Fix framework and NetworkStack classes conflicts

Classes that are used in framework.jar cannot be linked in NetworkStack,
as the framework takes precedence in the classpath. This prevents the
networkstack from using these classes due to the hidden API usage

Do the following:
 - jarjar any shared source file between framework and NetworkStack, so
   the version in the NetworkStack uses a different package.
 - Move any shared class not used in the NetworkStack to

The CL  uses jarjar on the app copy and not the framework classes, as
the framework cannot be updated without an OTA, and non-network stack
specific classes should not be renamed because of the network stack.

Test: atest FrameworksNetTests NetworkStackTests
Test: flashed svelte build, WiFi works
Bug: 124033493
Change-Id: I85d888b756adc28c36638913632bfdfdbf0e0486
9 files changed