Update Minecraft Wiki link to new domain after fork (#2453)
diff --git a/formats/README.md b/formats/README.md
index 49f5b02..724b06a 100644
--- a/formats/README.md
+++ b/formats/README.md
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
| Bson | [jershell/kbson](https://github.com/jershell/kbson) <br> `com.github.jershell:kbson` | JVM only | Allows serialization and deserialization of objects to and from [BSON](https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/bson-types/). |
| TOML | [Peanuuutz/tomlkt](https://github.com/Peanuuutz/tomlkt) <br> `net.peanuuutz.tomlkt:tomlkt` | all supported platforms | Multiplatform encoder and decoder for [TOML](http://toml.io/) 1.0.0 compliant. This library aims to provide similar API to the official JSON format (such as TomlLiteral, TomlTable), while adding TOML specific features (such as @TomlComment, @TomlMultilineString). |
| TOML | [akuleshov7/ktoml](https://github.com/akuleshov7/ktoml) <br> `com.akuleshov7:ktoml-core` | all supported platforms | Fully Native and Multiplatform Kotlin serialization library for serialization/deserialization of TOML format. This library contains no Java code and no Java dependencies and it implements multiplatform parser, decoder and encoder of TOML. |
-| Minecraft NBT | [BenWoodworth/knbt](https://github.com/BenWoodworth/knbt) <br> `net.benwoodworth.knbt:knbt` | all supported platforms | Implements the [NBT format](https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/NBT_format) for kotlinx.serialization, and provides a type-safe DSL for constructing NBT tags. |
+| Minecraft NBT | [BenWoodworth/knbt](https://github.com/BenWoodworth/knbt) <br> `net.benwoodworth.knbt:knbt` | all supported platforms | Implements the [NBT format](https://minecraft.wiki/w/NBT_format) for kotlinx.serialization, and provides a type-safe DSL for constructing NBT tags. |
| MsgPack | [esensar/kotlinx-serialization-msgpack](https://github.com/esensar/kotlinx-serialization-msgpack) <br> `com.ensarsarajcic.kotlinx:serialization-msgpack` | all supported platforms | Allows serialization and deserialization of objects to and from [MsgPack](https://msgpack.org/). |
| SharedPreferences | [EdwarDDay/serialization.kprefs](https://github.com/EdwarDDay/serialization.kprefs) <br> `net.edwardday.serialization:kprefs` | Android only | This library allows serialization and deserialization of objects into and from Android [SharedPreferences](https://developer.android.com/reference/android/content/SharedPreferences). |
| XML | [pdvrieze/xmlutil](https://github.com/pdvrieze/xmlutil) <br> `io.github.pdvrieze.xmlutil:serialization` | all supported platforms | This library allows for reading and writing of XML documents with the serialization library. It is multiplatform, providing both a shared parser/writer for xml as well as platform-specific parsers where available. The library is designed to handle existing xml formats that use features that would not be available in other formats such as JSON. |