Add enforced RRO support to Soong

Ignore overlay directories that have been selected for enforced RRO
by the product, and pass them to Make instead to be converted to
an auto generated RRO package.

Bug: 69917341
Test: m checkbuild
Change-Id: I8e2677f4c600acdd8dee0869bf4fbc3d5dbc8b44
diff --git a/java/app_test.go b/java/app_test.go
index 37489f5..35230d4 100644
--- a/java/app_test.go
+++ b/java/app_test.go
@@ -91,3 +91,144 @@
 			expectedLinkImplicits, res.Implicits.Strings())
+var testEnforceRROTests = []struct {
+	name                       string
+	enforceRROTargets          []string
+	enforceRROExcludedOverlays []string
+	fooOverlayFiles            []string
+	fooRRODirs                 []string
+	barOverlayFiles            []string
+	barRRODirs                 []string
+	{
+		name:                       "no RRO",
+		enforceRROTargets:          nil,
+		enforceRROExcludedOverlays: nil,
+		fooOverlayFiles: []string{
+			"device/vendor/blah/overlay/foo/res/values/strings.xml",
+			"device/vendor/blah/static_overlay/foo/res/values/strings.xml",
+		},
+		fooRRODirs: nil,
+		barOverlayFiles: []string{
+			"device/vendor/blah/overlay/bar/res/values/strings.xml",
+			"device/vendor/blah/static_overlay/bar/res/values/strings.xml",
+		},
+		barRRODirs: nil,
+	},
+	{
+		name:                       "enforce RRO on foo",
+		enforceRROTargets:          []string{"foo"},
+		enforceRROExcludedOverlays: []string{"device/vendor/blah/static_overlay"},
+		fooOverlayFiles: []string{
+			"device/vendor/blah/static_overlay/foo/res/values/strings.xml",
+		},
+		fooRRODirs: []string{
+			"device/vendor/blah/overlay/foo/res",
+		},
+		barOverlayFiles: []string{
+			"device/vendor/blah/overlay/bar/res/values/strings.xml",
+			"device/vendor/blah/static_overlay/bar/res/values/strings.xml",
+		},
+		barRRODirs: nil,
+	},
+	{
+		name:                       "enforce RRO on all",
+		enforceRROTargets:          []string{"*"},
+		enforceRROExcludedOverlays: []string{"device/vendor/blah/static_overlay"},
+		fooOverlayFiles: []string{
+			"device/vendor/blah/static_overlay/foo/res/values/strings.xml",
+		},
+		fooRRODirs: []string{
+			"device/vendor/blah/overlay/foo/res",
+		},
+		barOverlayFiles: []string{
+			"device/vendor/blah/static_overlay/bar/res/values/strings.xml",
+		},
+		barRRODirs: []string{
+			"device/vendor/blah/overlay/bar/res",
+		},
+	},
+func TestEnforceRRO(t *testing.T) {
+	resourceOverlays := []string{
+		"device/vendor/blah/overlay",
+		"device/vendor/blah/overlay2",
+		"device/vendor/blah/static_overlay",
+	}
+	fs := map[string][]byte{
+		"foo/res/res/values/strings.xml":                               nil,
+		"bar/res/res/values/strings.xml":                               nil,
+		"device/vendor/blah/overlay/foo/res/values/strings.xml":        nil,
+		"device/vendor/blah/overlay/bar/res/values/strings.xml":        nil,
+		"device/vendor/blah/static_overlay/foo/res/values/strings.xml": nil,
+		"device/vendor/blah/static_overlay/bar/res/values/strings.xml": nil,
+		"device/vendor/blah/overlay2/res/values/strings.xml":           nil,
+	}
+	bp := `
+			android_app {
+				name: "foo",
+				resource_dirs: ["foo/res"],
+			}
+			android_app {
+				name: "bar",
+				resource_dirs: ["bar/res"],
+			}
+		`
+	for _, testCase := range testEnforceRROTests {
+		t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
+			config := testConfig(nil)
+			config.ProductVariables.ResourceOverlays = &resourceOverlays
+			if testCase.enforceRROTargets != nil {
+				config.ProductVariables.EnforceRROTargets = &testCase.enforceRROTargets
+			}
+			if testCase.enforceRROExcludedOverlays != nil {
+				config.ProductVariables.EnforceRROExcludedOverlays = &testCase.enforceRROExcludedOverlays
+			}
+			ctx := testAppContext(config, bp, fs)
+			run(t, ctx, config)
+			getOverlays := func(moduleName string) ([]string, []string) {
+				module := ctx.ModuleForTests(moduleName, "android_common")
+				overlayCompiledPaths := module.Output("aapt2/overlay.list").Inputs.Strings()
+				var overlayFiles []string
+				for _, o := range overlayCompiledPaths {
+					overlayFiles = append(overlayFiles, module.Output(o).Inputs.Strings()...)
+				}
+				rroDirs := module.Module().(*AndroidApp).rroDirs.Strings()
+				return overlayFiles, rroDirs
+			}
+			fooOverlayFiles, fooRRODirs := getOverlays("foo")
+			barOverlayFiles, barRRODirs := getOverlays("bar")
+			if !reflect.DeepEqual(fooOverlayFiles, testCase.fooOverlayFiles) {
+				t.Errorf("expected foo overlay files:\n  %#v\n got:\n  %#v",
+					testCase.fooOverlayFiles, fooOverlayFiles)
+			}
+			if !reflect.DeepEqual(fooRRODirs, testCase.fooRRODirs) {
+				t.Errorf("expected foo rroDirs:  %#v\n got:\n  %#v",
+					testCase.fooRRODirs, fooRRODirs)
+			}
+			if !reflect.DeepEqual(barOverlayFiles, testCase.barOverlayFiles) {
+				t.Errorf("expected bar overlay files:\n  %#v\n got:\n  %#v",
+					testCase.barOverlayFiles, barOverlayFiles)
+			}
+			if !reflect.DeepEqual(barRRODirs, testCase.barRRODirs) {
+				t.Errorf("expected bar rroDirs:  %#v\n got:\n  %#v",
+					testCase.barRRODirs, barRRODirs)
+			}
+		})
+	}