Add a header_abi_checker section

This commit adds a header_abi_checker section so that the library owner
can have a fine-grained control over the ABIs that must be checked.

For example, a library "libexample" may have following configurations:

    cc_library {
        name: "libexample",
        header_abi_checker: {
            symbol_file: "",
            exclude_symbol_versions: ["LIBEXAMPLE_PRIVATE"],
            exclude_symbol_tags: ["platform", "apex"],

Bug: 122845490
Test: Add header_abi_checker to libc to filter out LIBC_PRIVATE
Change-Id: I60cfea868f815afe6213c242ed0ca818161d55c6
diff --git a/cc/builder.go b/cc/builder.go
index b012d6f..645b3c2 100644
--- a/cc/builder.go
+++ b/cc/builder.go
@@ -663,18 +663,33 @@
 // Generate a rule to combine .dump sAbi dump files from multiple source files
 // into a single .ldump sAbi dump file
 func TransformDumpToLinkedDump(ctx android.ModuleContext, sAbiDumps android.Paths, soFile android.Path,
-	baseName, exportedHeaderFlags string) android.OptionalPath {
+	baseName, exportedHeaderFlags string, symbolFile android.OptionalPath,
+	excludedSymbolVersions, excludedSymbolTags []string) android.OptionalPath {
 	outputFile := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, baseName+".lsdump")
 	lsdumpPaths = append(lsdumpPaths, outputFile.String())
+	implicits := android.Paths{soFile}
 	symbolFilterStr := "-so " + soFile.String()
+	if symbolFile.Valid() {
+		implicits = append(implicits, symbolFile.Path())
+		symbolFilterStr += " -v " + symbolFile.String()
+	}
+	for _, ver := range excludedSymbolVersions {
+		symbolFilterStr += " --exclude-symbol-version " + ver
+	}
+	for _, tag := range excludedSymbolTags {
+		symbolFilterStr += " --exclude-symbol-tag " + tag
+	}
 	ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
 		Rule:        sAbiLink,
 		Description: "header-abi-linker " + outputFile.Base(),
 		Output:      outputFile,
 		Inputs:      sAbiDumps,
-		Implicit:    soFile,
+		Implicits:   implicits,
 		Args: map[string]string{
 			"symbolFilter":        symbolFilterStr,
 			"arch":                ctx.Arch().ArchType.Name,