Split out sdk.go from java.go
Split out SDK handling functions from java.go to sdk.go and tests
from java_test.go to sdk.go.
Test: sdk_test.go
Change-Id: I83ef48cbe5230572c1d4ecc0e89021d2f7c71b76
diff --git a/java/sdk.go b/java/sdk.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd128d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/java/sdk.go
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+// Copyright 2019 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+package java
+import (
+ "android/soong/android"
+ "android/soong/java/config"
+ "fmt"
+ "path/filepath"
+ "strconv"
+ "strings"
+type sdkContext interface {
+ // sdkVersion eturns the sdk_version property of the current module, or an empty string if it is not set.
+ sdkVersion() string
+ // minSdkVersion returns the min_sdk_version property of the current module, or sdkVersion() if it is not set.
+ minSdkVersion() string
+ // targetSdkVersion returns the target_sdk_version property of the current module, or sdkVersion() if it is not set.
+ targetSdkVersion() string
+func sdkVersionOrDefault(ctx android.BaseContext, v string) string {
+ switch v {
+ case "", "current", "system_current", "test_current", "core_current":
+ return ctx.Config().DefaultAppTargetSdk()
+ default:
+ return v
+ }
+// Returns a sdk version as a number. For modules targeting an unreleased SDK (meaning it does not yet have a number)
+// it returns android.FutureApiLevel (10000).
+func sdkVersionToNumber(ctx android.BaseContext, v string) (int, error) {
+ switch v {
+ case "", "current", "test_current", "system_current", "core_current":
+ return ctx.Config().DefaultAppTargetSdkInt(), nil
+ default:
+ n := android.GetNumericSdkVersion(v)
+ if i, err := strconv.Atoi(n); err != nil {
+ return -1, fmt.Errorf("invalid sdk version %q", n)
+ } else {
+ return i, nil
+ }
+ }
+func sdkVersionToNumberAsString(ctx android.BaseContext, v string) (string, error) {
+ n, err := sdkVersionToNumber(ctx, v)
+ if err != nil {
+ return "", err
+ }
+ return strconv.Itoa(n), nil
+func decodeSdkDep(ctx android.BaseContext, sdkContext sdkContext) sdkDep {
+ v := sdkContext.sdkVersion()
+ i, err := sdkVersionToNumber(ctx, v)
+ if err != nil {
+ ctx.PropertyErrorf("sdk_version", "%s", err)
+ return sdkDep{}
+ }
+ // Ensures that the specificed system SDK version is one of BOARD_SYSTEMSDK_VERSIONS (for vendor apks)
+ // or PRODUCT_SYSTEMSDK_VERSIONS (for other apks or when BOARD_SYSTEMSDK_VERSIONS is not set)
+ if strings.HasPrefix(v, "system_") && i != android.FutureApiLevel {
+ allowed_versions := ctx.DeviceConfig().PlatformSystemSdkVersions()
+ if ctx.DeviceSpecific() || ctx.SocSpecific() {
+ if len(ctx.DeviceConfig().SystemSdkVersions()) > 0 {
+ allowed_versions = ctx.DeviceConfig().SystemSdkVersions()
+ }
+ }
+ version := strings.TrimPrefix(v, "system_")
+ if len(allowed_versions) > 0 && !android.InList(version, allowed_versions) {
+ ctx.PropertyErrorf("sdk_version", "incompatible sdk version %q. System SDK version should be one of %q",
+ v, allowed_versions)
+ }
+ }
+ toPrebuilt := func(sdk string) sdkDep {
+ var api, v string
+ if strings.Contains(sdk, "_") {
+ t := strings.Split(sdk, "_")
+ api = t[0]
+ v = t[1]
+ } else {
+ api = "public"
+ v = sdk
+ }
+ dir := filepath.Join("prebuilts", "sdk", v, api)
+ jar := filepath.Join(dir, "android.jar")
+ // There's no aidl for other SDKs yet.
+ // TODO(77525052): Add aidl files for other SDKs too.
+ public_dir := filepath.Join("prebuilts", "sdk", v, "public")
+ aidl := filepath.Join(public_dir, "framework.aidl")
+ jarPath := android.ExistentPathForSource(ctx, jar)
+ aidlPath := android.ExistentPathForSource(ctx, aidl)
+ lambdaStubsPath := android.PathForSource(ctx, config.SdkLambdaStubsPath)
+ if (!jarPath.Valid() || !aidlPath.Valid()) && ctx.Config().AllowMissingDependencies() {
+ return sdkDep{
+ invalidVersion: true,
+ modules: []string{fmt.Sprintf("sdk_%s_%s_android", api, v)},
+ }
+ }
+ if !jarPath.Valid() {
+ ctx.PropertyErrorf("sdk_version", "invalid sdk version %q, %q does not exist", v, jar)
+ return sdkDep{}
+ }
+ if !aidlPath.Valid() {
+ ctx.PropertyErrorf("sdk_version", "invalid sdk version %q, %q does not exist", v, aidl)
+ return sdkDep{}
+ }
+ return sdkDep{
+ useFiles: true,
+ jars: android.Paths{jarPath.Path(), lambdaStubsPath},
+ aidl: aidlPath.Path(),
+ }
+ }
+ toModule := func(m, r string) sdkDep {
+ ret := sdkDep{
+ useModule: true,
+ modules: []string{m, config.DefaultLambdaStubsLibrary},
+ systemModules: m + "_system_modules",
+ frameworkResModule: r,
+ }
+ if m == "core.current.stubs" {
+ ret.systemModules = "core-system-modules"
+ } else if m == "core.platform.api.stubs" {
+ ret.systemModules = "core-platform-api-stubs-system-modules"
+ }
+ return ret
+ }
+ if ctx.Config().UnbundledBuildPrebuiltSdks() && v != "" {
+ return toPrebuilt(v)
+ }
+ switch v {
+ case "":
+ return sdkDep{
+ useDefaultLibs: true,
+ frameworkResModule: "framework-res",
+ }
+ case "current":
+ return toModule("android_stubs_current", "framework-res")
+ case "system_current":
+ return toModule("android_system_stubs_current", "framework-res")
+ case "test_current":
+ return toModule("android_test_stubs_current", "framework-res")
+ case "core_current":
+ return toModule("core.current.stubs", "")
+ default:
+ return toPrebuilt(v)
+ }