Merge "Revert^5 "Upgrade to clang-r522817"" into main am: 728e9178bd am: 67ced9c270

Original change:

Change-Id: I72e045acb6f5da665482f19a1d11481c91650b1d
Signed-off-by: Automerger Merge Worker <>
diff --git a/aconfig/codegen/cc_aconfig_library.go b/aconfig/codegen/cc_aconfig_library.go
index ec0a6b6..b5cf687 100644
--- a/aconfig/codegen/cc_aconfig_library.go
+++ b/aconfig/codegen/cc_aconfig_library.go
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@
 		Args: map[string]string{
 			"gendir": this.generatedDir.String(),
 			"mode":   mode,
-			"debug":  strconv.FormatBool(ctx.Config().ReleaseReadFromNewStorageCc()),
+			"debug":  strconv.FormatBool(ctx.Config().ReleaseReadFromNewStorage()),
diff --git a/aconfig/codegen/init.go b/aconfig/codegen/init.go
index 6182e14..98d288f 100644
--- a/aconfig/codegen/init.go
+++ b/aconfig/codegen/init.go
@@ -64,11 +64,12 @@
 				` && ${aconfig} create-rust-lib` +
 				`    --mode ${mode}` +
 				`    --cache ${in}` +
+				`    --allow-instrumentation ${debug}` +
 				`    --out ${gendir}`,
 			CommandDeps: []string{
-		}, "gendir", "mode")
+		}, "gendir", "mode", "debug")
 func init() {
diff --git a/aconfig/codegen/rust_aconfig_library.go b/aconfig/codegen/rust_aconfig_library.go
index ad8d632..4b896c3 100644
--- a/aconfig/codegen/rust_aconfig_library.go
+++ b/aconfig/codegen/rust_aconfig_library.go
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 import (
+	"strconv"
@@ -82,6 +83,7 @@
 		Args: map[string]string{
 			"gendir": generatedDir.String(),
 			"mode":   mode,
+			"debug":  strconv.FormatBool(ctx.Config().ReleaseReadFromNewStorage()),
 	a.BaseSourceProvider.OutputFiles = android.Paths{generatedSource}
diff --git a/android/api_levels.go b/android/api_levels.go
index fab5fc7..8f2ff17 100644
--- a/android/api_levels.go
+++ b/android/api_levels.go
@@ -442,26 +442,27 @@
 func getApiLevelsMapReleasedVersions() (map[string]int, error) {
 	return map[string]int{
-		"G":              9,
-		"I":              14,
-		"J":              16,
-		"J-MR1":          17,
-		"J-MR2":          18,
-		"K":              19,
-		"L":              21,
-		"L-MR1":          22,
-		"M":              23,
-		"N":              24,
-		"N-MR1":          25,
-		"O":              26,
-		"O-MR1":          27,
-		"P":              28,
-		"Q":              29,
-		"R":              30,
-		"S":              31,
-		"S-V2":           32,
-		"Tiramisu":       33,
-		"UpsideDownCake": 34,
+		"G":               9,
+		"I":               14,
+		"J":               16,
+		"J-MR1":           17,
+		"J-MR2":           18,
+		"K":               19,
+		"L":               21,
+		"L-MR1":           22,
+		"M":               23,
+		"N":               24,
+		"N-MR1":           25,
+		"O":               26,
+		"O-MR1":           27,
+		"P":               28,
+		"Q":               29,
+		"R":               30,
+		"S":               31,
+		"S-V2":            32,
+		"Tiramisu":        33,
+		"UpsideDownCake":  34,
+		"VanillaIceCream": 35,
 	}, nil
diff --git a/android/config.go b/android/config.go
index 76c590a..cebec85 100644
--- a/android/config.go
+++ b/android/config.go
@@ -239,6 +239,11 @@
+// Enable read flag from new storage
+func (c Config) ReleaseReadFromNewStorage() bool {
+	return c.config.productVariables.GetBuildFlagBool("RELEASE_READ_FROM_NEW_STORAGE")
 // A DeviceConfig object represents the configuration for a particular device
 // being built. For now there will only be one of these, but in the future there
 // may be multiple devices being built.
diff --git a/android/updatable_modules.go b/android/updatable_modules.go
index 1548170..dd7dc2c 100644
--- a/android/updatable_modules.go
+++ b/android/updatable_modules.go
@@ -33,4 +33,4 @@
 // * AOSP            - xx9990000
 // * x-mainline-prod - xx9990000
 // * master          - 990090000
-const DefaultUpdatableModuleVersion = "990090000"
+const DefaultUpdatableModuleVersion = "350090000"
diff --git a/android/variable.go b/android/variable.go
index 419bd61..c019825 100644
--- a/android/variable.go
+++ b/android/variable.go
@@ -181,8 +181,9 @@
 		// release_aidl_use_unfrozen is "true" when a device can
 		// use the unfrozen versions of AIDL interfaces.
 		Release_aidl_use_unfrozen struct {
-			Cflags []string
-			Cmd    *string
+			Cflags          []string
+			Cmd             *string
+			Vintf_fragments []string
 	} `android:"arch_variant"`
diff --git a/apex/apex.go b/apex/apex.go
index 8029910..9f96c1d 100644
--- a/apex/apex.go
+++ b/apex/apex.go
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
 import (
-	"log"
@@ -989,10 +988,8 @@
-		//TODO: b/296491928 Vendor APEX should use libbinder.ndk instead of libbinder once VNDK is fully deprecated.
 		if useVndk && mctx.Config().IsVndkDeprecated() && child.Name() == "libbinder" {
-			log.Print("Libbinder is linked from Vendor APEX ", a.Name(), " with module ", parent.Name())
-			return false
+			mctx.ModuleErrorf("Module %s in the vendor APEX %s should not use libbinder. Use libbinder_ndk instead.", parent.Name(), a.Name())
 		// By default, all the transitive dependencies are collected, unless filtered out
@@ -2185,10 +2182,6 @@
 				return false
-			//TODO: b/296491928 Vendor APEX should use libbinder.ndk instead of libbinder once VNDK is fully deprecated.
-			if ch.InVendorOrProduct() && ctx.Config().IsVndkDeprecated() && child.Name() == "libbinder" {
-				return false
-			}
 			af := apexFileForNativeLibrary(ctx, ch, vctx.handleSpecialLibs)
 			af.transitiveDep = true
diff --git a/apex/apex_test.go b/apex/apex_test.go
index a758caf..7b3c5ca 100644
--- a/apex/apex_test.go
+++ b/apex/apex_test.go
@@ -9793,188 +9793,196 @@
-// TODO(b/193460475): Re-enable this test
-//func TestApexStrictUpdtabilityLint(t *testing.T) {
-//	bpTemplate := `
-//		apex {
-//			name: "myapex",
-//			key: "myapex.key",
-//			java_libs: ["myjavalib"],
-//			updatable: %v,
-//			min_sdk_version: "29",
-//		}
-//		apex_key {
-//			name: "myapex.key",
-//		}
-//		java_library {
-//			name: "myjavalib",
-//			srcs: [""],
-//			apex_available: [ "myapex" ],
-//			lint: {
-//				strict_updatability_linting: %v,
-//			},
-//			sdk_version: "current",
-//			min_sdk_version: "29",
-//		}
-//		`
-//	fs := android.MockFS{
-//		"lint-baseline.xml": nil,
-//	}
-//	testCases := []struct {
-//		testCaseName              string
-//		apexUpdatable             bool
-//		javaStrictUpdtabilityLint bool
-//		lintFileExists            bool
-//		disallowedFlagExpected    bool
-//	}{
-//		{
-//			testCaseName:              "lint-baseline.xml does not exist, no disallowed flag necessary in lint cmd",
-//			apexUpdatable:             true,
-//			javaStrictUpdtabilityLint: true,
-//			lintFileExists:            false,
-//			disallowedFlagExpected:    false,
-//		},
-//		{
-//			testCaseName:              "non-updatable apex respects strict_updatability of javalib",
-//			apexUpdatable:             false,
-//			javaStrictUpdtabilityLint: false,
-//			lintFileExists:            true,
-//			disallowedFlagExpected:    false,
-//		},
-//		{
-//			testCaseName:              "non-updatable apex respects strict updatability of javalib",
-//			apexUpdatable:             false,
-//			javaStrictUpdtabilityLint: true,
-//			lintFileExists:            true,
-//			disallowedFlagExpected:    true,
-//		},
-//		{
-//			testCaseName:              "updatable apex sets strict updatability of javalib to true",
-//			apexUpdatable:             true,
-//			javaStrictUpdtabilityLint: false, // will be set to true by mutator
-//			lintFileExists:            true,
-//			disallowedFlagExpected:    true,
-//		},
-//	}
-//	for _, testCase := range testCases {
-//		bp := fmt.Sprintf(bpTemplate, testCase.apexUpdatable, testCase.javaStrictUpdtabilityLint)
-//		fixtures := []android.FixturePreparer{}
-//		if testCase.lintFileExists {
-//			fixtures = append(fixtures, fs.AddToFixture())
-//		}
-//		result := testApex(t, bp, fixtures...)
-//		myjavalib := result.ModuleForTests("myjavalib", "android_common_apex29")
-//		sboxProto := android.RuleBuilderSboxProtoForTests(t, myjavalib.Output("lint.sbox.textproto"))
-//		disallowedFlagActual := strings.Contains(*sboxProto.Commands[0].Command, "--baseline lint-baseline.xml --disallowed_issues NewApi")
-//		if disallowedFlagActual != testCase.disallowedFlagExpected {
-//			t.Errorf("Failed testcase: %v \nActual lint cmd: %v", testCase.testCaseName, *sboxProto.Commands[0].Command)
-//		}
-//	}
-//func TestUpdatabilityLintSkipLibcore(t *testing.T) {
-//	bp := `
-//		apex {
-//			name: "myapex",
-//			key: "myapex.key",
-//			java_libs: ["myjavalib"],
-//			updatable: true,
-//			min_sdk_version: "29",
-//		}
-//		apex_key {
-//			name: "myapex.key",
-//		}
-//		java_library {
-//			name: "myjavalib",
-//			srcs: [""],
-//			apex_available: [ "myapex" ],
-//			sdk_version: "current",
-//			min_sdk_version: "29",
-//		}
-//		`
-//	testCases := []struct {
-//		testCaseName           string
-//		moduleDirectory        string
-//		disallowedFlagExpected bool
-//	}{
-//		{
-//			testCaseName:           "lintable module defined outside libcore",
-//			moduleDirectory:        "",
-//			disallowedFlagExpected: true,
-//		},
-//		{
-//			testCaseName:           "lintable module defined in libcore root directory",
-//			moduleDirectory:        "libcore/",
-//			disallowedFlagExpected: false,
-//		},
-//		{
-//			testCaseName:           "lintable module defined in libcore child directory",
-//			moduleDirectory:        "libcore/childdir/",
-//			disallowedFlagExpected: true,
-//		},
-//	}
-//	for _, testCase := range testCases {
-//		lintFileCreator := android.FixtureAddTextFile(testCase.moduleDirectory+"lint-baseline.xml", "")
-//		bpFileCreator := android.FixtureAddTextFile(testCase.moduleDirectory+"Android.bp", bp)
-//		result := testApex(t, "", lintFileCreator, bpFileCreator)
-//		myjavalib := result.ModuleForTests("myjavalib", "android_common_apex29")
-//		sboxProto := android.RuleBuilderSboxProtoForTests(t, myjavalib.Output("lint.sbox.textproto"))
-//		cmdFlags := fmt.Sprintf("--baseline %vlint-baseline.xml --disallowed_issues NewApi", testCase.moduleDirectory)
-//		disallowedFlagActual := strings.Contains(*sboxProto.Commands[0].Command, cmdFlags)
-//		if disallowedFlagActual != testCase.disallowedFlagExpected {
-//			t.Errorf("Failed testcase: %v \nActual lint cmd: %v", testCase.testCaseName, *sboxProto.Commands[0].Command)
-//		}
-//	}
-//// checks transtive deps of an apex coming from bootclasspath_fragment
-//func TestApexStrictUpdtabilityLintBcpFragmentDeps(t *testing.T) {
-//	bp := `
-//		apex {
-//			name: "myapex",
-//			key: "myapex.key",
-//			bootclasspath_fragments: ["mybootclasspathfragment"],
-//			updatable: true,
-//			min_sdk_version: "29",
-//		}
-//		apex_key {
-//			name: "myapex.key",
-//		}
-//		bootclasspath_fragment {
-//			name: "mybootclasspathfragment",
-//			contents: ["myjavalib"],
-//			apex_available: ["myapex"],
-//			hidden_api: {
-//				split_packages: ["*"],
-//			},
-//		}
-//		java_library {
-//			name: "myjavalib",
-//			srcs: [""],
-//			apex_available: [ "myapex" ],
-//			sdk_version: "current",
-//			min_sdk_version: "29",
-//			compile_dex: true,
-//		}
-//		`
-//	fs := android.MockFS{
-//		"lint-baseline.xml": nil,
-//	}
-//	result := testApex(t, bp, dexpreopt.FixtureSetApexBootJars("myapex:myjavalib"), fs.AddToFixture())
-//	myjavalib := result.ModuleForTests("myjavalib", "android_common_apex29")
-//	sboxProto := android.RuleBuilderSboxProtoForTests(t, myjavalib.Output("lint.sbox.textproto"))
-//	if !strings.Contains(*sboxProto.Commands[0].Command, "--baseline lint-baseline.xml --disallowed_issues NewApi") {
-//		t.Errorf("Strict updabality lint missing in myjavalib coming from bootclasspath_fragment mybootclasspath-fragment\nActual lint cmd: %v", *sboxProto.Commands[0].Command)
-//	}
+func TestApexStrictUpdtabilityLint(t *testing.T) {
+	bpTemplate := `
+		apex {
+			name: "myapex",
+			key: "myapex.key",
+			java_libs: ["myjavalib"],
+			updatable: %v,
+			min_sdk_version: "29",
+		}
+		apex_key {
+			name: "myapex.key",
+		}
+		java_library {
+			name: "myjavalib",
+			srcs: [""],
+			apex_available: [ "myapex" ],
+			lint: {
+				strict_updatability_linting: %v,
+				%s
+			},
+			sdk_version: "current",
+			min_sdk_version: "29",
+		}
+		`
+	fs := android.MockFS{
+		"lint-baseline.xml": nil,
+	}
+	testCases := []struct {
+		testCaseName              string
+		apexUpdatable             bool
+		javaStrictUpdtabilityLint bool
+		lintFileExists            bool
+		disallowedFlagExpected    bool
+	}{
+		{
+			testCaseName:              "lint-baseline.xml does not exist, no disallowed flag necessary in lint cmd",
+			apexUpdatable:             true,
+			javaStrictUpdtabilityLint: true,
+			lintFileExists:            false,
+			disallowedFlagExpected:    false,
+		},
+		{
+			testCaseName:              "non-updatable apex respects strict_updatability of javalib",
+			apexUpdatable:             false,
+			javaStrictUpdtabilityLint: false,
+			lintFileExists:            true,
+			disallowedFlagExpected:    false,
+		},
+		{
+			testCaseName:              "non-updatable apex respects strict updatability of javalib",
+			apexUpdatable:             false,
+			javaStrictUpdtabilityLint: true,
+			lintFileExists:            true,
+			disallowedFlagExpected:    true,
+		},
+		{
+			testCaseName:              "updatable apex sets strict updatability of javalib to true",
+			apexUpdatable:             true,
+			javaStrictUpdtabilityLint: false, // will be set to true by mutator
+			lintFileExists:            true,
+			disallowedFlagExpected:    true,
+		},
+	}
+	for _, testCase := range testCases {
+		fixtures := []android.FixturePreparer{}
+		baselineProperty := ""
+		if testCase.lintFileExists {
+			fixtures = append(fixtures, fs.AddToFixture())
+			baselineProperty = "baseline_filename: \"lint-baseline.xml\""
+		}
+		bp := fmt.Sprintf(bpTemplate, testCase.apexUpdatable, testCase.javaStrictUpdtabilityLint, baselineProperty)
+		result := testApex(t, bp, fixtures...)
+		myjavalib := result.ModuleForTests("myjavalib", "android_common_apex29")
+		sboxProto := android.RuleBuilderSboxProtoForTests(t, result, myjavalib.Output("lint.sbox.textproto"))
+		disallowedFlagActual := strings.Contains(*sboxProto.Commands[0].Command, "--baseline lint-baseline.xml --disallowed_issues NewApi")
+		if disallowedFlagActual != testCase.disallowedFlagExpected {
+			t.Errorf("Failed testcase: %v \nActual lint cmd: %v", testCase.testCaseName, *sboxProto.Commands[0].Command)
+		}
+	}
+func TestUpdatabilityLintSkipLibcore(t *testing.T) {
+	bp := `
+		apex {
+			name: "myapex",
+			key: "myapex.key",
+			java_libs: ["myjavalib"],
+			updatable: true,
+			min_sdk_version: "29",
+		}
+		apex_key {
+			name: "myapex.key",
+		}
+		java_library {
+			name: "myjavalib",
+			srcs: [""],
+			apex_available: [ "myapex" ],
+			sdk_version: "current",
+			min_sdk_version: "29",
+			lint: {
+				baseline_filename: "lint-baseline.xml",
+			}
+		}
+		`
+	testCases := []struct {
+		testCaseName           string
+		moduleDirectory        string
+		disallowedFlagExpected bool
+	}{
+		{
+			testCaseName:           "lintable module defined outside libcore",
+			moduleDirectory:        "",
+			disallowedFlagExpected: true,
+		},
+		{
+			testCaseName:           "lintable module defined in libcore root directory",
+			moduleDirectory:        "libcore/",
+			disallowedFlagExpected: false,
+		},
+		{
+			testCaseName:           "lintable module defined in libcore child directory",
+			moduleDirectory:        "libcore/childdir/",
+			disallowedFlagExpected: true,
+		},
+	}
+	for _, testCase := range testCases {
+		lintFileCreator := android.FixtureAddTextFile(testCase.moduleDirectory+"lint-baseline.xml", "")
+		bpFileCreator := android.FixtureAddTextFile(testCase.moduleDirectory+"Android.bp", bp)
+		result := testApex(t, "", lintFileCreator, bpFileCreator)
+		myjavalib := result.ModuleForTests("myjavalib", "android_common_apex29")
+		sboxProto := android.RuleBuilderSboxProtoForTests(t, result, myjavalib.Output("lint.sbox.textproto"))
+		cmdFlags := fmt.Sprintf("--baseline %vlint-baseline.xml --disallowed_issues NewApi", testCase.moduleDirectory)
+		disallowedFlagActual := strings.Contains(*sboxProto.Commands[0].Command, cmdFlags)
+		if disallowedFlagActual != testCase.disallowedFlagExpected {
+			t.Errorf("Failed testcase: %v \nActual lint cmd: %v", testCase.testCaseName, *sboxProto.Commands[0].Command)
+		}
+	}
+// checks transtive deps of an apex coming from bootclasspath_fragment
+func TestApexStrictUpdtabilityLintBcpFragmentDeps(t *testing.T) {
+	bp := `
+		apex {
+			name: "myapex",
+			key: "myapex.key",
+			bootclasspath_fragments: ["mybootclasspathfragment"],
+			updatable: true,
+			min_sdk_version: "29",
+		}
+		apex_key {
+			name: "myapex.key",
+		}
+		bootclasspath_fragment {
+			name: "mybootclasspathfragment",
+			contents: ["myjavalib"],
+			apex_available: ["myapex"],
+			hidden_api: {
+				split_packages: ["*"],
+			},
+		}
+		java_library {
+			name: "myjavalib",
+			srcs: [""],
+			apex_available: [ "myapex" ],
+			sdk_version: "current",
+			min_sdk_version: "29",
+			compile_dex: true,
+			lint: {
+				baseline_filename: "lint-baseline.xml",
+			}
+		}
+		`
+	fs := android.MockFS{
+		"lint-baseline.xml": nil,
+	}
+	result := testApex(t, bp, dexpreopt.FixtureSetApexBootJars("myapex:myjavalib"), fs.AddToFixture())
+	myjavalib := result.ModuleForTests("myjavalib", "android_common_apex29")
+	sboxProto := android.RuleBuilderSboxProtoForTests(t, result, myjavalib.Output("lint.sbox.textproto"))
+	if !strings.Contains(*sboxProto.Commands[0].Command, "--baseline lint-baseline.xml --disallowed_issues NewApi") {
+		t.Errorf("Strict updabality lint missing in myjavalib coming from bootclasspath_fragment mybootclasspath-fragment\nActual lint cmd: %v", *sboxProto.Commands[0].Command)
+	}
 // updatable apexes should propagate updatable=true to its apps
 func TestUpdatableApexEnforcesAppUpdatability(t *testing.T) {
diff --git a/java/config/config.go b/java/config/config.go
index 2bb50f6..0d30fbd 100644
--- a/java/config/config.go
+++ b/java/config/config.go
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@
+		"wear-sdk.impl",
diff --git a/java/droidstubs.go b/java/droidstubs.go
index ca81343..04a71fa 100644
--- a/java/droidstubs.go
+++ b/java/droidstubs.go
@@ -596,7 +596,8 @@
 	if apiVersions != nil {
 		cmd.FlagWithArg("--current-version ", ctx.Config().PlatformSdkVersion().String())
-		cmd.FlagWithArg("--current-codename ", ctx.Config().PlatformSdkCodename())
+		// cmd.FlagWithArg("--current-codename ", ctx.Config().PlatformSdkCodename())
 		cmd.FlagWithInput("--apply-api-levels ", apiVersions)
diff --git a/java/lint.go b/java/lint.go
index 82fac91..2eea07d 100644
--- a/java/lint.go
+++ b/java/lint.go
@@ -319,25 +319,19 @@
 		android.PathForSource(ctx, "build/soong/java/lint_defaults.txt"))
-	if l.compileSdkKind == android.SdkPublic {
-		cmd.FlagForEachArg("--error_check ", l.extraMainlineLintErrors)
-	} else {
-		// TODO(b/268261262): Remove this branch. We're demoting NewApi to a warning due to pre-existing issues that need to be fixed.
-		cmd.FlagForEachArg("--warning_check ", l.extraMainlineLintErrors)
-	}
+	cmd.FlagForEachArg("--error_check ", l.extraMainlineLintErrors)
 	cmd.FlagForEachArg("--disable_check ",
 	cmd.FlagForEachArg("--warning_check ",
 	cmd.FlagForEachArg("--error_check ",
 	cmd.FlagForEachArg("--fatal_check ",
-	// TODO(b/193460475): Re-enable strict updatability linting
-	//if l.GetStrictUpdatabilityLinting() {
-	//	// Verify the module does not baseline issues that endanger safe updatability.
-	//	if baselinePath := l.getBaselineFilepath(ctx); baselinePath.Valid() {
-	//		cmd.FlagWithInput("--baseline ", baselinePath.Path())
-	//		cmd.FlagForEachArg("--disallowed_issues ", updatabilityChecks)
-	//	}
-	//}
+	if l.GetStrictUpdatabilityLinting() {
+		// Verify the module does not baseline issues that endanger safe updatability.
+		if != nil {
+			cmd.FlagWithInput("--baseline ", android.PathForModuleSrc(ctx, *
+			cmd.FlagForEachArg("--disallowed_issues ", updatabilityChecks)
+		}
+	}
 	return lintPaths{
 		projectXML: projectXMLPath,
diff --git a/java/lint_test.go b/java/lint_test.go
index 751b139..b51753f 100644
--- a/java/lint_test.go
+++ b/java/lint_test.go
@@ -91,9 +91,8 @@
 		t.Error("did not use the correct file for baseline")
-	if !strings.Contains(*sboxProto.Commands[0].Command, "--warning_check NewApi") {
-		// TODO(b/268261262): Change this to check for --error_check
-		t.Error("should check NewApi warnings")
+	if !strings.Contains(*sboxProto.Commands[0].Command, "--error_check NewApi") {
+		t.Error("should check NewApi errors")
 	if !strings.Contains(*sboxProto.Commands[0].Command, "--error_check SomeCheck") {
@@ -153,52 +152,55 @@
-// TODO(b/193460475): Re-enable this test
-//func TestJavaLintStrictUpdatabilityLinting(t *testing.T) {
-//	bp := `
-//		java_library {
-//			name: "foo",
-//			srcs: [
-//				"",
-//			],
-//			static_libs: ["bar"],
-//			min_sdk_version: "29",
-//			sdk_version: "current",
-//			lint: {
-//				strict_updatability_linting: true,
-//			},
-//		}
-//		java_library {
-//			name: "bar",
-//			srcs: [
-//				"",
-//			],
-//			min_sdk_version: "29",
-//			sdk_version: "current",
-//		}
-//	`
-//	fs := android.MockFS{
-//		"lint-baseline.xml": nil,
-//	}
-//	result := android.GroupFixturePreparers(PrepareForTestWithJavaDefaultModules, fs.AddToFixture()).
-//		RunTestWithBp(t, bp)
-//	foo := result.ModuleForTests("foo", "android_common")
-//	sboxProto := android.RuleBuilderSboxProtoForTests(t, foo.Output("lint.sbox.textproto"))
-//	if !strings.Contains(*sboxProto.Commands[0].Command,
-//		"--baseline lint-baseline.xml --disallowed_issues NewApi") {
-//		t.Error("did not restrict baselining NewApi")
-//	}
-//	bar := result.ModuleForTests("bar", "android_common")
-//	sboxProto = android.RuleBuilderSboxProtoForTests(t, bar.Output("lint.sbox.textproto"))
-//	if !strings.Contains(*sboxProto.Commands[0].Command,
-//		"--baseline lint-baseline.xml --disallowed_issues NewApi") {
-//		t.Error("did not restrict baselining NewApi")
-//	}
+func TestJavaLintStrictUpdatabilityLinting(t *testing.T) {
+	bp := `
+		java_library {
+			name: "foo",
+			srcs: [
+				"",
+			],
+			static_libs: ["bar"],
+			min_sdk_version: "29",
+			sdk_version: "current",
+			lint: {
+				strict_updatability_linting: true,
+				baseline_filename: "lint-baseline.xml",
+			},
+		}
+		java_library {
+			name: "bar",
+			srcs: [
+				"",
+			],
+			min_sdk_version: "29",
+			sdk_version: "current",
+			lint: {
+				baseline_filename: "lint-baseline.xml",
+			}
+		}
+	`
+	fs := android.MockFS{
+		"lint-baseline.xml": nil,
+	}
+	result := android.GroupFixturePreparers(PrepareForTestWithJavaDefaultModules, fs.AddToFixture()).
+		RunTestWithBp(t, bp)
+	foo := result.ModuleForTests("foo", "android_common")
+	sboxProto := android.RuleBuilderSboxProtoForTests(t, result.TestContext, foo.Output("lint.sbox.textproto"))
+	if !strings.Contains(*sboxProto.Commands[0].Command,
+		"--baseline lint-baseline.xml --disallowed_issues NewApi") {
+		t.Error("did not restrict baselining NewApi")
+	}
+	bar := result.ModuleForTests("bar", "android_common")
+	sboxProto = android.RuleBuilderSboxProtoForTests(t, result.TestContext, bar.Output("lint.sbox.textproto"))
+	if !strings.Contains(*sboxProto.Commands[0].Command,
+		"--baseline lint-baseline.xml --disallowed_issues NewApi") {
+		t.Error("did not restrict baselining NewApi")
+	}
 func TestJavaLintDatabaseSelectionFull(t *testing.T) {
 	testCases := []struct {