Make reportInetCondition revalidate if the report differs from our state

1. If reportInetCondition says the network is not working, and
   the network is already marked not validated, don't revalidate
   it. This was superfluous and should save battery.
2. If reportInetCondition says the network is working, and the
   network is not marked as validated, revalidated. This will
   allow us to get out of a validated state quickly based on app
   input (e.g., allowing GCM's exponential backoff timer to drive
   revalidation instead of our 10-minute timer).

Bug: 19258761
Bug: 19209043
Change-Id: Iaa4bac82d117ed1f4088dab106e6f6ce46b34bc3
diff --git a/services/core/java/com/android/server/ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/
index 551a5dc..b72b29d 100644
--- a/services/core/java/com/android/server/
+++ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/
@@ -2636,9 +2636,15 @@
     // 100 percent is full good, 0 is full bad.
     public void reportInetCondition(int networkType, int percentage) {
-        if (percentage > 50) return;  // don't handle good network reports
         NetworkAgentInfo nai = mLegacyTypeTracker.getNetworkForType(networkType);
-        if (nai != null) reportBadNetwork(;
+        if (nai == null) return;
+        boolean isGood = percentage > 50;
+        // Revalidate if the app report does not match our current validated state.
+        if (isGood != nai.lastValidated) {
+            // Make the message logged by reportBadNetwork below less confusing.
+            if (DBG && isGood) log("reportInetCondition: type=" + networkType + " ok, revalidate");
+            reportBadNetwork(;
+        }
     public void reportBadNetwork(Network network) {