Expect added members for instrumented modules
hiddenapi expects that all members in a class to have corresponding hidden
API flags. However, this can't be satisfied when the java module having
the class is instrumented; JaCoCo added a few number of synthetic
members. In this case, give 'no-force-assign-all' option to the hidden
api tool so that it doesn't complain about the synthetic methods.
Also, disabling instrumenting jacocoagent itself, because it doesn't
make sense.
Exempt-From-Owner-Approval: PS3 fixes a typo in a comment. PS2 got ORV.
Bug: 149353192
Change-Id: Ibaf383c439945ab664e885af319548b56e2c8cb6
diff --git a/java/hiddenapi.go b/java/hiddenapi.go
index 6020aba..8f34714 100644
--- a/java/hiddenapi.go
+++ b/java/hiddenapi.go
@@ -159,9 +159,21 @@
tmpOutput = android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "hiddenapi", "unaligned", "unaligned.jar")
tmpDir = android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "hiddenapi", "unaligned")
+ enforceHiddenApiFlagsToAllMembers := true
// If frameworks/base doesn't exist we must be building with the 'master-art' manifest.
// Disable assertion that all methods/fields have hidden API flags assigned.
if !ctx.Config().FrameworksBaseDirExists(ctx) {
+ enforceHiddenApiFlagsToAllMembers = false
+ }
+ // b/149353192: when a module is instrumented, jacoco adds synthetic members
+ // $jacocoData and $jacocoInit. Since they don't exist when building the hidden API flags,
+ // don't complain when we don't find hidden API flags for the synthetic members.
+ if j, ok := ctx.Module().(*Library); ok && j.shouldInstrument(ctx) {
+ enforceHiddenApiFlagsToAllMembers = false
+ }
+ if !enforceHiddenApiFlagsToAllMembers {
hiddenapiFlags = "--no-force-assign-all"