaLibrary.bp
@@ -275,13 +275,17 @@
     target: {
         hostdex: {
             required: [
-                // Files used to simulate the /system and runtime APEX dir
-                // structure on host.
+                // Files used to simulate the /system, runtime APEX and tzdata
+                // APEX dir structure on host.
+                "icu_tzdata.dat_host_tzdata_apex",
+                "tzdata_host_tzdata_apex",
+                "tzlookup.xml_host_tzdata_apex",
+                "tz_version_host_tzdata_apex",