AAPT2: Separate out the various steps
An early refactor. Some ideas became clearer as
development continued. Now the various phases are much
clearer and more easily reusable.
Also added a ton of tests!
Change-Id: Ic8f0a70c8222370352e63533b329c40457c0903e
diff --git a/tools/aapt2/flatten/TableFlattener.cpp b/tools/aapt2/flatten/TableFlattener.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..427ab18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/aapt2/flatten/TableFlattener.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,644 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "ResourceTable.h"
+#include "ResourceValues.h"
+#include "ValueVisitor.h"
+#include "flatten/ChunkWriter.h"
+#include "flatten/ResourceTypeExtensions.h"
+#include "flatten/TableFlattener.h"
+#include "util/BigBuffer.h"
+#include <type_traits>
+#include <numeric>
+#include <utils/misc.h>
+using namespace android;
+namespace aapt {
+namespace {
+template <typename T>
+static bool cmpIds(const T* a, const T* b) {
+ return a->id.value() < b->id.value();
+static void strcpy16_htod(uint16_t* dst, size_t len, const StringPiece16& src) {
+ if (len == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ size_t i;
+ const char16_t* srcData = src.data();
+ for (i = 0; i < len - 1 && i < src.size(); i++) {
+ dst[i] = util::hostToDevice16((uint16_t) srcData[i]);
+ }
+ dst[i] = 0;
+struct FlatEntry {
+ ResourceEntry* entry;
+ Value* value;
+ uint32_t entryKey;
+ uint32_t sourcePathKey;
+ uint32_t sourceLine;
+struct SymbolWriter {
+ struct Entry {
+ StringPool::Ref name;
+ size_t offset;
+ };
+ StringPool pool;
+ std::vector<Entry> symbols;
+ void addSymbol(const ResourceNameRef& name, size_t offset) {
+ symbols.push_back(Entry{ pool.makeRef(name.package.toString() + u":" +
+ toString(name.type).toString() + u"/" +
+ name.entry.toString()), offset });
+ }
+struct MapFlattenVisitor : public RawValueVisitor {
+ using RawValueVisitor::visit;
+ SymbolWriter* mSymbols;
+ FlatEntry* mEntry;
+ BigBuffer* mBuffer;
+ size_t mEntryCount = 0;
+ Maybe<uint32_t> mParentIdent;
+ Maybe<ResourceNameRef> mParentName;
+ MapFlattenVisitor(SymbolWriter* symbols, FlatEntry* entry, BigBuffer* buffer) :
+ mSymbols(symbols), mEntry(entry), mBuffer(buffer) {
+ }
+ void flattenKey(Reference* key, ResTable_map* outEntry) {
+ if (!key->id) {
+ assert(key->name && "reference must have a name");
+ outEntry->name.ident = util::hostToDevice32(0);
+ mSymbols->addSymbol(key->name.value(), (mBuffer->size() - sizeof(ResTable_map)) +
+ offsetof(ResTable_map, name));
+ } else {
+ outEntry->name.ident = util::hostToDevice32(key->id.value().id);
+ }
+ }
+ void flattenValue(Item* value, ResTable_map* outEntry) {
+ if (Reference* ref = valueCast<Reference>(value)) {
+ if (!ref->id) {
+ assert(ref->name && "reference must have a name");
+ mSymbols->addSymbol(ref->name.value(), (mBuffer->size() - sizeof(ResTable_map)) +
+ offsetof(ResTable_map, value) + offsetof(Res_value, data));
+ }
+ }
+ bool result = value->flatten(&outEntry->value);
+ assert(result && "flatten failed");
+ }
+ void flattenEntry(Reference* key, Item* value) {
+ ResTable_map* outEntry = mBuffer->nextBlock<ResTable_map>();
+ flattenKey(key, outEntry);
+ flattenValue(value, outEntry);
+ outEntry->value.size = util::hostToDevice16(sizeof(outEntry->value));
+ mEntryCount++;
+ }
+ void visit(Attribute* attr) override {
+ {
+ Reference key(ResourceId{ ResTable_map::ATTR_TYPE });
+ BinaryPrimitive val(Res_value::TYPE_INT_DEC, attr->typeMask);
+ flattenEntry(&key, &val);
+ }
+ for (Attribute::Symbol& s : attr->symbols) {
+ BinaryPrimitive val(Res_value::TYPE_INT_DEC, s.value);
+ flattenEntry(&s.symbol, &val);
+ }
+ }
+ static bool cmpStyleEntries(const Style::Entry& a, const Style::Entry& b) {
+ if (a.key.id) {
+ if (b.key.id) {
+ return a.key.id.value() < b.key.id.value();
+ }
+ return true;
+ } else if (!b.key.id) {
+ return a.key.name.value() < b.key.name.value();
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ void visit(Style* style) override {
+ if (style->parent) {
+ if (!style->parent.value().id) {
+ assert(style->parent.value().name && "reference must have a name");
+ mParentName = style->parent.value().name;
+ } else {
+ mParentIdent = style->parent.value().id.value().id;
+ }
+ }
+ // Sort the style.
+ std::sort(style->entries.begin(), style->entries.end(), cmpStyleEntries);
+ for (Style::Entry& entry : style->entries) {
+ flattenEntry(&entry.key, entry.value.get());
+ }
+ }
+ void visit(Styleable* styleable) override {
+ for (auto& attrRef : styleable->entries) {
+ BinaryPrimitive val(Res_value{});
+ flattenEntry(&attrRef, &val);
+ }
+ }
+ void visit(Array* array) override {
+ for (auto& item : array->items) {
+ ResTable_map* outEntry = mBuffer->nextBlock<ResTable_map>();
+ flattenValue(item.get(), outEntry);
+ outEntry->value.size = util::hostToDevice16(sizeof(outEntry->value));
+ mEntryCount++;
+ }
+ }
+ void visit(Plural* plural) override {
+ const size_t count = plural->values.size();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ if (!plural->values[i]) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ ResourceId q;
+ switch (i) {
+ case Plural::Zero:
+ q.id = android::ResTable_map::ATTR_ZERO;
+ break;
+ case Plural::One:
+ q.id = android::ResTable_map::ATTR_ONE;
+ break;
+ case Plural::Two:
+ q.id = android::ResTable_map::ATTR_TWO;
+ break;
+ case Plural::Few:
+ q.id = android::ResTable_map::ATTR_FEW;
+ break;
+ case Plural::Many:
+ q.id = android::ResTable_map::ATTR_MANY;
+ break;
+ case Plural::Other:
+ q.id = android::ResTable_map::ATTR_OTHER;
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert(false);
+ break;
+ }
+ Reference key(q);
+ flattenEntry(&key, plural->values[i].get());
+ }
+ }
+struct PackageFlattener {
+ IDiagnostics* mDiag;
+ TableFlattenerOptions mOptions;
+ ResourceTable* mTable;
+ ResourceTablePackage* mPackage;
+ SymbolWriter mSymbols;
+ StringPool mTypePool;
+ StringPool mKeyPool;
+ StringPool mSourcePool;
+ template <typename T>
+ T* writeEntry(FlatEntry* entry, BigBuffer* buffer) {
+ static_assert(std::is_same<ResTable_entry, T>::value ||
+ std::is_same<ResTable_entry_ext, T>::value,
+ "T must be ResTable_entry or ResTable_entry_ext");
+ T* result = buffer->nextBlock<T>();
+ ResTable_entry* outEntry = (ResTable_entry*)(result);
+ if (entry->entry->publicStatus.isPublic) {
+ outEntry->flags |= ResTable_entry::FLAG_PUBLIC;
+ }
+ if (entry->value->isWeak()) {
+ outEntry->flags |= ResTable_entry::FLAG_WEAK;
+ }
+ if (!entry->value->isItem()) {
+ outEntry->flags |= ResTable_entry::FLAG_COMPLEX;
+ }
+ outEntry->key.index = util::hostToDevice32(entry->entryKey);
+ outEntry->size = sizeof(T);
+ if (mOptions.useExtendedChunks) {
+ // Write the extra source block. This will be ignored by the Android runtime.
+ ResTable_entry_source* sourceBlock = buffer->nextBlock<ResTable_entry_source>();
+ sourceBlock->pathIndex = util::hostToDevice32(entry->sourcePathKey);
+ sourceBlock->line = util::hostToDevice32(entry->sourceLine);
+ outEntry->size += sizeof(*sourceBlock);
+ }
+ outEntry->flags = util::hostToDevice16(outEntry->flags);
+ outEntry->size = util::hostToDevice16(outEntry->size);
+ return result;
+ }
+ bool flattenValue(FlatEntry* entry, BigBuffer* buffer) {
+ if (entry->value->isItem()) {
+ writeEntry<ResTable_entry>(entry, buffer);
+ if (Reference* ref = valueCast<Reference>(entry->value)) {
+ if (!ref->id) {
+ assert(ref->name && "reference must have at least a name");
+ mSymbols.addSymbol(ref->name.value(),
+ buffer->size() + offsetof(Res_value, data));
+ }
+ }
+ Res_value* outValue = buffer->nextBlock<Res_value>();
+ bool result = static_cast<Item*>(entry->value)->flatten(outValue);
+ assert(result && "flatten failed");
+ outValue->size = util::hostToDevice16(sizeof(*outValue));
+ } else {
+ const size_t beforeEntry = buffer->size();
+ ResTable_entry_ext* outEntry = writeEntry<ResTable_entry_ext>(entry, buffer);
+ MapFlattenVisitor visitor(&mSymbols, entry, buffer);
+ entry->value->accept(&visitor);
+ outEntry->count = util::hostToDevice32(visitor.mEntryCount);
+ if (visitor.mParentName) {
+ mSymbols.addSymbol(visitor.mParentName.value(),
+ beforeEntry + offsetof(ResTable_entry_ext, parent));
+ } else if (visitor.mParentIdent) {
+ outEntry->parent.ident = util::hostToDevice32(visitor.mParentIdent.value());
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool flattenConfig(const ResourceTableType* type, const ConfigDescription& config,
+ std::vector<FlatEntry>* entries, BigBuffer* buffer) {
+ ChunkWriter typeWriter(buffer);
+ ResTable_type* typeHeader = typeWriter.startChunk<ResTable_type>(RES_TABLE_TYPE_TYPE);
+ typeHeader->id = type->id.value();
+ typeHeader->config = config;
+ typeHeader->config.swapHtoD();
+ auto maxAccum = [](uint32_t max, const std::unique_ptr<ResourceEntry>& a) -> uint32_t {
+ return std::max(max, (uint32_t) a->id.value());
+ };
+ // Find the largest entry ID. That is how many entries we will have.
+ const uint32_t entryCount =
+ std::accumulate(type->entries.begin(), type->entries.end(), 0, maxAccum) + 1;
+ typeHeader->entryCount = util::hostToDevice32(entryCount);
+ uint32_t* indices = typeWriter.nextBlock<uint32_t>(entryCount);
+ assert((size_t) entryCount <= std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max() + 1);
+ memset(indices, 0xff, entryCount * sizeof(uint32_t));
+ typeHeader->entriesStart = util::hostToDevice32(typeWriter.size());
+ const size_t entryStart = typeWriter.getBuffer()->size();
+ for (FlatEntry& flatEntry : *entries) {
+ assert(flatEntry.entry->id.value() < entryCount);
+ indices[flatEntry.entry->id.value()] = util::hostToDevice32(
+ typeWriter.getBuffer()->size() - entryStart);
+ if (!flattenValue(&flatEntry, typeWriter.getBuffer())) {
+ mDiag->error(DiagMessage()
+ << "failed to flatten resource '"
+ << ResourceNameRef(mPackage->name, type->type, flatEntry.entry->name)
+ << "' for configuration '" << config << "'");
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ typeWriter.finish();
+ return true;
+ }
+ std::vector<ResourceTableType*> collectAndSortTypes() {
+ std::vector<ResourceTableType*> sortedTypes;
+ for (auto& type : mPackage->types) {
+ if (type->type == ResourceType::kStyleable && !mOptions.useExtendedChunks) {
+ // Styleables aren't real Resource Types, they are represented in the R.java
+ // file.
+ continue;
+ }
+ assert(type->id && "type must have an ID set");
+ sortedTypes.push_back(type.get());
+ }
+ std::sort(sortedTypes.begin(), sortedTypes.end(), cmpIds<ResourceTableType>);
+ return sortedTypes;
+ }
+ std::vector<ResourceEntry*> collectAndSortEntries(ResourceTableType* type) {
+ // Sort the entries by entry ID.
+ std::vector<ResourceEntry*> sortedEntries;
+ for (auto& entry : type->entries) {
+ assert(entry->id && "entry must have an ID set");
+ sortedEntries.push_back(entry.get());
+ }
+ std::sort(sortedEntries.begin(), sortedEntries.end(), cmpIds<ResourceEntry>);
+ return sortedEntries;
+ }
+ bool flattenTypeSpec(ResourceTableType* type, std::vector<ResourceEntry*>* sortedEntries,
+ BigBuffer* buffer) {
+ ChunkWriter typeSpecWriter(buffer);
+ ResTable_typeSpec* specHeader = typeSpecWriter.startChunk<ResTable_typeSpec>(
+ specHeader->id = type->id.value();
+ if (sortedEntries->empty()) {
+ typeSpecWriter.finish();
+ return true;
+ }
+ // We can't just take the size of the vector. There may be holes in the entry ID space.
+ // Since the entries are sorted by ID, the last one will be the biggest.
+ const size_t numEntries = sortedEntries->back()->id.value() + 1;
+ specHeader->entryCount = util::hostToDevice32(numEntries);
+ // Reserve space for the masks of each resource in this type. These
+ // show for which configuration axis the resource changes.
+ uint32_t* configMasks = typeSpecWriter.nextBlock<uint32_t>(numEntries);
+ const size_t actualNumEntries = sortedEntries->size();
+ for (size_t entryIndex = 0; entryIndex < actualNumEntries; entryIndex++) {
+ ResourceEntry* entry = sortedEntries->at(entryIndex);
+ // Populate the config masks for this entry.
+ if (entry->publicStatus.isPublic) {
+ configMasks[entry->id.value()] |=
+ util::hostToDevice32(ResTable_typeSpec::SPEC_PUBLIC);
+ }
+ const size_t configCount = entry->values.size();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < configCount; i++) {
+ const ConfigDescription& config = entry->values[i].config;
+ for (size_t j = i + 1; j < configCount; j++) {
+ configMasks[entry->id.value()] |= util::hostToDevice32(
+ config.diff(entry->values[j].config));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ typeSpecWriter.finish();
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool flattenPublic(ResourceTableType* type, std::vector<ResourceEntry*>* sortedEntries,
+ BigBuffer* buffer) {
+ ChunkWriter publicWriter(buffer);
+ Public_header* publicHeader = publicWriter.startChunk<Public_header>(RES_TABLE_PUBLIC_TYPE);
+ publicHeader->typeId = type->id.value();
+ for (ResourceEntry* entry : *sortedEntries) {
+ if (entry->publicStatus.isPublic) {
+ // Write the public status of this entry.
+ Public_entry* publicEntry = publicWriter.nextBlock<Public_entry>();
+ publicEntry->entryId = util::hostToDevice32(entry->id.value());
+ publicEntry->key.index = util::hostToDevice32(mKeyPool.makeRef(
+ entry->name).getIndex());
+ publicEntry->source.index = util::hostToDevice32(mSourcePool.makeRef(
+ util::utf8ToUtf16(entry->publicStatus.source.path)).getIndex());
+ if (entry->publicStatus.source.line) {
+ publicEntry->sourceLine = util::hostToDevice32(
+ entry->publicStatus.source.line.value());
+ }
+ // Don't hostToDevice until the last step.
+ publicHeader->count += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ publicHeader->count = util::hostToDevice32(publicHeader->count);
+ publicWriter.finish();
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool flattenTypes(BigBuffer* buffer) {
+ // Sort the types by their IDs. They will be inserted into the StringPool in this order.
+ std::vector<ResourceTableType*> sortedTypes = collectAndSortTypes();
+ size_t expectedTypeId = 1;
+ for (ResourceTableType* type : sortedTypes) {
+ // If there is a gap in the type IDs, fill in the StringPool
+ // with empty values until we reach the ID we expect.
+ while (type->id.value() > expectedTypeId) {
+ std::u16string typeName(u"?");
+ typeName += expectedTypeId;
+ mTypePool.makeRef(typeName);
+ expectedTypeId++;
+ }
+ expectedTypeId++;
+ mTypePool.makeRef(toString(type->type));
+ std::vector<ResourceEntry*> sortedEntries = collectAndSortEntries(type);
+ if (!flattenTypeSpec(type, &sortedEntries, buffer)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (mOptions.useExtendedChunks) {
+ if (!flattenPublic(type, &sortedEntries, buffer)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // The binary resource table lists resource entries for each configuration.
+ // We store them inverted, where a resource entry lists the values for each
+ // configuration available. Here we reverse this to match the binary table.
+ std::map<ConfigDescription, std::vector<FlatEntry>> configToEntryListMap;
+ for (ResourceEntry* entry : sortedEntries) {
+ const size_t keyIndex = mKeyPool.makeRef(entry->name).getIndex();
+ // Group values by configuration.
+ for (auto& configValue : entry->values) {
+ configToEntryListMap[configValue.config].push_back(FlatEntry{
+ entry, configValue.value.get(), (uint32_t) keyIndex,
+ (uint32_t)(mSourcePool.makeRef(util::utf8ToUtf16(
+ configValue.source.path)).getIndex()),
+ (uint32_t)(configValue.source.line
+ ? configValue.source.line.value() : 0)
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ // Flatten a configuration value.
+ for (auto& entry : configToEntryListMap) {
+ if (!flattenConfig(type, entry.first, &entry.second, buffer)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool flattenPackage(BigBuffer* buffer) {
+ // We must do this before writing the resources, since the string pool IDs may change.
+ mTable->stringPool.sort([](const StringPool::Entry& a, const StringPool::Entry& b) -> bool {
+ int diff = a.context.priority - b.context.priority;
+ if (diff < 0) return true;
+ if (diff > 0) return false;
+ diff = a.context.config.compare(b.context.config);
+ if (diff < 0) return true;
+ if (diff > 0) return false;
+ return a.value < b.value;
+ });
+ mTable->stringPool.prune();
+ const size_t beginningIndex = buffer->size();
+ BigBuffer typeBuffer(1024);
+ if (!flattenTypes(&typeBuffer)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ ChunkWriter tableWriter(buffer);
+ ResTable_header* tableHeader = tableWriter.startChunk<ResTable_header>(RES_TABLE_TYPE);
+ tableHeader->packageCount = util::hostToDevice32(1);
+ SymbolTable_entry* symbolEntryData = nullptr;
+ if (mOptions.useExtendedChunks && !mSymbols.symbols.empty()) {
+ // Sort the offsets so we can scan them linearly.
+ std::sort(mSymbols.symbols.begin(), mSymbols.symbols.end(),
+ [](const SymbolWriter::Entry& a, const SymbolWriter::Entry& b) -> bool {
+ return a.offset < b.offset;
+ });
+ ChunkWriter symbolWriter(tableWriter.getBuffer());
+ SymbolTable_header* symbolHeader = symbolWriter.startChunk<SymbolTable_header>(
+ symbolHeader->count = util::hostToDevice32(mSymbols.symbols.size());
+ symbolEntryData = symbolWriter.nextBlock<SymbolTable_entry>(mSymbols.symbols.size());
+ StringPool::flattenUtf8(symbolWriter.getBuffer(), mSymbols.pool);
+ symbolWriter.finish();
+ }
+ if (mOptions.useExtendedChunks && mSourcePool.size() > 0) {
+ // Write out source pool.
+ ChunkWriter srcWriter(tableWriter.getBuffer());
+ srcWriter.startChunk<ResChunk_header>(RES_TABLE_SOURCE_POOL_TYPE);
+ StringPool::flattenUtf8(srcWriter.getBuffer(), mSourcePool);
+ srcWriter.finish();
+ }
+ StringPool::flattenUtf8(tableWriter.getBuffer(), mTable->stringPool);
+ ChunkWriter pkgWriter(tableWriter.getBuffer());
+ ResTable_package* pkgHeader = pkgWriter.startChunk<ResTable_package>(
+ pkgHeader->id = util::hostToDevice32(mPackage->id.value());
+ if (mPackage->name.size() >= NELEM(pkgHeader->name)) {
+ mDiag->error(DiagMessage() <<
+ "package name '" << mPackage->name << "' is too long");
+ return false;
+ }
+ strcpy16_htod(pkgHeader->name, NELEM(pkgHeader->name), mPackage->name);
+ pkgHeader->typeStrings = util::hostToDevice32(pkgWriter.size());
+ StringPool::flattenUtf16(pkgWriter.getBuffer(), mTypePool);
+ pkgHeader->keyStrings = util::hostToDevice32(pkgWriter.size());
+ StringPool::flattenUtf16(pkgWriter.getBuffer(), mKeyPool);
+ // Actually write out the symbol entries if we have symbols.
+ if (symbolEntryData) {
+ for (auto& entry : mSymbols.symbols) {
+ symbolEntryData->stringIndex = util::hostToDevice32(entry.name.getIndex());
+ // The symbols were all calculated with the typeBuffer offset. We need to
+ // add the beginning of the output buffer.
+ symbolEntryData->offset = util::hostToDevice32(
+ (pkgWriter.getBuffer()->size() - beginningIndex) + entry.offset);
+ symbolEntryData++;
+ }
+ }
+ // Write out the types and entries.
+ pkgWriter.getBuffer()->appendBuffer(std::move(typeBuffer));
+ pkgWriter.finish();
+ tableWriter.finish();
+ return true;
+ }
+} // namespace
+bool TableFlattener::consume(IAaptContext* context, ResourceTable* table) {
+ for (auto& package : table->packages) {
+ // Only support flattening one package. Since the StringPool is shared between packages
+ // in ResourceTable, we must fail if other packages are present, since their strings
+ // will be included in the final ResourceTable.
+ if (context->getCompilationPackage() != package->name) {
+ context->getDiagnostics()->error(DiagMessage()
+ << "resources for package '" << package->name
+ << "' can't be flattened when compiling package '"
+ << context->getCompilationPackage() << "'");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!package->id || package->id.value() != context->getPackageId()) {
+ context->getDiagnostics()->error(DiagMessage()
+ << "package '" << package->name << "' must have "
+ << "package id "
+ << std::hex << context->getPackageId() << std::dec);
+ return false;
+ }
+ PackageFlattener flattener = {
+ context->getDiagnostics(),
+ mOptions,
+ table,
+ package.get()
+ };
+ if (!flattener.flattenPackage(mBuffer)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ context->getDiagnostics()->error(DiagMessage()
+ << "compilation package '" << context->getCompilationPackage()
+ << "' not found");
+ return false;
+} // namespace aapt