Fixes update of extras Bundle in new Locations for GPS Provider

This patch fixes the update of the extras Bundle in the Location object
each time the platform derives a new GPS location and passes it to
listening applications via LocationListener.onLocationChanged().

Sometime between Android 1.6 and 2.1 a bug was introduced that stopped
any extras calculated by the platform from being added into the Location
object, which means they were never passed up to any LocationListeners
for the GPS Provider.  This manifested as an issue where the number of
satellites used to derive a fix always reported “0” when retrieved from
Location.getExtras() (Issue 4810 on the Android Issues page -

Sample code to be used within
LocationListener.onLocationChanged(Location location) which demonstrates
this problem:

Bundle extras = location.getExtras();

Int numSats = extras.getInt("satellites");  //This always reports “0”
                                            //post 1.5, although in 1.5
                                            //it properly reported the
                                            //number of satellites used
                                            //to derive this location

The “satellites” extra key/value pair for Locations is defined in

This patch modifies to properly update the
Location object with the extras Bundle before the Location object is
passed to any listening applications, and therefore the number of
satellites used to derive a fix can now be retrieved properly through
location.getExtras() (as shown in sample code above).  Therefore, this
patch fixes Issue 4810.

Change-Id: Ief21056a3623269bb3149ec78ab92738a234f57f
Signed-off-by: Sean Barbeau <>
1 file changed