FP5: Remove unused media_codecs

Change-Id: I944c5815b2f2566bcbf6a0930e67398b945dd6a2
diff --git a/device.mk b/device.mk
index 39960e8..151ca61 100644
--- a/device.mk
+++ b/device.mk
@@ -256,8 +256,6 @@
-    $(LOCAL_PATH)/media/media_codecs.xml:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/etc/media_codecs.xml \
-    $(LOCAL_PATH)/media/media_codecs_performance.xml:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/etc/media_codecs_performance.xml \
     $(LOCAL_PATH)/media/media_codecs_performance_yupik_iot.xml:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/etc/media_codecs_performance_yupik_iot.xml \
     $(LOCAL_PATH)/media/media_codecs_vendor_audio.xml:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/etc/media_codecs_vendor_audio.xml \
     $(LOCAL_PATH)/media/media_codecs_yupik_iot.xml:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/etc/media_codecs_yupik_iot.xml \
diff --git a/media/media_codecs.xml b/media/media_codecs.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6646dc7..0000000
--- a/media/media_codecs.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,304 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
-    Copyright (c) 2018-2021 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
-    All Rights Reserved.
-    Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
-    Not a Contribution.
-    Copyright (C) 2012-2018 The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
-    Copyright (C) 2012-2013 The Android Open Source Project
-    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-    You may obtain a copy of the License at
-     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-    limitations under the License.
-    Vendor-guaranteed performance advertised to the applications
-        <Limit name="performance-point-widthxheight" value="fps" />
-    -For each of the resolutions, the advertised fps is the max supported,
-    with HW-friendly color format and considering video-only.
-    -Performance for any intermediate resolution will be that of the
-    next-higher-advertised-resolution.
-    standard sizes: 480p/576p (SD), 720p (HD), 1080p (FHD), 2160p (UHD)
-    standard frame rates: 24, 25, 30, 48+, 50, 60, 100*, 120*, 200*, 240* fps
-        * HD+ only
-        + SD only
-    - All supported standard performance points are listed (unless they are
-    covered by another listed standard performance point)
-    - Non-standard performance points are listed along with all the standard
-    performance points covered by them.
- Lahaina Non-Secure decoder capabilities
- (MB is defined as 16x16)
- _______________________________________________________
- | Codec       |  W      H      fps     Mbps    MB/s   |
- |_____________|_______________________________________|
- | h264        | 3840   2176    60      100    1958400 |
- |             | 4096   2176    48      100            |
- | hevc        | 3840   2176    60      100    1958400 |
- |             | 4096   2176    48      100            |
- | vp9         | 3840   2176    60      100    1958400 |
- |             | 4096   2176    48      100            |
- | mpeg2       | 1920   1088    30       40     244800 |
- |_____________|_______________________________________|
- Lahaina Secure decoder capabilities
- (MB is defined as 16x16)
- __________________________________________________
- | Codec    |  W      H      fps    Mbps   MB/s   |
- |__________|_____________________________________|
- | h264     | 3840   2176    60     40    1958400 |
- |          | 4096   2176    48     40            |
- | vp9      | 3840   2176    60     40    1958400 |
- |          | 4096   2176    48     40            |
- | hevc     | 3840   2176    60     40    1958400 |
- |          | 4096   2176    48     40            |
- |__________|_____________________________________|
- Lahaina Non-Secure encoder capabilities (Secure not supported)
- (MB is defined as 16x16)
- __________________________________________________
- | Codec    |  W      H      fps   Mbps    MB/s   |
- |__________|_____________________________________|
- | h264     | 3840   2176    60    100    1958400 |
- |          | 4096   2176    48    100            |
- | hevc     | 3840   2176    60    100    1958400 |
- |          | 4096   2176    48    100            |
- |__________|_____________________________________|
-    <Include href="media_codecs_google_audio.xml" />
-    <Include href="media_codecs_vendor_audio.xml" />
-    <Include href="media_codecs_google_telephony.xml" />
-    <Include href="media_codecs_c2_audio.xml" />
-    <Settings>
-        <Setting name="max-video-encoder-input-buffers" value="11" />
-    </Settings>
-    <Decoders>
-        <!-- C2 decoders -->
-        <MediaCodec name="c2.qti.avc.decoder" type="video/avc">
-            <Alias name="OMX.qcom.video.decoder.avc"/>
-            <Limit name="size" min="96x96" max="4096x2176" />
-            <Limit name="alignment" value="2x2" />
-            <Limit name="block-size" value="16x16" />
-            <Limit name="block-count" range="36-34816" />
-            <Limit name="blocks-per-second" range="36-1958400" />
-            <Limit name="bitrate" range="1-100000000" />
-            <Limit name="frame-rate" range="1-480" />
-            <Limit name="concurrent-instances" max="16" />
-            <Feature name="adaptive-playback" />
-            <Limit name="performance-point-4096x2304" value="30" />
-            <Limit name="performance-point-3840x2160" value="60" />
-            <Limit name="performance-point-1920x1080" value="240" />
-            <Limit name="performance-point-1280x720" value="480" />
-        </MediaCodec>
-        <MediaCodec name="c2.qti.avc.decoder.low_latency" type="video/avc">
-            <Alias name="OMX.qcom.video.decoder.avc.low_latency"/>
-            <Limit name="size" min="96x96" max="4096x2176" />
-            <Limit name="alignment" value="2x2" />
-            <Limit name="block-size" value="16x16" />
-            <Limit name="block-count" range="36-34816" />
-            <Limit name="blocks-per-second" range="36-1958400" />
-            <Limit name="bitrate" range="1-100000000" />
-            <Limit name="frame-rate" range="1-480" />
-            <Limit name="concurrent-instances" max="16" />
-            <Feature name="adaptive-playback" />
-            <Feature name="low-latency" />
-            <Limit name="concurrent-instances" max="16" />
-            <Limit name="performance-point-4096x2304" value="30" />
-            <Limit name="performance-point-3840x2160" value="60" />
-            <Limit name="performance-point-1920x1080" value="240" />
-            <Limit name="performance-point-1280x720" value="480" />
-        </MediaCodec>
-        <MediaCodec name="c2.qti.avc.decoder.secure" type="video/avc" >
-            <Alias name="OMX.qcom.video.decoder.avc.secure"/>
-            <Limit name="size" min="96x96" max="4096x2176" />
-            <Limit name="alignment" value="2x2" />
-            <Limit name="block-size" value="16x16" />
-            <Limit name="block-count" range="36-34816" />
-            <Limit name="blocks-per-second" min="36" max="1958400" />
-            <Limit name="bitrate" range="1-40000000" />
-            <Limit name="frame-rate" range="1-60" />
-            <Feature name="adaptive-playback" />
-            <Feature name="secure-playback" required="true" />
-            <Feature name="low-latency" />
-            <Limit name="concurrent-instances" max="3" />
-            <Limit name="performance-point-4096x2304" value="30" />
-            <Limit name="performance-point-3840x2160" value="60" />
-        </MediaCodec>
-        <MediaCodec name="c2.qti.hevc.decoder" type="video/hevc" >
-            <Alias name="OMX.qcom.video.decoder.hevc"/>
-            <Limit name="size" min="96x96" max="4096x2176" />
-            <Limit name="alignment" value="2x2" />
-            <Limit name="block-size" value="16x16" />
-            <Limit name="block-count" range="36-34816" />
-            <Limit name="blocks-per-second" min="36" max="1958400" />
-            <Limit name="bitrate" range="1-100000000" />
-            <Limit name="frame-rate" range="1-480" />
-            <Feature name="adaptive-playback" />
-            <Limit name="concurrent-instances" max="16" />
-            <Limit name="performance-point-4096x2304" value="30" />
-            <Limit name="performance-point-3840x2160" value="60" />
-            <Limit name="performance-point-1920x1080" value="240" />
-            <Limit name="performance-point-1280x720" value="480" />
-        </MediaCodec>
-        <MediaCodec name="c2.qti.hevc.decoder.low_latency" type="video/hevc" >
-            <Alias name="OMX.qcom.video.decoder.hevc.low_latency"/>
-            <Limit name="size" min="96x96" max="4096x2176" />
-            <Limit name="alignment" value="2x2" />
-            <Limit name="block-size" value="16x16" />
-            <Limit name="block-count" range="36-34816" />
-            <Limit name="blocks-per-second" min="36" max="1958400" />
-            <Limit name="bitrate" range="1-100000000" />
-            <Limit name="frame-rate" range="1-480" />
-            <Feature name="adaptive-playback" />
-            <Feature name="low-latency" />
-            <Limit name="concurrent-instances" max="16" />
-            <Limit name="performance-point-4096x2304" value="30" />
-            <Limit name="performance-point-3840x2160" value="60" />
-            <Limit name="performance-point-1920x1080" value="240" />
-            <Limit name="performance-point-1280x720" value="480" />
-        </MediaCodec>
-        <MediaCodec name="c2.qti.hevc.decoder.secure" type="video/hevc" >
-            <Alias name="OMX.qcom.video.decoder.hevc.secure"/>
-            <Limit name="size" min="96x96" max="4096x2176" />
-            <Limit name="alignment" value="2x2" />
-            <Limit name="block-size" value="16x16" />
-            <Limit name="block-count" range="36-34816" />
-            <Limit name="blocks-per-second" min="36" max="1958400" />
-            <Limit name="bitrate" range="1-40000000" />
-            <Limit name="frame-rate" range="1-60" />
-            <Feature name="adaptive-playback" />
-            <Feature name="secure-playback" required="true" />
-            <Feature name="low-latency" />
-            <Limit name="concurrent-instances" max="3" />
-            <Limit name="performance-point-4096x2304" value="30" />
-            <Limit name="performance-point-3840x2160" value="60" />
-        </MediaCodec>
-        <MediaCodec name="c2.qti.vp9.decoder" type="video/x-vnd.on2.vp9" >
-            <Alias name="OMX.qcom.video.decoder.vp9"/>
-            <Limit name="size" min="96x96" max="4096x2176" />
-            <Limit name="alignment" value="2x2" />
-            <Limit name="block-size" value="16x16" />
-            <Limit name="block-count" range="36-34816" />
-            <Limit name="blocks-per-second" min="36" max="1958400" />
-            <Limit name="bitrate" range="1-100000000" />
-            <Limit name="frame-rate" range="1-60" />
-            <Feature name="adaptive-playback" />
-            <Limit name="concurrent-instances" max="3" />
-            <Limit name="performance-point-4096x2304" value="30" />
-            <Limit name="performance-point-3840x2160" value="60" />
-        </MediaCodec>
-        <MediaCodec name="c2.qti.vp9.decoder.secure" type="video/x-vnd.on2.vp9" >
-            <Alias name="OMX.qcom.video.decoder.vp9.secure"/>
-            <Limit name="size" min="96x96" max="4096x2176" />
-            <Limit name="alignment" value="2x2" />
-            <Limit name="block-size" value="16x16" />
-            <Limit name="block-count" range="36-34816" />
-            <Limit name="blocks-per-second" min="36" max="1958400" />
-            <Limit name="bitrate" range="1-40000000" />
-            <Limit name="frame-rate" range="1-60" />
-            <Feature name="adaptive-playback" />
-            <Feature name="secure-playback" required="true" />
-            <Limit name="concurrent-instances" max="3" />
-            <Limit name="performance-point-4096x2304" value="30" />
-            <Limit name="performance-point-3840x2160" value="60" />
-        </MediaCodec>
-        <MediaCodec name="c2.qti.mpeg2.decoder" type="video/mpeg2" >
-            <Alias name="OMX.qcom.video.decoder.mpeg2"/>
-            <Limit name="size" min="96x96" max="1920x1088" />
-            <Limit name="alignment" value="2x2" />
-            <Limit name="block-size" value="16x16" />
-            <Limit name="block-count" range="36-8160" />
-            <Limit name="blocks-per-second" min="36" max="244800" />
-            <Limit name="bitrate" range="1-40000000" />
-            <Limit name="frame-rate" range="1-30" />
-            <Feature name="adaptive-playback" />
-            <Limit name="concurrent-instances" max="16" />
-            <Limit name="performance-point-1920x1080" value="30" />
-        </MediaCodec>
-    </Decoders>
-    <Encoders>
-        <!-- C2 encoders -->
-        <MediaCodec name="c2.qti.avc.encoder" type="video/avc">
-            <Alias name="OMX.qcom.video.encoder.avc"/>
-            <Limit name="size" min="128x128" max="4096x2176" />
-            <Limit name="alignment" value="2x2" />
-            <Limit name="block-size" value="16x16" />
-            <Limit name="blocks-per-second" min="64" max="1958400" />
-            <Limit name="block-count" range="64-34816" />
-            <Limit name="bitrate" range="1-100000000" />
-            <Limit name="frame-rate" range="1-480" />
-            <Limit name="complexity" range="0-100"  default="100" />
-            <Limit name="concurrent-instances" max="16" />
-            <Feature name="bitrate-modes" value="VBR,CBR" />
-            <Limit name="performance-point-4096x2304" value="30" />
-            <Limit name="performance-point-3840x2160" value="60" />
-            <Limit name="performance-point-1920x1080" value="240" />
-            <Limit name="performance-point-1280x720" value="480" />
-        </MediaCodec>
-        <MediaCodec name="c2.qti.hevc.encoder" type="video/hevc">
-            <Alias name="OMX.qcom.video.encoder.hevc"/>
-            <Limit name="size" min="128x128" max="4096x2176" />
-            <Limit name="alignment" value="2x2" />
-            <Limit name="block-size" value="16x16" />
-            <Limit name="blocks-per-second" min="64" max="1958400" />
-            <Limit name="block-count" range="64-34816" />
-            <Limit name="bitrate" range="1-100000000" />
-            <Limit name="frame-rate" range="1-480" />
-            <Limit name="complexity" range="0-100"  default="100" />
-            <Limit name="concurrent-instances" max="16" />
-            <Feature name="bitrate-modes" value="VBR,CBR" />
-            <Limit name="performance-point-4096x2304" value="30" />
-            <Limit name="performance-point-3840x2160" value="60" />
-            <Limit name="performance-point-1920x1080" value="240" />
-            <Limit name="performance-point-1280x720" value="480" />
-        </MediaCodec>
-        <MediaCodec name="c2.qti.hevc.encoder.cq" type="video/hevc">
-            <Alias name="OMX.qcom.video.encoder.hevc.cq"/>
-            <Limit name="size" min="128x128" max="512x512" />
-            <Limit name="alignment" value="2x2" />
-            <Limit name="block-size" value="16x16" />
-            <Limit name="blocks-per-second" min="64" max="20480" />
-            <Limit name="bitrate" range="1-160000000" />
-            <Limit name="frame-rate" range="1-20" />
-            <Limit name="complexity" range="0-100"  default="100" />
-            <Limit name="concurrent-instances" max="16" />
-            <Limit name="quality" range="0-100" default="80" />
-            <Feature name="bitrate-modes" value="CQ" />
-            <Limit name="performance-point-512x512" value="2025" />
-        </MediaCodec>
-        <MediaCodec name="c2.qti.heic.encoder" type="image/vnd.android.heic">
-            <Alias name="OMX.qcom.video.encoder.heic"/>
-            <Limit name="size" min="512x512" max="16384x16384" />
-            <Limit name="alignment" value="2x2" />
-            <Limit name="block-size" value="16x16" />
-            <Limit name="blocks-per-second" min="64" max="3916800" />
-            <Limit name="bitrate" range="1-160000000" />
-            <Limit name="frame-rate" range="1-20" />
-            <Limit name="complexity" range="0-100"  default="100" />
-            <Limit name="concurrent-instances" max="16" />
-            <Limit name="quality" range="0-100" default="80" />
-            <Feature name="bitrate-modes" value="CQ" />
-            <Limit name="performance-point-16384x8192" value="3" />
-            <Limit name="performance-point-1920x1080" value="6" />
-        </MediaCodec>
-    </Encoders>
-    <Include href="media_codecs_google_c2.xml" />
diff --git a/media/media_codecs_performance.xml b/media/media_codecs_performance.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index f77e0d5..0000000
--- a/media/media_codecs_performance.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
-    Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
-    All Rights Reserved.
-    Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
-    Not a Contribution.
-    Copyright (C) 2012-2017 The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
-    Copyright (C) 2012-2013 The Android Open Source Project
-    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-    You may obtain a copy of the License at
-     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-    limitations under the License.
-    <Decoders>
-        <!-- C2 HW decoders -->
-        <MediaCodec name="c2.qti.avc.decoder" type="video/avc" update="true">
-            <Limit name="measured-frame-rate-320x240" range="280-397" />
-            <Limit name="measured-frame-rate-720x480" range="450-1700" />
-            <Limit name="measured-frame-rate-1280x720" range="250-950" />
-            <Limit name="measured-frame-rate-1920x1088" range="120-500" />
-        </MediaCodec>
-        <MediaCodec name="c2.qti.avc.decoder.low_latency" type="video/avc" update="true">
-            <Limit name="measured-frame-rate-320x240" range="380-2000" />
-            <Limit name="measured-frame-rate-720x480" range="380-2000" />
-            <Limit name="measured-frame-rate-1280x720" range="253-950" />
-            <Limit name="measured-frame-rate-1920x1080" range="120-410" />
-        </MediaCodec>
-        <MediaCodec name="c2.qti.hevc.decoder" type="video/hevc" update="true">
-            <Limit name="measured-frame-rate-352x288" range="465-1900" />
-            <Limit name="measured-frame-rate-720x480" range="370-1550" />
-            <Limit name="measured-frame-rate-1280x720" range="188-397" />
-            <Limit name="measured-frame-rate-1920x1080" range="260-1200" />
-            <Limit name="measured-frame-rate-3840x2160" range="67-505" />
-        </MediaCodec>
-        <MediaCodec name="c2.qti.hevc.decoder.low_latency" type="video/hevc" update="true">
-            <Limit name="measured-frame-rate-352x288" range="390-1850" />
-            <Limit name="measured-frame-rate-640x360" range="243-397" />
-            <Limit name="measured-frame-rate-720x480" range="380-1700" />
-            <Limit name="measured-frame-rate-1280x720" range="315-1920" />
-            <Limit name="measured-frame-rate-1920x1080" range="220-800" />
-            <Limit name="measured-frame-rate-3840x2160" range="67-240" />
-        </MediaCodec>
-        <MediaCodec name="c2.qti.vp9.decoder" type="video/x-vnd.on2.vp9" update="true">
-            <Limit name="measured-frame-rate-320x180" range="415-1700" />
-            <Limit name="measured-frame-rate-640x360" range="265-1600" />
-            <Limit name="measured-frame-rate-1280x720" range="142-450" />
-            <Limit name="measured-frame-rate-1920x1080" range="130-450" />
-            <Limit name="measured-frame-rate-3840x2160" range="39-255" />
-        </MediaCodec>
-        <!-- TODO: add C2 mpeg2 decoder performance data -->
-        <!-- C2 SW codecs -->
-        <MediaCodec name="c2.android.avc.decoder" type="video/avc" update="true">
-            <!-- measured 98%:153-414 med:193/192 FLAKY(mn=61.7 < 96 - 414 < mx=423.7) -->
-            <Limit name="measured-frame-rate-320x240" range="211-600" /> <!-- N=266 v98%=1.6 -->
-            <Limit name="measured-frame-rate-720x480" range="57-405" /> <!-- N=266 v98%=1.5 -->
-            <Limit name="measured-frame-rate-1280x720" range="17-98" /> <!-- N=236 v98%=1.5 (-PD1A.180712.003) -->
-            <Limit name="measured-frame-rate-1920x1080" range="20-28" /> <!-- N=272 v98%=1.4 -->
-        </MediaCodec>
-        <MediaCodec name="c2.android.hevc.decoder" type="video/hevc" update="true">
-            <Limit name="measured-frame-rate-352x288" range="220-950" /> <!-- N=270 v98%=1.6 -->
-            <!-- measured 98%:77-220 med:165/169 FLAKY(mn=74.9 < 75 - 338) -->
-            <Limit name="measured-frame-rate-640x360" range="120-830" /> <!-- TWEAKED N=269 v98%=1.7 -->
-            <!-- measured 98%:85-223 med:194/186 FLAKY(mn=80.8 < 85 - 372) -->
-            <Limit name="measured-frame-rate-720x480" range="129-563" /> <!-- TWEAKED N=270 v98%=1.6 -->
-            <Limit name="measured-frame-rate-1280x720" range="41-200" /> <!-- N=270 v98%=1.4 -->
-            <Limit name="measured-frame-rate-1920x1080" range="25-100" /> <!-- N=230 v98%=1.2 (-PD1A.180706.000) -->
-        </MediaCodec>
-        <MediaCodec name="c2.android.vp8.decoder" type="video/x-vnd.on2.vp8" update="true">
-            <!-- measured 98%:191-657 med:617/613 FLAKY(mn=183.9 < 191 - 1226) -->
-            <Limit name="measured-frame-rate-320x180" range="550-1850" /> <!-- TWEAKED N=270 v98%=1.9 (-PD1A.180717.001) -->
-            <Limit name="measured-frame-rate-640x360" range="250-800" /> <!-- N=230 v98%=1.3 -->
-            <!-- measured 98%:35-54 med:36/36 N=64 -->
-            <Limit name="measured-frame-rate-1280x720" range="59-360" /> <!-- v98%=1.2 (PD1A.180706.000-) -->
-            <Limit name="measured-frame-rate-1920x1080" range="23-113" /> <!-- N=270 v98%=1.3 (-PD1A.180717.001) -->
-        </MediaCodec>
-        <MediaCodec name="c2.android.vp9.decoder" type="video/x-vnd.on2.vp9" update="true">
-            <!-- measured 98%:173-698 med:670/668 FLAKY(mn=161.4 < 162 - 1336) variance:2.0 -->
-            <Limit name="measured-frame-rate-320x180" range="488-1500" /> <!-- TWEAKED N=228 -->
-            <Limit name="measured-frame-rate-640x360" range="265-900" /> <!-- N=272 v98%=1.9 (-PD1A.180717.001) -->
-            <Limit name="measured-frame-rate-1280x720" range="95-400" /> <!-- N=270 v98%=1.3 (-PD1A.180717.001) -->
-            <Limit name="measured-frame-rate-1920x1080" range="50-215" /> <!-- N=230 v98%=1.2 -->
-        </MediaCodec>
-        <MediaCodec name="c2.android.h263.decoder" type="video/3gpp" update="true">
-            <!-- measured 98%:151-1143 med:437/432 FLAKY(111 - 972 < mx=1146.8) variance:2.8 -->
-            <Limit name="measured-frame-rate-176x144" range="800-2600" /> <!-- N=270 -->
-            <Limit name="measured-frame-rate-352x288" range="620-1900" /> <!-- N=270 -->
-        </MediaCodec>
-        <MediaCodec name="c2.android.mpeg4.decoder" type="video/mp4v-es" update="true">
-            <!-- measured 90%:149-1332 med:379/360 FLAKY(109 - 958 < mx=1400.6) RG.VARIANCE:2.1 -->
-            <Limit name="measured-frame-rate-176x144" range="865-2800" /> <!-- N=272 v90%=3.0 -->
-        </MediaCodec>
-    </Decoders>
-    <Encoders>
-        <!-- C2 HW encoders -->
-        <MediaCodec name="c2.qti.avc.encoder" type="video/avc" update="true">
-            <Limit name="measured-frame-rate-320x240" range="200-600" />
-            <Limit name="measured-frame-rate-720x480" range="64-140" />
-            <Limit name="measured-frame-rate-1280x720" range="26-56" />
-            <Limit name="measured-frame-rate-1920x1080" range="20-44" />
-        </MediaCodec>
-        <MediaCodec name="c2.qti.hevc.encoder" type="video/hevc" update="true">
-            <Limit name="measured-frame-rate-320x240" range="480-535" />
-            <Limit name="measured-frame-rate-720x480" range="165-210" />
-            <Limit name="measured-frame-rate-1280x720" range="35-250" />
-            <Limit name="measured-frame-rate-1920x1080" range="17-37" />
-            <Limit name="measured-frame-rate-3840x2160" range="11-25" />
-        </MediaCodec>
-        <MediaCodec name="c2.qti.hevc.encoder.cq" type="video/hevc" update="true">
-            <Limit name="measured-frame-rate-320x240" range="340-400" />
-        </MediaCodec>
-        <!-- C2 SW encoders -->
-        <MediaCodec name="c2.android.h263.encoder" type="video/3gpp" update="true">
-            <!-- measured 95%:144-637 med:343/343 FLAKY(mn=40.8 < 144 - 808 < mx=916.6) variance:2.1 -->
-            <Limit name="measured-frame-rate-176x144" range="287-459" /> <!-- TWEAKED N=224 -->
-        </MediaCodec>
-        <MediaCodec name="c2.android.avc.encoder" type="video/avc" update="true">
-            <!-- measured 90%:42-420 med:146/160 FLAKY(mn=39.0 < 42 - 368 < mx=569.5) RG.VARIANCE:2.2 -->
-            <Limit name="measured-frame-rate-320x240" range="140-980" /> <!-- SHOULDN'T HAVE TWEAKED N=266 v90%=3.2 -->
-            <!-- measured 98%:29-166 med:66/63 FLAKY(24 - 166 < mx=166.5) variance:2.4 -->
-            <Limit name="measured-frame-rate-720x480" range="47-83" /> <!-- N=262 -->
-            <!-- measured 98%:11-68 med:30/30 FLAKY(mn=10.5 < 11 - 68 < mx=82.1) variance:2.5 -->
-            <Limit name="measured-frame-rate-1280x720" range="30-200" /> <!-- TWEAKED N=236 -->
-            <!-- measured 98%:10-38 med:18/18 FLAKY(mn=5.2 < 9 - 38 < mx=38.8) -->
-            <Limit name="measured-frame-rate-1920x1080" range="20-80" /> <!-- N=288 v98%=2.0 -->
-        </MediaCodec>
-        <MediaCodec name="c2.android.mpeg4.encoder" type="video/mp4v-es" update="true">
-            <!-- measured 90%:29-451 med:208/206 FLAKY(mn=19.2 < 47 - 412 < mx=888.9) RG.VARIANCE:2.5 -->
-            <Limit name="measured-frame-rate-176x144" range="203-445" /> <!-- SHOULDN'T HAVE TWEAKED N=220 v90%=4.0 -->
-        </MediaCodec>
-        <MediaCodec name="c2.android.vp8.encoder" type="video/x-vnd.on2.vp8" update="true">
-            <!-- measured 90%:6-36 med:30/29 FLAKY(mn=0.0 < 7 - 58) variance:2.5 -->
-            <Limit name="measured-frame-rate-320x180" range="299-429" /> <!-- SHOULDN'T HAVE TWEAKED N=214 -->
-            <!-- measured 98%:3-24 med:12/12 FLAKY(mn=2.8 < 3 - 24 < mx=26.6) variance:2.8 -->
-            <Limit name="measured-frame-rate-640x360" range="75-350" /> <!-- N=220 -->
-            <!-- measured 98%:3-11 med:6/6 FLAKY(mn=0.0 < 3 - 12) -->
-            <Limit name="measured-frame-rate-1280x720" range="24-85" /> <!-- N=202 v98%=2.0 -->
-            <!-- measured 98%:3-7 med:5/5 FLAKY(mn=0.0 < 2 - 10 < mx=11.2) -->
-            <Limit name="measured-frame-rate-1920x1080" range="10-115" /> <!-- N=212 v98%=1.5 -->
-        </MediaCodec>
-        <MediaCodec name="c2.android.vp9.encoder" type="video/x-vnd.on2.vp9" update="true">
-            <!-- measured 93%:99-156 med:109/109 N=24 -->
-            <Limit name="measured-frame-rate-320x180" range="109-109" /> <!-- v93%=1.3 -->
-            <!-- measured 95%:54-67 med:61/61 N=36 -->
-            <Limit name="measured-frame-rate-640x360" range="61-61" /> <!-- v95%=1.1 -->
-            <!-- measured 95%:16-26 med:20/20 N=32 -->
-            <Limit name="measured-frame-rate-1280x720" range="20-20" /> <!-- v95%=1.3 -->
-        </MediaCodec>
-        <MediaCodec name="c2.android.hevc.encoder" type="video/hevc" update="true">
-             <Limit name="measured-frame-rate-320x240" range="38-47" />
-             <Limit name="measured-frame-rate-720x480" range="8-15" />
-        </MediaCodec>
-    </Encoders>