Fix a bug I introduced to SimpleTimeZone with my Calendar.setTimeZone fix.
Our implementations of SimpleTimeZone and Calendar became mutually recursive
for custom time zones when I changed GregorianCalendar.computeFields to use
TimeZone.inDaylightTime --- SimpleTimeZone's implementation of inDaylightTime
creates a GregorianCalendar leading to a stack overflow looking something
like this...
at java.util.SimpleTimeZone.inDaylightTime(
at java.util.GregorianCalendar.computeFields(
at java.util.Calendar.complete(
at java.util.Calendar.setTimeInMillis(
at java.util.GregorianCalendar.<init>(
at java.util.GregorianCalendar.<init>(
at java.util.SimpleTimeZone.inDaylightTime(
I've cut the knot by introducing "Grego" from ICU4J, and rewriting our
SimpleTimeZone.inDaylightTime in the style of ICU4J's implementation.
Maybe we'll be using the ICU4J calendar implementation sooner than I thought!
4 files changed