doc-rst: flat-table directive - initial implementation

Implements the reST flat-table directive.

The ``flat-table`` is a double-stage list similar to the ``list-table`` with
some additional features:

* column-span: with the role ``cspan`` a cell can be extended through
  additional columns

* row-span: with the role ``rspan`` a cell can be extended through
  additional rows

* auto span rightmost cell of a table row over the missing cells on the right
  side of that table-row.  With Option ``:fill-cells:`` this behavior can
  changed from *auto span* to *auto fill*, which automaticly inserts (empty)

list tables

  The *list tables* formats are double stage lists. Compared to the
  ASCII-art they migth be less comfortable for readers of the
  text-files. Their advantage is, that they are easy to create/modify
  and that the diff of a modification is much more meaningfull, because
  it is limited to the modified content.

The initial implementation was taken from the sphkerneldoc project [1]


Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
[jc: fixed typos and misspellings in the docs]
Signed-off-by: Jonathan Corbet <>
diff --git a/Documentation/sphinx/ b/Documentation/sphinx/
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+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: python -*-
+# pylint: disable=C0330, R0903, R0912
+    flat-table
+    ~~~~~~~~~~
+    Implementation of the ``flat-table`` reST-directive.
+    :copyright:  Copyright (C) 2016  Markus Heiser
+    :license:    GPL Version 2, June 1991 see linux/COPYING for details.
+    The ``flat-table`` (:py:class:`FlatTable`) is a double-stage list similar to
+    the ``list-table`` with some additional features:
+    * *column-span*: with the role ``cspan`` a cell can be extended through
+      additional columns
+    * *row-span*: with the role ``rspan`` a cell can be extended through
+      additional rows
+    * *auto span* rightmost cell of a table row over the missing cells on the
+      right side of that table-row.  With Option ``:fill-cells:`` this behavior
+      can changed from *auto span* to *auto fill*, which automaticly inserts
+      (empty) cells instead of spanning the last cell.
+    Options:
+    * header-rows:   [int] count of header rows
+    * stub-columns:  [int] count of stub columns
+    * widths:        [[int] [int] ... ] widths of columns
+    * fill-cells:    instead of autospann missing cells, insert missing cells
+    roles:
+    * cspan: [int] additionale columns (*morecols*)
+    * rspan: [int] additionale rows (*morerows*)
+# ==============================================================================
+# imports
+# ==============================================================================
+import sys
+from docutils import nodes
+from docutils.parsers.rst import directives, roles
+from docutils.parsers.rst.directives.tables import Table
+from docutils.utils import SystemMessagePropagation
+# ==============================================================================
+# common globals
+# ==============================================================================
+# The version numbering follows numbering of the specification
+# (Documentation/books/kernel-doc-HOWTO).
+__version__  = '1.0'
+PY3 = sys.version_info[0] == 3
+PY2 = sys.version_info[0] == 2
+if PY3:
+    # pylint: disable=C0103, W0622
+    unicode     = str
+    basestring  = str
+# ==============================================================================
+def setup(app):
+# ==============================================================================
+    app.add_directive("flat-table", FlatTable)
+    roles.register_local_role('cspan', c_span)
+    roles.register_local_role('rspan', r_span)
+# ==============================================================================
+def c_span(name, rawtext, text, lineno, inliner, options=None, content=None):
+# ==============================================================================
+    # pylint: disable=W0613
+    options  = options if options is not None else {}
+    content  = content if content is not None else []
+    nodelist = [colSpan(span=int(text))]
+    msglist  = []
+    return nodelist, msglist
+# ==============================================================================
+def r_span(name, rawtext, text, lineno, inliner, options=None, content=None):
+# ==============================================================================
+    # pylint: disable=W0613
+    options  = options if options is not None else {}
+    content  = content if content is not None else []
+    nodelist = [rowSpan(span=int(text))]
+    msglist  = []
+    return nodelist, msglist
+# ==============================================================================
+class rowSpan(nodes.General, nodes.Element): pass # pylint: disable=C0103,C0321
+class colSpan(nodes.General, nodes.Element): pass # pylint: disable=C0103,C0321
+# ==============================================================================
+# ==============================================================================
+class FlatTable(Table):
+# ==============================================================================
+    u"""FlatTable (``flat-table``) directive"""
+    option_spec = {
+        'name': directives.unchanged
+        , 'class': directives.class_option
+        , 'header-rows': directives.nonnegative_int
+        , 'stub-columns': directives.nonnegative_int
+        , 'widths': directives.positive_int_list
+        , 'fill-cells' : directives.flag }
+    def run(self):
+        if not self.content:
+            error = self.state_machine.reporter.error(
+                'The "%s" directive is empty; content required.' %,
+                nodes.literal_block(self.block_text, self.block_text),
+                line=self.lineno)
+            return [error]
+        title, messages = self.make_title()
+        node = nodes.Element()          # anonymous container for parsing
+        self.state.nested_parse(self.content, self.content_offset, node)
+        tableBuilder = ListTableBuilder(self)
+        tableBuilder.parseFlatTableNode(node)
+        tableNode = tableBuilder.buildTableNode()
+        # SDK.CONSOLE()  # print --> tableNode.asdom().toprettyxml()
+        if title:
+            tableNode.insert(0, title)
+        return [tableNode] + messages
+# ==============================================================================
+class ListTableBuilder(object):
+# ==============================================================================
+    u"""Builds a table from a double-stage list"""
+    def __init__(self, directive):
+        self.directive = directive
+        self.rows      = []
+        self.max_cols  = 0
+    def buildTableNode(self):
+        colwidths    = self.directive.get_column_widths(self.max_cols)
+        stub_columns = self.directive.options.get('stub-columns', 0)
+        header_rows  = self.directive.options.get('header-rows', 0)
+        table = nodes.table()
+        tgroup = nodes.tgroup(cols=len(colwidths))
+        table += tgroup
+        for colwidth in colwidths:
+            colspec = nodes.colspec(colwidth=colwidth)
+            # FIXME: It seems, that the stub method only works well in the
+            # absence of rowspan (observed by the html buidler, the docutils-xml
+            # build seems OK).  This is not extraordinary, because there exists
+            # no table directive (except *this* flat-table) which allows to
+            # define coexistent of rowspan and stubs (there was no use-case
+            # before flat-table). This should be reviewed (later).
+            if stub_columns:
+                colspec.attributes['stub'] = 1
+                stub_columns -= 1
+            tgroup += colspec
+        stub_columns = self.directive.options.get('stub-columns', 0)
+        if header_rows:
+            thead = nodes.thead()
+            tgroup += thead
+            for row in self.rows[:header_rows]:
+                thead += self.buildTableRowNode(row)
+        tbody = nodes.tbody()
+        tgroup += tbody
+        for row in self.rows[header_rows:]:
+            tbody += self.buildTableRowNode(row)
+        return table
+    def buildTableRowNode(self, row_data, classes=None):
+        classes = [] if classes is None else classes
+        row = nodes.row()
+        for cell in row_data:
+            if cell is None:
+                continue
+            cspan, rspan, cellElements = cell
+            attributes = {"classes" : classes}
+            if rspan:
+                attributes['morerows'] = rspan
+            if cspan:
+                attributes['morecols'] = cspan
+            entry = nodes.entry(**attributes)
+            entry.extend(cellElements)
+            row += entry
+        return row
+    def raiseError(self, msg):
+        error =  self.directive.state_machine.reporter.error(
+            msg
+            , nodes.literal_block(self.directive.block_text
+                                  , self.directive.block_text)
+            , line = self.directive.lineno )
+        raise SystemMessagePropagation(error)
+    def parseFlatTableNode(self, node):
+        u"""parses the node from a :py:class:`FlatTable` directive's body"""
+        if len(node) != 1 or not isinstance(node[0], nodes.bullet_list):
+            self.raiseError(
+                'Error parsing content block for the "%s" directive: '
+                'exactly one bullet list expected.' % )
+        for rowNum, rowItem in enumerate(node[0]):
+            row = self.parseRowItem(rowItem, rowNum)
+            self.rows.append(row)
+        self.roundOffTableDefinition()
+    def roundOffTableDefinition(self):
+        u"""Round off the table definition.
+        This method rounds off the table definition in :py:member:`rows`.
+        * This method inserts the needed ``None`` values for the missing cells
+        arising from spanning cells over rows and/or columns.
+        * recount the :py:member:`max_cols`
+        * Autospan or fill (option ``fill-cells``) missing cells on the right
+          side of the table-row
+        """
+        y = 0
+        while y < len(self.rows):
+            x = 0
+            while x < len(self.rows[y]):
+                cell = self.rows[y][x]
+                if cell is None:
+                    x += 1
+                    continue
+                cspan, rspan = cell[:2]
+                # handle colspan in current row
+                for c in range(cspan):
+                    try:
+                        self.rows[y].insert(x+c+1, None)
+                    except: # pylint: disable=W0702
+                        # the user sets ambiguous rowspans
+                        pass # SDK.CONSOLE()
+                # handle colspan in spanned rows
+                for r in range(rspan):
+                    for c in range(cspan + 1):
+                        try:
+                            self.rows[y+r+1].insert(x+c, None)
+                        except: # pylint: disable=W0702
+                            # the user sets ambiguous rowspans
+                            pass # SDK.CONSOLE()
+                x += 1
+            y += 1
+        # Insert the missing cells on the right side. For this, first
+        # re-calculate the max columns.
+        for row in self.rows:
+            if self.max_cols < len(row):
+                self.max_cols = len(row)
+        # fill with empty cells or cellspan?
+        fill_cells = False
+        if 'fill-cells' in self.directive.options:
+            fill_cells = True
+        for row in self.rows:
+            x =  self.max_cols - len(row)
+            if x and not fill_cells:
+                if row[-1] is None:
+                    row.append( ( x - 1, 0, []) )
+                else:
+                    cspan, rspan, content = row[-1]
+                    row[-1] = (cspan + x, rspan, content)
+            elif x and fill_cells:
+                for i in range(x):
+                    row.append( (0, 0, nodes.comment()) )
+    def pprint(self):
+        # for debugging
+        retVal = "[   "
+        for row in self.rows:
+            retVal += "[ "
+            for col in row:
+                if col is None:
+                    retVal += ('%r' % col)
+                    retVal += "\n    , "
+                else:
+                    content = col[2][0].astext()
+                    if len (content) > 30:
+                        content = content[:30] + "..."
+                    retVal += ('(cspan=%s, rspan=%s, %r)'
+                               % (col[0], col[1], content))
+                    retVal += "]\n    , "
+            retVal = retVal[:-2]
+            retVal += "]\n  , "
+        retVal = retVal[:-2]
+        return retVal + "]"
+    def parseRowItem(self, rowItem, rowNum):
+        row = []
+        childNo = 0
+        error   = False
+        cell    = None
+        target  = None
+        for child in rowItem:
+            if (isinstance(child , nodes.comment)
+                or isinstance(child, nodes.system_message)):
+                pass
+            elif isinstance(child ,
+                target = child
+            elif isinstance(child, nodes.bullet_list):
+                childNo += 1
+                cell = child
+            else:
+                error = True
+                break
+        if childNo != 1 or error:
+            self.raiseError(
+                'Error parsing content block for the "%s" directive: '
+                'two-level bullet list expected, but row %s does not '
+                'contain a second-level bullet list.'
+                % (, rowNum + 1))
+        for cellItem in cell:
+            cspan, rspan, cellElements = self.parseCellItem(cellItem)
+            if target is not None:
+                cellElements.insert(0, target)
+            row.append( (cspan, rspan, cellElements) )
+        return row
+    def parseCellItem(self, cellItem):
+        # search and remove cspan, rspan colspec from the first element in
+        # this listItem (field).
+        cspan = rspan = 0
+        if not len(cellItem):
+            return cspan, rspan, []
+        for elem in cellItem[0]:
+            if isinstance(elem, colSpan):
+                cspan = elem.get("span")
+                elem.parent.remove(elem)
+                continue
+            if isinstance(elem, rowSpan):
+                rspan = elem.get("span")
+                elem.parent.remove(elem)
+                continue
+        return cspan, rspan, cellItem[:]