Merge "Add InputReader Integration tests"
diff --git a/services/inputflinger/tests/InputReader_test.cpp b/services/inputflinger/tests/InputReader_test.cpp
index 01bd9db..fc19640 100644
--- a/services/inputflinger/tests/InputReader_test.cpp
+++ b/services/inputflinger/tests/InputReader_test.cpp
@@ -18,12 +18,15 @@
#include <InputDevice.h>
#include <InputMapper.h>
#include <InputReader.h>
+#include <InputReaderBase.h>
+#include <InputReaderFactory.h>
#include <KeyboardInputMapper.h>
#include <MultiTouchInputMapper.h>
#include <SingleTouchInputMapper.h>
#include <SwitchInputMapper.h>
#include <TestInputListener.h>
#include <TouchInputMapper.h>
+#include <UinputDevice.h>
#include <android-base/thread_annotations.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
@@ -187,17 +190,19 @@
void assertInputDevicesChanged() {
- std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mLock);
- base::ScopedLockAssertion assumeLocked(mLock);
+ waitForInputDevices([](bool devicesChanged) {
+ if (!devicesChanged) {
+ FAIL() << "Timed out waiting for notifyInputDevicesChanged() to be called.";
+ }
+ });
+ }
- const bool devicesChanged =
- mDevicesChangedCondition.wait_for(lock, WAIT_TIMEOUT, [this]() REQUIRES(mLock) {
- return mInputDevicesChanged;
- });
- if (!devicesChanged) {
- FAIL() << "Timed out waiting for notifyInputDevicesChanged() to be called.";
- }
- mInputDevicesChanged = false;
+ void assertInputDevicesNotChanged() {
+ waitForInputDevices([](bool devicesChanged) {
+ if (devicesChanged) {
+ FAIL() << "Expected notifyInputDevicesChanged() to not be called.";
+ }
+ });
virtual void clearViewports() {
@@ -331,6 +336,18 @@
virtual std::string getDeviceAlias(const InputDeviceIdentifier&) {
return "";
+ void waitForInputDevices(std::function<void(bool)> processDevicesChanged) {
+ std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mLock);
+ base::ScopedLockAssertion assumeLocked(mLock);
+ const bool devicesChanged =
+ mDevicesChangedCondition.wait_for(lock, WAIT_TIMEOUT, [this]() REQUIRES(mLock) {
+ return mInputDevicesChanged;
+ });
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(processDevicesChanged(devicesChanged));
+ mInputDevicesChanged = false;
+ }
// --- FakeEventHub ---
@@ -1655,6 +1672,119 @@
ASSERT_FALSE(mReader->canDispatchToDisplay(deviceId, SECONDARY_DISPLAY_ID));
+// --- InputReaderIntegrationTest ---
+// These tests create and interact with the InputReader only through its interface.
+// The InputReader is started during SetUp(), which starts its processing in its own
+// thread. The tests use linux uinput to emulate input devices.
+// NOTE: Interacting with the physical device while these tests are running may cause
+// the tests to fail.
+class InputReaderIntegrationTest : public testing::Test {
+ sp<TestInputListener> mTestListener;
+ sp<FakeInputReaderPolicy> mFakePolicy;
+ sp<InputReaderInterface> mReader;
+ virtual void SetUp() override {
+ mFakePolicy = new FakeInputReaderPolicy();
+ mTestListener = new TestInputListener();
+ mReader = createInputReader(mFakePolicy, mTestListener);
+ ASSERT_EQ(mReader->start(), OK);
+ // Since this test is run on a real device, all the input devices connected
+ // to the test device will show up in mReader. We wait for those input devices to
+ // show up before beginning the tests.
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(mFakePolicy->assertInputDevicesChanged());
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(mTestListener->assertNotifyConfigurationChangedWasCalled());
+ }
+ virtual void TearDown() override {
+ ASSERT_EQ(mReader->stop(), OK);
+ mTestListener.clear();
+ mFakePolicy.clear();
+ }
+TEST_F(InputReaderIntegrationTest, TestInvalidDevice) {
+ // An invalid input device that is only used for this test.
+ class InvalidUinputDevice : public UinputDevice {
+ public:
+ InvalidUinputDevice() : UinputDevice("Invalid Device") {}
+ private:
+ void configureDevice(int fd, uinput_user_dev* device) override {}
+ };
+ const size_t numDevices = mFakePolicy->getInputDevices().size();
+ // UinputDevice does not set any event or key bits, so InputReader should not
+ // consider it as a valid device.
+ std::unique_ptr<UinputDevice> invalidDevice = createUinputDevice<InvalidUinputDevice>();
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(mFakePolicy->assertInputDevicesNotChanged());
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(mTestListener->assertNotifyConfigurationChangedWasNotCalled());
+ ASSERT_EQ(numDevices, mFakePolicy->getInputDevices().size());
+ invalidDevice.reset();
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(mFakePolicy->assertInputDevicesNotChanged());
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(mTestListener->assertNotifyConfigurationChangedWasNotCalled());
+ ASSERT_EQ(numDevices, mFakePolicy->getInputDevices().size());
+TEST_F(InputReaderIntegrationTest, AddNewDevice) {
+ const size_t initialNumDevices = mFakePolicy->getInputDevices().size();
+ std::unique_ptr<UinputHomeKey> keyboard = createUinputDevice<UinputHomeKey>();
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(mFakePolicy->assertInputDevicesChanged());
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(mTestListener->assertNotifyConfigurationChangedWasCalled());
+ ASSERT_EQ(initialNumDevices + 1, mFakePolicy->getInputDevices().size());
+ // Find the test device by its name.
+ std::vector<InputDeviceInfo> inputDevices;
+ mReader->getInputDevices(inputDevices);
+ InputDeviceInfo* keyboardInfo = nullptr;
+ const char* keyboardName = keyboard->getName();
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < initialNumDevices + 1; i++) {
+ if (!strcmp(inputDevices[i].getIdentifier().name.c_str(), keyboardName)) {
+ keyboardInfo = &inputDevices[i];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ ASSERT_NE(keyboardInfo, nullptr);
+ ASSERT_EQ(AINPUT_SOURCE_KEYBOARD, keyboardInfo->getSources());
+ ASSERT_EQ(0U, keyboardInfo->getMotionRanges().size());
+ keyboard.reset();
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(mFakePolicy->assertInputDevicesChanged());
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(mTestListener->assertNotifyConfigurationChangedWasCalled());
+ ASSERT_EQ(initialNumDevices, mFakePolicy->getInputDevices().size());
+TEST_F(InputReaderIntegrationTest, SendsEventsToInputListener) {
+ std::unique_ptr<UinputHomeKey> keyboard = createUinputDevice<UinputHomeKey>();
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(mFakePolicy->assertInputDevicesChanged());
+ NotifyConfigurationChangedArgs configChangedArgs;
+ mTestListener->assertNotifyConfigurationChangedWasCalled(&configChangedArgs));
+ uint32_t prevSequenceNum = configChangedArgs.sequenceNum;
+ nsecs_t prevTimestamp = configChangedArgs.eventTime;
+ NotifyKeyArgs keyArgs;
+ keyboard->pressAndReleaseHomeKey();
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(mTestListener->assertNotifyKeyWasCalled(&keyArgs));
+ ASSERT_LT(prevSequenceNum, keyArgs.sequenceNum);
+ prevSequenceNum = keyArgs.sequenceNum;
+ ASSERT_LE(prevTimestamp, keyArgs.eventTime);
+ prevTimestamp = keyArgs.eventTime;
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(mTestListener->assertNotifyKeyWasCalled(&keyArgs));
+ ASSERT_LT(prevSequenceNum, keyArgs.sequenceNum);
+ ASSERT_LE(prevTimestamp, keyArgs.eventTime);
// --- InputDeviceTest ---
class InputDeviceTest : public testing::Test {