Product config makefiles to Starlark converter

Test: treehugger; internal tests in mk2rbc_test.go
Bug: 172923994
Change-Id: I43120b9c181ef2b8d9453e743233811b0fec268b
diff --git a/mk2rbc/mk2rbc_test.go b/mk2rbc/mk2rbc_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54263b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mk2rbc/mk2rbc_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,857 @@
+// Copyright 2021 Google LLC
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+package mk2rbc
+import (
+	"bytes"
+	"strings"
+	"testing"
+var testCases = []struct {
+	desc     string
+	mkname   string
+	in       string
+	expected string
+	{
+		desc:   "Comment",
+		mkname: "",
+		in: `
+# Comment
+# FOO= a\
+     b
+		expected: `# Comment
+# FOO= a
+#     b
+load("//build/make/core:product_config.rbc", "rblf")
+def init(g, handle):
+  cfg = rblf.cfg(handle)
+	},
+	{
+		desc:   "Name conversion",
+		mkname: "path/",
+		in: `
+# Comment
+		expected: `# Comment
+load("//build/make/core:product_config.rbc", "rblf")
+def init(g, handle):
+  cfg = rblf.cfg(handle)
+	},
+	{
+		desc:   "Item variable",
+		mkname: "",
+		in: `
+PRODUCT_NAME := Pixel 3
+local_var = foo
+		expected: `load("//build/make/core:product_config.rbc", "rblf")
+def init(g, handle):
+  cfg = rblf.cfg(handle)
+  cfg["PRODUCT_NAME"] = "Pixel 3"
+  cfg["PRODUCT_MODEL"] = ""
+  _local_var = "foo"
+	},
+	{
+		desc:   "List variable",
+		mkname: "",
+		in: `
+PRODUCT_PACKAGES = package1  package2
+PRODUCT_COPY_FILES += file2:target
+		expected: `load("//build/make/core:product_config.rbc", "rblf")
+def init(g, handle):
+  cfg = rblf.cfg(handle)
+  cfg["PRODUCT_PACKAGES"] = [
+      "package1",
+      "package2",
+  ]
+  rblf.setdefault(handle, "PRODUCT_COPY_FILES")
+  cfg["PRODUCT_COPY_FILES"] += ["file2:target"]
+  cfg["PRODUCT_PACKAGES"] += ["package3"]
+  cfg["PRODUCT_COPY_FILES"] = []
+	},
+	{
+		desc:   "Unknown function",
+		mkname: "",
+		in: `
+PRODUCT_NAME := $(call foo, bar)
+		expected: `# MK2RBC TRANSLATION ERROR: cannot handle invoking foo
+# PRODUCT_NAME := $(call foo, bar)
+load("//build/make/core:product_config.rbc", "rblf")
+def init(g, handle):
+  cfg = rblf.cfg(handle)
+  rblf.warning("", "partially successful conversion")
+	},
+	{
+		desc:   "Inherit configuration always",
+		mkname: "",
+		in: `
+$(call inherit-product,
+else # Comment
+$(call inherit-product, $(LOCAL_PATH)/
+		expected: `load("//build/make/core:product_config.rbc", "rblf")
+load("", _part_init = "init")
+def init(g, handle):
+  cfg = rblf.cfg(handle)
+  if g.get("PRODUCT_NAME") != None:
+    rblf.inherit(handle, "part", _part_init)
+  else:
+    # Comment
+    rblf.inherit(handle, "./part", _part_init)
+	},
+	{
+		desc:   "Inherit configuration if it exists",
+		mkname: "",
+		in: `
+$(call inherit-product-if-exists,
+		expected: `load("//build/make/core:product_config.rbc", "rblf")
+load("|init", _part_init = "init")
+def init(g, handle):
+  cfg = rblf.cfg(handle)
+  if _part_init != None:
+    rblf.inherit(handle, "part", _part_init)
+	},
+	{
+		desc:   "Include configuration",
+		mkname: "",
+		in: `
+-include $(LOCAL_PATH)/
+		expected: `load("//build/make/core:product_config.rbc", "rblf")
+load("", _part_init = "init")
+def init(g, handle):
+  cfg = rblf.cfg(handle)
+  if g.get("PRODUCT_NAME") != None:
+    _part_init(g, handle)
+  else:
+    if _part_init != None:
+      _part_init(g, handle)
+	},
+	{
+		desc:   "Synonymous inherited configurations",
+		mkname: "path/",
+		in: `
+$(call inherit-product, foo/
+$(call inherit-product, bar/
+		expected: `load("//build/make/core:product_config.rbc", "rblf")
+load("//", _font_init = "init")
+load("//", _font1_init = "init")
+def init(g, handle):
+  cfg = rblf.cfg(handle)
+  rblf.inherit(handle, "foo/font", _font_init)
+  rblf.inherit(handle, "bar/font", _font1_init)
+	},
+	{
+		desc:   "Directive define",
+		mkname: "",
+		in: `
+define some-macro
+    $(info foo)
+		expected: `# MK2RBC TRANSLATION ERROR: define is not supported: some-macro
+# define  some-macro
+#     $(info foo)
+# endef
+load("//build/make/core:product_config.rbc", "rblf")
+def init(g, handle):
+  cfg = rblf.cfg(handle)
+  rblf.warning("", "partially successful conversion")
+	},
+	{
+		desc:   "Ifdef",
+		mkname: "",
+		in: `
+  PRODUCT_NAME = gizmo
+		expected: `load("//build/make/core:product_config.rbc", "rblf")
+def init(g, handle):
+  cfg = rblf.cfg(handle)
+  if g.get("PRODUCT_NAME") != None:
+    cfg["PRODUCT_NAME"] = "gizmo"
+  else:
+    pass
+	},
+	{
+		desc:   "Simple functions",
+		mkname: "",
+		in: `
+$(warning this is the warning)
+$(info this is the info)
+$(error this is the error)
+PRODUCT_NAME:=$(shell echo *)
+		expected: `load("//build/make/core:product_config.rbc", "rblf")
+def init(g, handle):
+  cfg = rblf.cfg(handle)
+  rblf.mkwarning("", "this is the warning")
+  rblf.mkwarning("", "")
+  rblf.mkinfo("", "this is the info")
+  rblf.mkerror("", "this is the error")
+  cfg["PRODUCT_NAME"] ="echo *")
+	},
+	{
+		desc:   "Empty if",
+		mkname: "",
+		in: `
+# Comment
+		expected: `load("//build/make/core:product_config.rbc", "rblf")
+def init(g, handle):
+  cfg = rblf.cfg(handle)
+  if g.get("PRODUCT_NAME") != None:
+    # Comment
+    pass
+	},
+	{
+		desc:   "if/else/endif",
+		mkname: "",
+		in: `
+  PRODUCT_NAME=gizmo1
+  PRODUCT_NAME=gizmo2
+		expected: `load("//build/make/core:product_config.rbc", "rblf")
+def init(g, handle):
+  cfg = rblf.cfg(handle)
+  if not g.get("PRODUCT_NAME") != None:
+    cfg["PRODUCT_NAME"] = "gizmo1"
+  else:
+    cfg["PRODUCT_NAME"] = "gizmo2"
+	},
+	{
+		desc:   "else if",
+		mkname: "",
+		in: `
+  PRODUCT_NAME = gizmo
+else ifndef PRODUCT_PACKAGES   # Comment
+	`,
+		expected: `load("//build/make/core:product_config.rbc", "rblf")
+def init(g, handle):
+  cfg = rblf.cfg(handle)
+  if g.get("PRODUCT_NAME") != None:
+    cfg["PRODUCT_NAME"] = "gizmo"
+  elif not g.get("PRODUCT_PACKAGES") != None:
+    # Comment
+    pass
+	},
+	{
+		desc:   "ifeq / ifneq",
+		mkname: "",
+		in: `
+ifeq (aosp_arm, $(TARGET_PRODUCT))
+  PRODUCT_MODEL = pix21
+ifneq (aosp_x86, $(TARGET_PRODUCT))
+		expected: `load("//build/make/core:product_config.rbc", "rblf")
+def init(g, handle):
+  cfg = rblf.cfg(handle)
+  if "aosp_arm" == g["TARGET_PRODUCT"]:
+    cfg["PRODUCT_MODEL"] = "pix2"
+  else:
+    cfg["PRODUCT_MODEL"] = "pix21"
+  if "aosp_x86" != g["TARGET_PRODUCT"]:
+    cfg["PRODUCT_MODEL"] = "pix3"
+	},
+	{
+		desc:   "Check filter result",
+		mkname: "",
+		in: `
+ifeq (,$(filter userdebug eng, $(TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT)))
+ifneq (,$(filter userdebug,$(TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT))
+ifneq (,$(filter plaf,$(PLATFORM_LIST)))
+ifeq ($(TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT), $(filter $(TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT), userdebug eng))
+		expected: `load("//build/make/core:product_config.rbc", "rblf")
+def init(g, handle):
+  cfg = rblf.cfg(handle)
+  if g["TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT"] not in ["userdebug", "eng"]:
+    pass
+  if g["TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT"] in ["userdebug"]:
+    pass
+  if "plaf" in g.get("PLATFORM_LIST", []):
+    pass
+  if g["TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT"] in ["userdebug", "eng"]:
+    pass
+	},
+	{
+		desc:   "Get filter result",
+		mkname: "",
+		in: `
+PRODUCT_LIST2=$(filter-out %/foo.ko,$(wildcard path/*.ko))
+		expected: `load("//build/make/core:product_config.rbc", "rblf")
+def init(g, handle):
+  cfg = rblf.cfg(handle)
+  cfg["PRODUCT_LIST2"] = rblf.filter_out("%/foo.ko", rblf.expand_wildcard("path/*.ko"))
+	},
+	{
+		desc:   "filter $(VAR), values",
+		mkname: "",
+		in: `
+ifeq (,$(filter $(TARGET_PRODUCT), yukawa_gms yukawa_sei510_gms)
+  ifneq (,$(filter $(TARGET_PRODUCT), yukawa_gms)
+  endif
+		expected: `load("//build/make/core:product_config.rbc", "rblf")
+def init(g, handle):
+  cfg = rblf.cfg(handle)
+  if g["TARGET_PRODUCT"] not in ["yukawa_gms", "yukawa_sei510_gms"]:
+    if g["TARGET_PRODUCT"] in ["yukawa_gms"]:
+      pass
+	},
+	{
+		desc:   "ifeq",
+		mkname: "",
+		in: `
+ifeq (aosp, $(TARGET_PRODUCT)) # Comment
+else ifneq (, $(TARGET_PRODUCT))
+		expected: `load("//build/make/core:product_config.rbc", "rblf")
+def init(g, handle):
+  cfg = rblf.cfg(handle)
+  if "aosp" == g["TARGET_PRODUCT"]:
+    # Comment
+    pass
+  elif g["TARGET_PRODUCT"]:
+    pass
+	},
+	{
+		desc:   "Nested if",
+		mkname: "",
+		in: `
+  PRODUCT_PACKAGES = pack-if0
+    PRODUCT_PACKAGES = pack-if-if
+  else ifdef PRODUCT_NAME
+    PRODUCT_PACKAGES = pack-if-elif
+  else
+    PRODUCT_PACKAGES = pack-if-else
+  endif
+else ifneq (,$(TARGET_PRODUCT))
+  PRODUCT_PACKAGES = pack-elif
+  PRODUCT_PACKAGES = pack-else
+		expected: `load("//build/make/core:product_config.rbc", "rblf")
+def init(g, handle):
+  cfg = rblf.cfg(handle)
+  if g.get("PRODUCT_NAME") != None:
+    cfg["PRODUCT_PACKAGES"] = ["pack-if0"]
+    if g.get("PRODUCT_MODEL") != None:
+      cfg["PRODUCT_PACKAGES"] = ["pack-if-if"]
+    elif g.get("PRODUCT_NAME") != None:
+      cfg["PRODUCT_PACKAGES"] = ["pack-if-elif"]
+    else:
+      cfg["PRODUCT_PACKAGES"] = ["pack-if-else"]
+    cfg["PRODUCT_PACKAGES"] = ["pack-if"]
+  elif g["TARGET_PRODUCT"]:
+    cfg["PRODUCT_PACKAGES"] = ["pack-elif"]
+  else:
+    cfg["PRODUCT_PACKAGES"] = ["pack-else"]
+	},
+	{
+		desc:   "Wildcard",
+		mkname: "",
+		in: `
+ifeq (,$(wildcard
+ifneq (,$(wildcard foo*.mk))
+		expected: `load("//build/make/core:product_config.rbc", "rblf")
+def init(g, handle):
+  cfg = rblf.cfg(handle)
+  if not rblf.file_exists(""):
+    pass
+  if rblf.file_wildcard_exists("foo*.mk"):
+    pass
+	},
+	{
+		desc:   "ifneq $(X),true",
+		mkname: "",
+		in: `
+ifneq ($(VARIABLE),true)
+		expected: `load("//build/make/core:product_config.rbc", "rblf")
+def init(g, handle):
+  cfg = rblf.cfg(handle)
+  if g.get("VARIABLE", "") != "true":
+    pass
+	},
+	{
+		desc:   "Const neq",
+		mkname: "",
+		in: `
+ifneq (1,0)
+		expected: `load("//build/make/core:product_config.rbc", "rblf")
+def init(g, handle):
+  cfg = rblf.cfg(handle)
+  if "1" != "0":
+    pass
+	},
+	{
+		desc:   "is-board calls",
+		mkname: "",
+		in: `
+ifeq ($(call is-board-platform-in-list,msm8998), true)
+else ifneq ($(call is-board-platform,copper),true)
+else ifneq ($(call is-vendor-board-platform,QCOM),true)
+else ifeq ($(call is-product-in-list, $(PLATFORM_LIST)), true)
+		expected: `load("//build/make/core:product_config.rbc", "rblf")
+def init(g, handle):
+  cfg = rblf.cfg(handle)
+  if g.get("TARGET_BOARD_PLATFORM", "") in ["msm8998"]:
+    pass
+  elif g.get("TARGET_BOARD_PLATFORM", "") != "copper":
+    pass
+  elif g.get("TARGET_BOARD_PLATFORM", "") not in g["QCOM_BOARD_PLATFORMS"]:
+    pass
+  elif g["TARGET_PRODUCT"] in g.get("PLATFORM_LIST", []):
+    pass
+	},
+	{
+		desc:   "findstring call",
+		mkname: "",
+		in: `
+ifneq ($(findstring foo,$(PRODUCT_PACKAGES)),)
+		expected: `load("//build/make/core:product_config.rbc", "rblf")
+def init(g, handle):
+  cfg = rblf.cfg(handle)
+  if (cfg.get("PRODUCT_PACKAGES", [])).find("foo") != -1:
+    pass
+	},
+	{
+		desc:   "rhs call",
+		mkname: "",
+		in: `
+PRODUCT_COPY_FILES = $(call add-to-product-copy-files-if-exists, path:distpath) \
+ $(call find-copy-subdir-files, *, fromdir, todir) $(wildcard foo.*)
+		expected: `load("//build/make/core:product_config.rbc", "rblf")
+def init(g, handle):
+  cfg = rblf.cfg(handle)
+  cfg["PRODUCT_COPY_FILES"] = (rblf.copy_if_exists("path:distpath") +
+      rblf.find_and_copy("*", "fromdir", "todir") +
+      rblf.expand_wildcard("foo.*"))
+	},
+	{
+		desc:   "inferred type",
+		mkname: "",
+		in: `
+HIKEY_MODS := $(wildcard foo/*.ko)
+		expected: `load("//build/make/core:product_config.rbc", "rblf")
+def init(g, handle):
+  cfg = rblf.cfg(handle)
+  g["HIKEY_MODS"] = rblf.expand_wildcard("foo/*.ko")
+  g.setdefault("BOARD_VENDOR_KERNEL_MODULES", [])
+	},
+	{
+		desc:   "list with vars",
+		mkname: "",
+		in: `
+		expected: `load("//build/make/core:product_config.rbc", "rblf")
+def init(g, handle):
+  cfg = rblf.cfg(handle)
+  rblf.setdefault(handle, "PRODUCT_COPY_FILES")
+  cfg["PRODUCT_COPY_FILES"] += (("path1:%s/path1" % g["TARGET_PRODUCT"]).split() +
+      ("%s/path2:%s/path2" % (cfg.get("PRODUCT_MODEL", ""), g["TARGET_PRODUCT"])).split())
+	},
+	{
+		desc:   "misc calls",
+		mkname: "",
+		in: `
+$(call enforce-product-packages-exist,)
+$(call enforce-product-packages-exist, foo)
+$(call require-artifacts-in-path, foo, bar)
+$(call require-artifacts-in-path-relaxed, foo, bar)
+		expected: `load("//build/make/core:product_config.rbc", "rblf")
+def init(g, handle):
+  cfg = rblf.cfg(handle)
+  rblf.enforce_product_packages_exist("")
+  rblf.enforce_product_packages_exist("foo")
+  rblf.require_artifacts_in_path("foo", "bar")
+  rblf.require_artifacts_in_path_relaxed("foo", "bar")
+	},
+	{
+		desc:   "list with functions",
+		mkname: "",
+		in: `
+PRODUCT_COPY_FILES := $(call find-copy-subdir-files,*.kl,from1,to1) \
+ $(call find-copy-subdir-files,*.kc,from2,to2) \
+ foo bar
+		expected: `load("//build/make/core:product_config.rbc", "rblf")
+def init(g, handle):
+  cfg = rblf.cfg(handle)
+  cfg["PRODUCT_COPY_FILES"] = (rblf.find_and_copy("*.kl", "from1", "to1") +
+      rblf.find_and_copy("*.kc", "from2", "to2") +
+      [
+          "foo",
+          "bar",
+      ])
+	},
+	{
+		desc:   "Text functions",
+		mkname: "",
+		in: `
+PRODUCT_COPY_FILES := $(addprefix pfx-,a b c)
+PRODUCT_COPY_FILES := $(addsuffix .sff, a b c)
+PRODUCT_NAME := $(word 1, $(subst ., ,$(TARGET_BOARD_PLATFORM)))
+		expected: `load("//build/make/core:product_config.rbc", "rblf")
+def init(g, handle):
+  cfg = rblf.cfg(handle)
+  cfg["PRODUCT_COPY_FILES"] = rblf.addprefix("pfx-", "a b c")
+  cfg["PRODUCT_COPY_FILES"] = rblf.addsuffix(".sff", "a b c")
+  cfg["PRODUCT_NAME"] = ((g.get("TARGET_BOARD_PLATFORM", "")).replace(".", " ")).split()[0]
+	},
+	{
+		desc:   "assignment flavors",
+		mkname: "",
+		in: `
+		expected: `load("//build/make/core:product_config.rbc", "rblf")
+def init(g, handle):
+  cfg = rblf.cfg(handle)
+  cfg["PRODUCT_LIST1"] = ["a"]
+  rblf.setdefault(handle, "PRODUCT_LIST2")
+  cfg["PRODUCT_LIST2"] += ["a"]
+  cfg["PRODUCT_LIST1"] += ["b"]
+  cfg["PRODUCT_LIST2"] += ["b"]
+  if cfg.get("PRODUCT_LIST3") == None:
+    cfg["PRODUCT_LIST3"] = ["a"]
+  cfg["PRODUCT_LIST1"] = ["c"]
+  g.setdefault("PLATFORM_LIST", [])
+  g["PLATFORM_LIST"] += ["x"]
+	},
+	{
+		desc:   "assigment flavors2",
+		mkname: "",
+		in: `
+ifeq (0,1)
+		expected: `load("//build/make/core:product_config.rbc", "rblf")
+def init(g, handle):
+  cfg = rblf.cfg(handle)
+  cfg["PRODUCT_LIST1"] = ["a"]
+  if "0" == "1":
+    cfg["PRODUCT_LIST1"] += ["b"]
+    rblf.setdefault(handle, "PRODUCT_LIST2")
+    cfg["PRODUCT_LIST2"] += ["b"]
+  cfg["PRODUCT_LIST1"] += ["c"]
+  rblf.setdefault(handle, "PRODUCT_LIST2")
+  cfg["PRODUCT_LIST2"] += ["c"]
+	},
+	{
+		desc:   "string split",
+		mkname: "",
+		in: `
+local = b
+local += c
+FOO = d
+FOO += e
+PRODUCT_LIST1 += $(local)
+		expected: `load("//build/make/core:product_config.rbc", "rblf")
+def init(g, handle):
+  cfg = rblf.cfg(handle)
+  cfg["PRODUCT_LIST1"] = ["a"]
+  _local = "b"
+  _local += " " + "c"
+  g["FOO"] = "d"
+  g["FOO"] += " " + "e"
+  cfg["PRODUCT_LIST1"] += (_local).split()
+  cfg["PRODUCT_LIST1"] += (g["FOO"]).split()
+	},
+	{
+		desc:   "apex_jars",
+		mkname: "",
+		in: `
+PRODUCT_BOOT_JARS := $(ART_APEX_JARS) framework-minus-apex
+		expected: `load("//build/make/core:product_config.rbc", "rblf")
+def init(g, handle):
+  cfg = rblf.cfg(handle)
+  cfg["PRODUCT_BOOT_JARS"] = (g.get("ART_APEX_JARS", []) +
+      ["framework-minus-apex"])
+	},
+	{
+		desc:   "strip function",
+		mkname: "",
+		in: `
+ifeq ($(filter hwaddress,$(PRODUCT_PACKAGES)),)
+   PRODUCT_PACKAGES := $(strip $(PRODUCT_PACKAGES) hwaddress)
+		expected: `load("//build/make/core:product_config.rbc", "rblf")
+def init(g, handle):
+  cfg = rblf.cfg(handle)
+  if "hwaddress" not in cfg.get("PRODUCT_PACKAGES", []):
+    cfg["PRODUCT_PACKAGES"] = (rblf.mkstrip("%s hwaddress" % " ".join(cfg.get("PRODUCT_PACKAGES", [])))).split()
+	},
+	{
+		desc:   "strip func in condition",
+		mkname: "",
+		in: `
+ifneq ($(strip $(TARGET_VENDOR)),)
+		expected: `load("//build/make/core:product_config.rbc", "rblf")
+def init(g, handle):
+  cfg = rblf.cfg(handle)
+  if rblf.mkstrip(g.get("TARGET_VENDOR", "")) != "":
+    pass
+	},
+	{
+		desc:   "ref after set",
+		mkname: "",
+		in: `
+ifneq (,$(PRODUCT_ADB_KEYS))
+		expected: `load("//build/make/core:product_config.rbc", "rblf")
+def init(g, handle):
+  cfg = rblf.cfg(handle)
+  g["PRODUCT_ADB_KEYS"] = "value"
+  g["FOO"] = g["PRODUCT_ADB_KEYS"]
+  if g["PRODUCT_ADB_KEYS"]:
+    pass
+	},
+	{
+		desc:   "ref before set",
+		mkname: "",
+		in: `
+ifeq (,$(PRODUCT_ADB_KEYS))
+		expected: `load("//build/make/core:product_config.rbc", "rblf")
+def init(g, handle):
+  cfg = rblf.cfg(handle)
+  g["V1"] = g.get("PRODUCT_ADB_KEYS", "")
+  if not g.get("PRODUCT_ADB_KEYS", ""):
+    g["V2"] = g.get("PRODUCT_ADB_KEYS", "")
+    g["PRODUCT_ADB_KEYS"] = "foo"
+    g["V3"] = g["PRODUCT_ADB_KEYS"]
+	},
+var known_variables = []struct {
+	name  string
+	class varClass
+	starlarkType
+	{"PRODUCT_NAME", VarClassConfig, starlarkTypeString},
+	{"PRODUCT_MODEL", VarClassConfig, starlarkTypeString},
+	{"PRODUCT_PACKAGES", VarClassConfig, starlarkTypeList},
+	{"PRODUCT_BOOT_JARS", VarClassConfig, starlarkTypeList},
+	{"PRODUCT_COPY_FILES", VarClassConfig, starlarkTypeList},
+	{"PRODUCT_IS_64BIT", VarClassConfig, starlarkTypeString},
+	{"PRODUCT_LIST1", VarClassConfig, starlarkTypeList},
+	{"PRODUCT_LIST2", VarClassConfig, starlarkTypeList},
+	{"PRODUCT_LIST3", VarClassConfig, starlarkTypeList},
+	{"TARGET_PRODUCT", VarClassSoong, starlarkTypeString},
+	{"TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT", VarClassSoong, starlarkTypeString},
+	{"TARGET_BOARD_PLATFORM", VarClassSoong, starlarkTypeString},
+	{"QCOM_BOARD_PLATFORMS", VarClassSoong, starlarkTypeString},
+	{"PLATFORM_LIST", VarClassSoong, starlarkTypeList}, // TODO(asmundak): make it local instead of soong
+func TestGood(t *testing.T) {
+	for _, v := range known_variables {
+		KnownVariables.NewVariable(, v.class, v.starlarkType)
+	}
+	for _, test := range testCases {
+		t.Run(test.desc,
+			func(t *testing.T) {
+				ss, err := Convert(Request{
+					MkFile:             test.mkname,
+					Reader:             bytes.NewBufferString(,
+					RootDir:            ".",
+					OutputSuffix:       ".star",
+					WarnPartialSuccess: true,
+				})
+				if err != nil {
+					t.Error(err)
+					return
+				}
+				got := ss.String()
+				if got != test.expected {
+					t.Errorf("%q failed\nExpected:\n%s\nActual:\n%s\n", test.desc,
+						strings.ReplaceAll(test.expected, "\n", "␤\n"),
+						strings.ReplaceAll(got, "\n", "␤\n"))
+				}
+			})
+	}