cosmetic: 1)typos 2)parameters named for clarity

Test: n/a
Bug: n/a
Change-Id: I49faa1d8dec4b729409a45e87212b271ecf9e9d1
diff --git a/android/mutator.go b/android/mutator.go
index fa6f2be..739e4ee 100644
--- a/android/mutator.go
+++ b/android/mutator.go
@@ -323,13 +323,13 @@
 	// AddVariationDependencies adds deps as dependencies of the current module, but uses the variations
 	// argument to select which variant of the dependency to use.  It returns a slice of modules for
 	// each dependency (some entries may be nil).  A variant of the dependency must exist that matches
-	// the all of the non-local variations of the current module, plus the variations argument.
+	// all the non-local variations of the current module, plus the variations argument.
 	// If the mutator is parallel (see MutatorHandle.Parallel), this method will pause until the
 	// new dependencies have had the current mutator called on them.  If the mutator is not
 	// parallel this method does not affect the ordering of the current mutator pass, but will
 	// be ordered correctly for all future mutator passes.
-	AddVariationDependencies([]blueprint.Variation, blueprint.DependencyTag, ...string) []blueprint.Module
+	AddVariationDependencies(variations []blueprint.Variation, tag blueprint.DependencyTag, names ...string) []blueprint.Module
 	// AddFarVariationDependencies adds deps as dependencies of the current module, but uses the
 	// variations argument to select which variant of the dependency to use.  It returns a slice of