Merge "Remove saveToBazelConfigFile" into main
diff --git a/android/config.go b/android/config.go
index a18cb8b..da76f0d 100644
--- a/android/config.go
+++ b/android/config.go
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@
- "reflect"
@@ -37,9 +36,7 @@
- "android/soong/bazel"
- "android/soong/starlark_fmt"
// Bool re-exports proptools.Bool for the android package.
@@ -413,7 +410,7 @@
- return saveToBazelConfigFile(configurable, filepath.Dir(filename))
+ return nil
// atomically writes the config file in case two copies of soong_build are running simultaneously
@@ -447,81 +444,6 @@
return nil
-type productVariableStarlarkRepresentation struct {
- soongType string
- selectable bool
- archVariant bool
-func saveToBazelConfigFile(config *ProductVariables, outDir string) error {
- dir := filepath.Join(outDir, bazel.SoongInjectionDirName, "product_config")
- err := createDirIfNonexistent(dir, os.ModePerm)
- if err != nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("Could not create dir %s: %s", dir, err)
- }
- allProductVariablesType := reflect.TypeOf((*ProductVariables)(nil)).Elem()
- productVariablesInfo := make(map[string]productVariableStarlarkRepresentation)
- p := variableProperties{}
- t := reflect.TypeOf(p.Product_variables)
- for i := 0; i < t.NumField(); i++ {
- f := t.Field(i)
- archVariant := proptools.HasTag(f, "android", "arch_variant")
- if mainProductVariablesStructField, ok := allProductVariablesType.FieldByName(f.Name); ok {
- productVariablesInfo[f.Name] = productVariableStarlarkRepresentation{
- soongType: stringRepresentationOfSimpleType(mainProductVariablesStructField.Type),
- selectable: true,
- archVariant: archVariant,
- }
- } else {
- panic("Unknown variable " + f.Name)
- }
- }
- err = pathtools.WriteFileIfChanged(filepath.Join(dir, "product_variable_constants.bzl"), []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`
-# product_var_constant_info is a map of product variables to information about them. The fields are:
-# - soongType: The type of the product variable as it appears in soong's ProductVariables struct.
-# examples are string, bool, int, *bool, *string, []string, etc. This may be an overly
-# conservative estimation of the type, for example a *bool could oftentimes just be a
-# bool that defaults to false.
-# - selectable: if this product variable can be selected on in Android.bp/build files. This means
-# it's listed in the "variableProperties" soong struct. Currently all variables in
-# this list are selectable because we only need the selectable ones at the moment,
-# but the list may be expanded later.
-# - archVariant: If the variable is tagged as arch variant in the "variableProperties" struct.
-product_var_constant_info = %s
-product_var_constraints = [k for k, v in product_var_constant_info.items() if v.selectable]
-arch_variant_product_var_constraints = [k for k, v in product_var_constant_info.items() if v.selectable and v.archVariant]
-`, starlark_fmt.PrintAny(productVariablesInfo, 0))), 0644)
- if err != nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("Could not write .bzl config file %s", err)
- }
- err = pathtools.WriteFileIfChanged(filepath.Join(dir, "BUILD"),
- []byte(bazel.GeneratedBazelFileWarning), 0644)
- if err != nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("Could not write BUILD config file %s", err)
- }
- return nil
-func stringRepresentationOfSimpleType(ty reflect.Type) string {
- switch ty.Kind() {
- case reflect.String:
- return "string"
- case reflect.Bool:
- return "bool"
- case reflect.Int:
- return "int"
- case reflect.Slice:
- return "[]" + stringRepresentationOfSimpleType(ty.Elem())
- case reflect.Pointer:
- return "*" + stringRepresentationOfSimpleType(ty.Elem())
- default:
- panic("unimplemented type: " + ty.Kind().String())
- }
// NullConfig returns a mostly empty Config for use by standalone tools like dexpreopt_gen that
// use the android package.
func NullConfig(outDir, soongOutDir string) Config {