Allow modules that don't run verify_uses_libraries to have nonempty CLC.

There are modules that would have passed verify_uses_library check, but
don't run it for some reason (the check gets enabled either with an
explicit setting, or if the module has nonempty <ues-library> lists in
the build properties). Previously all such modules were assumed to have
empty CLC, which is not always true. In particular, compatibility
libraries are ignored, which affected e.g. Calendar and messaging apps.

This CL gives such apps a chance to have correct CLC. The goal for the
future is to enforce verify_library_check by default.

Bug: 132357300
Test: lunch aosp_cf_x86_64_phone-userdebug && m
Change-Id: Iea3be0fc9d7775c52950848b5a3fd3b7fcd36c53
diff --git a/dexpreopt/dexpreopt.go b/dexpreopt/dexpreopt.go
index 4999bc7..216e205 100644
--- a/dexpreopt/dexpreopt.go
+++ b/dexpreopt/dexpreopt.go
@@ -259,35 +259,53 @@
 			Text("stored_class_loader_context_arg=--stored-class-loader-context=PCL[" + strings.Join(clcTarget, ":") + "]")
-	} else if module.EnforceUsesLibraries {
-		// Generate command that saves target SDK version in a shell variable.
-		manifestOrApk := module.ManifestPath
-		if manifestOrApk == nil {
-			// No manifest to extract targetSdkVersion from, hope that dexjar is an APK.
+	} else {
+		// There are three categories of Java modules handled here:
+		//
+		// - Modules that have passed verify_uses_libraries check. They are AOT-compiled and
+		//   expected to be loaded on device without CLC mismatch errors.
+		//
+		// - Modules that have failed the check in relaxed mode, so it didn't cause a build error.
+		//   They are dexpreopted with "verify" filter and not AOT-compiled.
+		//   TODO(b/132357300): ensure that CLC mismatch errors are ignored with "verify" filter.
+		//
+		// - Modules that didn't run the check. They are AOT-compiled, but it's unknown if they
+		//   will have CLC mismatch errors on device (the check is disabled by default).
+		//
+		// TODO(b/132357300): enable the check by default and eliminate the last category, so that
+		// no time/space is wasted on AOT-compiling modules that will fail CLC check on device.
+		var manifestOrApk android.Path
+		if module.ManifestPath != nil {
+			// Ok, there is an XML manifest.
+			manifestOrApk = module.ManifestPath
+		} else if filepath.Ext(base) == ".apk" {
+			// Ok, there is is an APK with the manifest inside.
 			manifestOrApk = module.DexPath
-		rule.Command().Text(`target_sdk_version="$(`).
-			Tool(globalSoong.ManifestCheck).
-			Flag("--extract-target-sdk-version").
-			Input(manifestOrApk).
-			FlagWithInput("--aapt ", ctx.Config().HostToolPath(ctx, "aapt")).
-			Text(`)"`)
+		// Generate command that saves target SDK version in a shell variable.
+		if manifestOrApk == nil {
+			// There is neither an XML manifest nor APK => nowhere to extract targetSdkVersion from.
+			// Set the latest ("any") version: then construct_context will not add any compatibility
+			// libraries (if this is incorrect, there will be a CLC mismatch and dexopt on device).
+			rule.Command().Textf(`target_sdk_version=%d`, AnySdkVersion)
+		} else {
+			rule.Command().Text(`target_sdk_version="$(`).
+				Tool(globalSoong.ManifestCheck).
+				Flag("--extract-target-sdk-version").
+				Input(manifestOrApk).
+				FlagWithInput("--aapt ", ctx.Config().HostToolPath(ctx, "aapt")).
+				Text(`)"`)
+		}
 		// Generate command that saves host and target class loader context in shell variables.
 		clc, paths := ComputeClassLoaderContext(module.ClassLoaderContexts)
-			Text("if ! test -s ").Input(module.EnforceUsesLibrariesStatusFile).
-			Text(` ; then eval "$(`).Tool(globalSoong.ConstructContext).
+			Text(`eval "$(`).Tool(globalSoong.ConstructContext).
 			Text(` --target-sdk-version ${target_sdk_version}`).
-			Text(`)" ; fi`)
-	} else {
-		// Other libraries or APKs for which the exact <uses-library> list is unknown.
-		// We assume the class loader context is empty.
-		rule.Command().
-			Text(`class_loader_context_arg=--class-loader-context=PCL[]`).
-			Text(`stored_class_loader_context_arg=""`)
+			Text(`)"`)
 	// Devices that do not have a product partition use a symlink from /product to /system/product.