Add GetEmbeddedPrebuilt and IsModulePrebuilt

Dedups the many repetitions of the code to obtain a *Prebuilt from a

Bug: 177892522
Test: m nothing
Change-Id: I1ededbe9ee79e89ea6dd8882dfee4be0bf0b51b7
diff --git a/cc/fuzz.go b/cc/fuzz.go
index 5219ebc..c780b6f 100644
--- a/cc/fuzz.go
+++ b/cc/fuzz.go
@@ -221,8 +221,7 @@
 	// If the same library is present both as source and a prebuilt we must pick
 	// only one to avoid a conflict. Always prefer the source since the prebuilt
 	// probably won't be built with sanitizers enabled.
-	if prebuilt, ok := dependency.(android.PrebuiltInterface); ok &&
-		prebuilt.Prebuilt() != nil && prebuilt.Prebuilt().SourceExists() {
+	if prebuilt := android.GetEmbeddedPrebuilt(dependency); prebuilt != nil && prebuilt.SourceExists() {
 		return false