Add noOverrideExternalGlobalCflags support to Soong

noOverrideExternalGlobalCflags is a new set of flags intended to be
added at the end of the command line for 3rd party projects like
external/, hardware/, vendor/, and more. Our previous flags for external
projects occur way too early on the command line, leading to issues with
use for suppressing diagnostics. Note that support for this variable in
build/make is currently unimplemented, as there are no projects that
would depend on it. It could be added in the future, if it turns out to
be useful.

This change initially applies `-Wno-unused-but-set-variable` and
`-Wno-unused-but-set-parameter` to external projects because these
upstream projects aren't easily fixed, and the risk of actual bugs is

Bug: http://b/197240255
Test: Build and check warnings
Change-Id: I26f56c5c52725dddb70dd8130ad61270eac7a9aa
diff --git a/cc/builder.go b/cc/builder.go
index 8af2255..fa7f7a3 100644
--- a/cc/builder.go
+++ b/cc/builder.go
@@ -529,6 +529,14 @@
 	cppflags += " ${config.NoOverrideGlobalCflags}"
 	toolingCppflags += " ${config.NoOverrideGlobalCflags}"
+	modulePath := android.PathForModuleSrc(ctx).String()
+	if android.IsThirdPartyPath(modulePath) {
+		cflags += " ${config.NoOverrideExternalGlobalCflags}"
+		toolingCflags += " ${config.NoOverrideExternalGlobalCflags}"
+		cppflags += " ${config.NoOverrideExternalGlobalCflags}"
+		toolingCppflags += " ${config.NoOverrideExternalGlobalCflags}"
+	}
 	// Multiple source files have build rules usually share the same cFlags or tidyFlags.
 	// Define only one version in this module and share it in multiple build rules.
 	// To simplify the code, the shared variables are all named as $flags<nnn>.
diff --git a/cc/cc_test.go b/cc/cc_test.go
index 9ffe48d..bcc6fcd 100644
--- a/cc/cc_test.go
+++ b/cc/cc_test.go
@@ -4005,12 +4005,12 @@
 			name:     "c",
 			src:      "foo.c",
-			expected: combineSlices(baseExpectedFlags, conly, expectedIncludes, cflags, cstd, lastIncludes, []string{"${config.NoOverrideGlobalCflags}"}),
+			expected: combineSlices(baseExpectedFlags, conly, expectedIncludes, cflags, cstd, lastIncludes, []string{"${config.NoOverrideGlobalCflags}", "${config.NoOverrideExternalGlobalCflags}"}),
 			name:     "cc",
 			src:      "",
-			expected: combineSlices(baseExpectedFlags, cppOnly, expectedIncludes, cflags, cppstd, lastIncludes, []string{"${config.NoOverrideGlobalCflags}"}),
+			expected: combineSlices(baseExpectedFlags, cppOnly, expectedIncludes, cflags, cppstd, lastIncludes, []string{"${config.NoOverrideGlobalCflags}", "${config.NoOverrideExternalGlobalCflags}"}),
 			name:     "assemble",
diff --git a/cc/config/global.go b/cc/config/global.go
index a340e46..2091e18 100644
--- a/cc/config/global.go
+++ b/cc/config/global.go
@@ -233,6 +233,12 @@
 		"-Wno-error=unused-but-set-parameter", // http://b/197240255
+	noOverrideExternalGlobalCflags = []string{
+		// http://b/197240255
+		"-Wno-unused-but-set-variable",
+		"-Wno-unused-but-set-parameter",
+	}
 	// Extra cflags for external third-party projects to disable warnings that
 	// are infeasible to fix in all the external projects and their upstream repos.
 	extraExternalCflags = []string{
@@ -346,6 +352,7 @@
 	exportStringListStaticVariable("HostGlobalCflags", hostGlobalCflags)
 	exportStringListStaticVariable("NoOverrideGlobalCflags", noOverrideGlobalCflags)
+	exportStringListStaticVariable("NoOverrideExternalGlobalCflags", noOverrideExternalGlobalCflags)
 	exportStringListStaticVariable("CommonGlobalCppflags", commonGlobalCppflags)
 	exportStringListStaticVariable("ExternalCflags", extraExternalCflags)
diff --git a/cc/makevars.go b/cc/makevars.go
index 8d7a163..b7aaaad 100644
--- a/cc/makevars.go
+++ b/cc/makevars.go
@@ -95,6 +95,7 @@
 	ctx.Strict("CLANG_EXTERNAL_CFLAGS", "${config.ExternalCflags}")
 	ctx.Strict("GLOBAL_CLANG_CFLAGS_NO_OVERRIDE", "${config.NoOverrideGlobalCflags}")
+	ctx.Strict("GLOBAL_CLANG_EXTERNAL_CFLAGS_NO_OVERRIDE", "${config.NoOverrideExternalGlobalCflags}")
 	ctx.Strict("BOARD_VNDK_VERSION", ctx.DeviceConfig().VndkVersion())
 	ctx.Strict("RECOVERY_SNAPSHOT_VERSION", ctx.DeviceConfig().RecoverySnapshotVersion())